The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 601: Cutting the door and attacking (3rd update)

Even the two soul hunters looked solemn after seeing this radiance.

"The light of the fairyland? Interesting, I didn't expect to see the prototype of the fairyland in this world."

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"It is not impossible for the power of the fairyland to destroy the door to the other world."

Wudao's eyes flashed with an interesting look, watching the hundred-foot sword in the hands of Tongshenzi, slashing towards the sky.

All this tore through the sun, moon, stars, and the space was shattered and collapsed under this sword.


Everyone heard a tearing sound, as if something was torn apart by this sword light.

Countless people looked carefully and found out what it was.

A black mark appeared where the sword light passed, and a great fear rose from the hearts of everyone.

That was the cut space, and there seemed to be something terrifying there.

The more the huge sword light flew upwards, the narrower and longer it became, reaching hundreds of kilometers directly.

It just completely cut the gate to the other world in the middle.

The huge vortex formed by the gate to the other world, the moment it came into contact with the purple sword light.


A strange twisting sound and collision sound continued to sound, which was very harsh, but even if everyone blocked their ears, they could not stop this sound from entering their minds.

It was visible to the naked eye that the huge vortex was directly split in the middle by a purple sword light.

Starting from the center of the split, countless fragments continued to spread to both sides of the vortex, and finally turned into a huge black hole.

A huge hole of hundreds of kilometers, filled with countless fragments of time and space in the middle.

But at this time, infinite suction broke out from it, and the infinite energy in the Red Lotus Realm seemed to be attracted and swarmed into it.

It seemed to want to fill this broken space and completely repair it.

And at this time, Ai Qing on the ground once again activated the scepter in his hand.

He suddenly grasped the scepter with both hands, stimulating the power in it.

It seemed to resonate with the countless fragments of time and space that were shattered in the sky.

The mighty power surged wildly, and the broken time and space seemed to attract each other and reunite.

The door to the other world seemed to be reopened.

This scene made Tongshenzi and others change their faces suddenly.

"What's going on?"

"Why is the door to the other world recondensing?"

Dao Tianxian said with a serious face.

He looked at the president of the Weird Association and the director of the hospital. They were the two most powerful weirdos, except for Gu Huahui.

Even the deputy director was not as good as them. These two were at least weirdos who had existed for thousands of years.

In the past, when the people of the Xiandao Sect had not descended, they represented the supreme power.

They influenced the development of the entire world behind the scenes, and even the change of dynasties was affected by them.

The two also looked ugly at this time, and they didn't know what was going on.

At this time, all the life crystals of the sect members have been consumed.

They can only watch quietly, one pale, and can do nothing.

At this time, each of them has maintained the minimum life span, which is about a few years.

If they are allowed to burn their life span again, they will die on the spot.

The previous attack almost exhausted all their reserve life span, and even the dragon energy accumulated by the Red Lotus Empire was greatly affected.

At the beginning, the dragon energy of the Red Lotus Empire was broken by the sect's design, and at least 30% of the dragon energy of the empire was affected.

And this series of strange invasions in the empire has caused the dragon energy accumulated by the empire for countless years to disappear by nearly half.

That previous attack must have consumed at least 30% of the remaining dragon energy of the Red Lotus Empire.

At this time, the empire is already unprecedentedly weak. If there is another chaos, it is possible that it will even fall apart directly.

As the person with the deepest connection to the dragon energy, Tongshenzi can clearly feel the weakness of the dragon energy of the empire.

At this time, there is a fear and anger in his heart, and perhaps his plan will fail.

Once the empire is destroyed, his northern province will only survive after all.

Facing the strange army, it was only a matter of time before they were completely destroyed.

But at this moment, two brilliant lights rose in the distance, and at a lightning speed, they suddenly rushed into the center of the strange army.

They accurately hit the mysterious scepter in front of Ai Qing.

All the people on the battlefield were shocked by the two lights that suddenly came.

The empire's Tianxiandao masters looked at the direction where the two lights came from, led by the deputy director and Xingyuezi, and immediately realized what the two forces were.

"Those two soul hunters."

"Why did they take action?"

This question immediately arose in everyone's mind.

At the same time, the two lights completely hit Ai Qing and the scepter under his feet.

The terrifying power erupted instantly, and the destruction of the soul level to the material level was also very terrifying.

A mysterious distortion covered Ai Qing and the area within a radius of 30 meters in an instant.

Everything was shattered in an instant, distorted by the power of the soul.

In this twisted area, only Ai Qing held the scepter tightly, releasing a pure and strange power to resist the distortion of these two forces.

But these two forces were too terrifying, and they exhausted the power released by the scepter to the extreme.

Only a thin layer was left to surround Ai Qing and the scepter.

Even half of Ai Qing's body was wiped out by these two forces.

The bottom of the scepter, the top of the pyramid, and the part buried underground were also affected by these two forces.

The basic structure of the pyramid was broken at an alarming speed, and the gate to the other world that was originally healing in the sky also stopped instantly.

Countless fragments of time and space began to decompose rapidly, and a large amount of energy from heaven and earth rushed into it.

It can be seen with the naked eye that this piece of time and space quickly returned to its original state, and the area covered by the gate to the other world was shrinking rapidly.

The empire's Tianxiandao masters also keenly noticed this situation, and a hint of surprise appeared on their faces.

"These two guys are helping us," Dao Tianxian and others were slightly stunned.

Then everyone realized the reason, "They are treating us as prey."

"Weird existences are not allowed to snatch their prey."

Instantly, anger rose in everyone's hearts.

Dao Tianxian smiled coldly, "Hehe, don't be angry, as long as we eliminate this strange invasion, we will have at least one month of safety."

"Then we will do our best to find these two guys and eliminate them."

"We must nip the bud of future threats in the bud."

"They will naturally regret their actions today in the future."

"Kill him while he is sick, everyone work together and kill Gu Huahui first."

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