The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 572: Attack, Time and Space (Second Update)

"These two plans will be carried out at the same time."

"So now it's our turn to kill the strange beings to the maximum extent, so that the army has an advantage and reduces casualties."

"There is only one tactic we can use now that can greatly reduce the number of strange beings."

"Tear apart the strange clouds in the sky and use the light of the Red Lotus Realm Sun to eliminate a large number of strange beings."

"So I suggest that we act together."

"Even if Gu Huahui faces all of us, he is just a mantis trying to stop a chariot."

"We need to increase our advantages and the possibility of victory little by little."

Everyone looked at Tongshenzi, and no one objected. The Immortal Dragon Realm allowed them to see the possibility of winning this war.

Although it was very small.

Within a safe range, they also supported Tongshenzi's plan.

Mie Wuqing expressed his opinion first, "Yes."

Dao Zong Dao Tianxian, "Good."

Huang Yuxian, "It's feasible."


Seeing that everyone agreed to his proposal, Tongshenzi felt a little happy.

"Then please all take action together."


The next moment, 13 infinite rays of light rose from the command center.

13 figures of various colors cut through the sky and rushed into the strange clouds above the strange beings.

As if with the power of the God of the Sun, huge shock waves and explosions exploded from the clouds.

This force seemed to tear the entire cloud apart and turn the sky into a pure world.

But something unexpected happened.

The range covered by this strange cloud was too huge, almost reaching a range of thousands of kilometers.

Although the explosion was fierce, at this time, the cloud seemed to have a will, and it was surging violently.

One after another, the clouds rolled from farther away, like a big wave.

Surge towards this cloud that was shaken by the shock wave. A huge black wave slammed into the hole torn by 13 high-level Tianxiandao.


The huge black clouds in the sky were shaking and fluctuating.

The torn hole was covered again in an instant.

The impact was like a collapse of the sky, causing 13 high-level Tianxiandao-level people to sway in the clouds.

Like the surface of the sea, the waves were surging, forming waves of clouds and mist.

Facing the huge waves of clouds and mist, Tongshenzi and others also changed their expressions slightly.

Although their power can affect an area of ​​ten kilometers, dozens of kilometers, or even hundreds of kilometers.

But facing the huge waves of thousands of kilometers, they cannot suppress them in one fell swoop.

The thoughts of Dao Tianxian, the leader of Dao Sect, rang in everyone's mind, "Everyone, the power of the ancient painting gray and this sea of ​​clouds are combined into one. The power of this sea of ​​clouds comes from the strange army below."

"It is impossible for us to destroy this place alone. Now we can only wait for the result of a head-on war."

"Carry out the following two backup plans. Whether it is the completion of the altar or the increase in the number of masters from the earthly immortals, it can greatly enhance our combat power."

"Let Xingyuezi and the deputy director of the headquarters preside over this backup plan."

Dao Tianxian's voice was cold and put forward the top priority at the moment.

This time no one objected, even Huang Huangyuxian had nothing to say. The situation was so great that Lin Yi needed to make sacrifices.

However, one of his thoughts had already turned invisible and was transmitted to Sakuramiya Shirley's house.


In the Wanshiwu, Lin Yi was in front of the French window, sorting out his life's learning and carefully feeling every bit of power in his body.

At the same time, he was playing with the treasures of the universe in his hands.

There are countless information in it, which evolves the composition and transformation of all things in the universe in his eyes.

There are quite a lot of information in it, which are verified with various theories he has learned before.

For example, gravity, dark matter, the speed of light, the law of mass and energy, etc.

The information he has seen from it during this period has verified the authenticity of various knowledge he has learned.

His understanding of the world is becoming more and more real and close to the essence.

For example, the speed of light is not absolutely constant, because its speed will change in different cosmic locations.

Or medium-sized black holes that should not exist are also seen by him through the treasures of the universe, and human theories have many flaws.

Even the laws of physics will change under different circumstances.

After watching and understanding this information, he is also sorting out the essence of cultivation in this world.

He knows very well that once he understands the essence of cultivation, he can more easily grasp the laws of heaven and earth and use them for his own benefit.

Truly achieve the degree of unity of all laws.

For example, at this time, a ray of Buddha light in his left hand is flashing, and under the absolute control of his true source of life, an independent space-time has evolved.

His Buddha light even became the most basic space-time structure, which was incredible.

If he had not understood the concept of space-time from the treasures of this universe, he would not have been able to use the true source of life to create this independent space-time.

This thing seemed to be only the size of a palm and seemed to have no effect.

But if Lin Yi made it explode and collapse, it would be equivalent to the collapse of space-time.

All material energy depends on space-time to exist. When space-time collapses, any material energy will be swallowed up and disappeared, and then erased.

This is the result of his mastery of information and transformation into power.

Although he has not mastered other skills now, no one can resist the power of evolving time and space and then breaking time and space.

At least, if you don't enter the Heavenly Immortal Dao, there is absolutely no possibility of resistance.

This simple independent time and space has already given him an invincible killing method.

At this time, his independent time and space is still a round and flawless form, just like a table tennis ball.

That's because his understanding of the power of time and space is only superficial.

It is not possible to manipulate time and space at will, and the circle is the most stable form.

"But it can be used in actual combat."

"I don't know if you can take it, and whether you can withstand my move - time and space collapse."

With a smile, Lin Yi's eyes swept around, looking at the earthly immortal masters surrounding the Wanshiwu one after another.

They hid in the dark, thinking that Lin Yi couldn't see, but in fact, everything within a radius of one kilometer was clearly visible in Lin Yi's eyes.

"33 Earth Immortal Dao masters, from different sects, almost all the sects are here."

"But you probably don't know, I have seen the power in your body clearly."

At this time, in Lin Yi's mind, all the Earth Immortal Dao techniques of the 33 sects have no secrets.

As long as he wants, he can use the techniques of the 33 sects at any time.

The only difference is that he has not yet mastered the killing methods of these sects, that is, he only has the training method but no fighting method.

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