The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 594: Murderous Intentions and Plans (Second Update)

Gu looked at Lin Yi with a blank expression, then turned around slowly and stood at the door of the Wanshiwu.

Outside, strange black tentacles spread over his body and connected to his lower body.

When all the strange tentacles wrapped around his waist, Gu turned and looked at Lin Yi.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Lin Yi looked at Gu with a calm expression, "Afraid? Why should I be afraid?"

"Just because you have recovered your strength and appear very dangerous?"

Gu looked at Lin Yi with a calm look, "You are very good. No one has been able to speak so calmly in front of me for many years."

"Remember my name, Gu, one of the crowns of the dark abyss."

"We will meet again in the future, people from another world."

"I smell the breath of immortality on you."

Lin Yi's eyebrows jumped slightly when he heard this.

Gu's body flashed and disappeared into the darkness outside the door, returning silently to the mouth of the giant face.

The huge face, two eyes flashing with black flames, slowly retreated, swam his huge body, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Lin Yi's eyes looked at the dark world outside, which was a world without light.

Countless strange plants, rocks everywhere, huge figures swam in it, and disappeared into the depths of darkness.

Brandy suddenly closed the Wanshiwu, and his face showed a feeling of surviving a disaster.

Just now when "Gu" recovered his strength, he felt an unimaginable terrifying pressure, and at the same time, there was a deadly look, covering the entire Wanshiwu.

At this time, not only Brandy, but everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they were all shrouded by a breath of death just now.

If Lin Yi hadn't calmly ignored this deadly aura lock, I'm afraid all of them would have died.

The guest just now obviously wanted to kill all of them.

But Lin Yi's disregard made him stop thinking about it.

Outside, in the darkness in the distance, the huge face looked back in the direction of the Foreign Affairs House, and a cold thought was thinking.

"What a terrifying life that can ignore my death decree."

"It seems we will be in touch again in the future."

"If we can trade lifespan, then we can trade other things."

The huge face, expressionless, went into the darkness and then disappeared.

The Wanshiwu also disappeared at this time.

Outside the French window, the scenery did not change strangely again this time.

It was reconnected to the regular alien world, and the hazy fog enveloped the outside.

Some strange trees can be seen from time to time, and strange beings flashed by.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at the huge lifespan crystal in his hand, and his mind moved.

One by one, the crystals slid down from the huge lifespan crystal and quickly fell into the wooden box.

The 10,000-year lifespan crystals soon filled the entire wooden box, a total of 200 50-year lifespans.

Looking at the box full of life crystals, Lin Yi closed it, "I didn't expect that I could collect enough life crystals in one night."

"But it was really dangerous just now. That Gu Xiang wanted to snatch the life crystals back after completing the transaction."

"It's not that simple. I won't give you a chance."

"But this situation must be prevented in the future. Once this happens, there will definitely be a second time."

"In the future, this clause should also be added to the contract. After completing the contract, you must leave the Wanshiwu and not take any other actions."

"Especially when facing the existence of the Tianxiandao level, there can be no luck."

"The next step is to wait for the transaction with the sect."

"The transaction can be delayed for a month, and the transaction cannot be successful in one go."

"Otherwise, these sects may give up protecting me."

"Xingyuezi and the deputy director general will come to me again."

"Hehe, Xingyuezi probably didn't expect that I would see a perfect gifted body from him."

Last time, the deputy director general and Xingyuezi appeared and participated in the encirclement and suppression.

Lin Yi did not gain nothing.

His biggest gain was seeing the perfect body of Xingyuezi, which was a combination of talents.

His true destiny can see through everything, including Xingyuezi's perfect body.

And when he saw the perfect divine body, he analyzed all the talents involved.

In the analyzed information, he discovered a secret.

Once his earthly immortal true body copied this perfect divine body, he would directly step into the first level of the heavenly immortal way.

"If I complete the Heavenly Immortal Path, I think all of you will have very interesting expressions."

"But the talents collected by Xingyuezi are not perfect enough."

"Under the analysis of the True Destiny Path, many flaws can be seen."

"A total of 108 talents make up this divine body."

"But according to the True Destiny Path, there are at least 257 flaws."

"That is to say, 257 talents are still missing, and the divine body composed of 365 talents is perfect."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi was thoughtful, "108 constitutes a small talent cycle, and 365 is a real perfect cycle, involving every part of the genetic structure."

"108 cycles only involve the general direction of the genetic structure and constitute a large framework."

"Although it is also a closed talent cycle, there are many minor conflicts and incoordination parts in it."

"In this case, my human immortal body may be used as an experimental basis."

"I wonder if the 108 talent cycles can break the innate physical limits of the human body."

"Become a body that can rival the power of a celestial immortal?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's heart was burning, if it could really be done.

Even if his earthly immortal soul has not entered the celestial immortal path, his human immortal body can have the power of the celestial immortal path.

Just now, when he observed Gu, he had discovered some secrets of the other party.

Mastering the power of the celestial immortal path with a physical body, and the body structure is exactly the same as that of humans.

He already has a plan in his mind, how to complete his "celestial immortal combat power body plan".

"Let's try it first."

"See if my idea can succeed before talking about other things."

"If it succeeds, maybe I can create celestial immortal combat power in batches."

Lin Yi looked at the clock. It was already 6:00 in the morning. The time to connect to the other world tonight is about to end.

Basically, at 6:30 in the morning every day, the connection between the Yorozuya and the other world will be broken.

Lin Yi looked at Brandy and others, "Okay, everyone, take a rest."

"There is no need to open the door today."

His eyes fell on the strange child, "Send the things to Sakuramiya Shirley, and tell her at the same time."

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