The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 548: Conversation and Recruitment (First Update)

The more he observed this existence, the more Lin Yi discovered something amazing.

This life form was completely different from all the creatures he had ever seen.

Countless soul ions formed colorful brilliance in his body.

Those brilliances actually had their own structures and functions.

Finally, a perfect system was formed, allowing countless soul ions to operate in his body. It seemed to be a brand new soul life system.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, and a trace of shock appeared in his eyes.

"Awesome, there are such creatures in this world."

"It is made of pure soul matter. If I kill it or subdue it, I wonder if it can produce soul matter for me in an endless supply?"

However, at this time, he also observed the danger of this thing through the true destiny.

Although this thing is based on soul matter and constructs a brand new power system, Lin Yi sensed the deepest part of this system, involving the power of the spiritual level.

Because the soul power in the other party's body will produce a wonderful consumption during the continuous operation.

This consumption seems to be a transformation, and the power of the soul is transformed and integrated into this life, an invisible hole.

That hole seemed to be the spiritual level, and all the transformed power was flowing into the soul.

"It's spiritual power again. This world is a bit strange."

"It doesn't have any similarities with the cultivation system of the Red Lotus Realm."

"Completely different systems."

"This thing is at least at the level of Earthly Immortals. It's not easy to subdue it."

"To fight against unknown existence, you must face unknown power systems."

"It seems that there will be considerable danger."

Thinking of this, he looked at the high priest, "I will test this thing later. I will send you up first."

The high priest nodded when she heard it. She couldn't see anything here, but she knew that Lin Yi would definitely see everything.

A few minutes later, the high priest appeared above the Death Canyon again.

Lin Yi glanced at her and said, "Be careful. It will probably be more chaotic later."

"It's best to stay away from the canyon entrance to avoid being rushed in."

"I understand, please rest assured, sir, I will protect myself."

Lin Yi nodded, and then disappeared in front of the high priest.

A few minutes later, Lin Yi appeared at the bottom of the canyon again, looking at the mysterious area covering hundreds of meters.

His arrival has awakened the mysterious existence inside.

The colorful transparent figure opened his eyes, which were two eyes composed of colorful vortex light spots.

He took a deep breath, and a hint of hesitation appeared in his eyes.

A wonderful message appeared in Lin Yi's mind.

"Who are you?"

"I should ask this question," Lin Yi smiled faintly, looking at this mysterious existence curiously.

A highly intelligent existence, "maybe I can learn something from him."

"I am a soul hunter, traveling through countless worlds and hunting countless souls."

"Soul hunter? From what you said, you seem to be collecting souls specifically?"

"Yes, I am here to collect souls in this world, they are all good resources."

Lin Yi frowned, and he had roughly understood the other party's behavior pattern in his heart.

This is an existence without any human morality, pure jungle law.

"So, soul harvester, do you know that there are gods in this world?"

"It has passed the news of your arrival to the life forms in this world."

"They are already preparing to deal with you."

The soul hunter heard this, and a cold message flashed in Lin Yi's mind, "Are you afraid of the threat of ants?"

"Don't say the creatures in this world, even their masters, the gods have been harvested."

"The master of the soul is the end of countless worlds, and as the harvester of the master, nothing can stop us."

Lin Yi quietly looked at the existence who called himself the soul harvester, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"I'm very curious. Since you are so powerful, why do you tell me all this?"

"Since the so-called life is just an object to be harvested in your eyes, then you just need to kill me."

"You don't need to tell me this at all."

"Then it can be inferred that you told me this only because you are not sure you can kill me."

"So you need to use words to stabilize me and achieve a certain purpose."

"Hehe, arrogant mortal, the first time I saw you, I knew you were a disgusting immortal series practitioner."

"I have harvested countless beings like you."

"I know your power better than you do."

"The reason I tell you this is just because I want to give you a chance."

"An opportunity to become a spokesperson under the command of the Soul Master."

"Oh, the spokesperson of the Soul Master."

"What do I need to do?"

The Soul Hunter's eyes have been looking at Lin Yi, and he said with a cold look, "What you have to do is very simple, that is, to capture those powerful lives, bring them to me and kill them."

"Sacrifice their souls to me."

"Is that so? This kind of thing is actually very simple to do, but what's the benefit for me?"

The transparent body of the soul hunter was expressionless, "As the spokesperson of the soul master, your biggest benefit is that you will have the opportunity to become a soul hunter."

"So as to obtain eternal life and enter the great soul destination."

"That is the place that countless souls want to enter, the eternal utopia, avoiding all disasters."

"People like you who practice the power of immortals are always surrounded by countless dangers."

"You should be in a realm called the earth immortal path now, with a catastrophe once every 500 years. No one in the earth immortal path can pass the ninth catastrophe."

"This is the rule of the universe. It is a limit that creatures with three states of matter, energy, and soul cannot surpass."

"Only the soul master has opened up the soul's path and created an eternal destination, which laid the foundation for eternal life."

Listening to the information leaked by the soul hunter, Lin Yi was thoughtful.

"Eternal life? This is indeed a huge temptation. Any living being cannot refuse this temptation."

The soul hunter seemed to be very clear about the pursuit of immortality. The cold message flashed in the spirit of the soul.

"So this is the greatest treatment given to you by the soul master. This is the treatment that countless living beings dream of."

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