The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 616 Conditions, Nothingness (First Update)

"There is no time to keep arguing here, it's meaningless," Mie Wuqing of the Nitian Dao Sect said slowly.

Everyone thought about it and did not object.

Dao Tianxian narrowed his eyes slightly, "Let's start,"

One minute later, the voting data was already very clear.

"7:6, kill the soul hunter first," Dao Tianxian's voice was full of murderous intent.

"The time is set for tomorrow morning."

"Deputy Director, please invite Lin Yi."

The deputy director stood up from his seat with a cold face, and disappeared here with a flash of an inexplicable smile on his face.

In the Wanshiwu, Lin Yi was using his true destiny to constantly observe the battlefield.

He was looking for people with talents in the frontline troops of the empire.

It is not an easy task to search one by one among millions of people.

Throughout the morning, he only found three people with talents.

The talent of one of them has been included in the talent of the Supreme God Body.

"It's not that easy to find other types of talents."

"It takes a lot of time."

"But I don't lack time now."

"The forces of the Red Lotus Realm can no longer pose a fatal threat to me."

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared outside the door of the Wanshiwu.

The man pushed the door open and entered, and the powerful breath of Yigu rushed to his face.

Everyone in the Wanshiwu looked at him.

Lin Yi looked at the person who came in, with a hint of surprise in his eyes and a faint sneer on his face.

"It turns out to be the deputy director. I don't know what brought you here. My temple is too small to accommodate a big Buddha like you."

The deputy director had a smile on his face, and he didn't care about Lin Yi's sarcasm at all.

"It's nothing special, just a mission, I don't know if you are interested."

"I'm only here on behalf of the Empire."

"Oh, mission, I don't know what mission it is."

"Tomorrow morning we will attack the Soul Hunters and gather all our strength to wipe them out of this world."

"We need you to restrain these two people."

"Your power can ignore any attack, we need you to help hold them back."

"Then we will use our maximum power to launch a saturation attack on them."

"Concentrate fire on them and eliminate them."

Hearing this plan, Lin Yi's mind flashed, and he already knew what these people were thinking.

In a battle at the level of celestial beings, if the opponent is determined to run away and wants to kill the opponent and leave him, it is almost impossible.

Unless someone is willing to make sacrifices, go all out, stop the opponent, and create opportunities for others.

The empire's ultimate blow is naturally a fatal blow that burns the lifespan of many earthly immortal masters.

The power of hundreds of celestial beings is gathered together. After the transformation of the war, no existence can resist.

The target person and the person who entangles the target are naturally within the attack range, and it is self-evident what their outcome will be.

But Lin Yi is different. He can ignore any attack. Even the power of countless immortals cannot hurt him at all.

"You want me to be cannon fodder?"

"Interesting, it's not impossible, but what price do you have to pay? In order to let me be this cannon fodder?"

"The price is here. You can choose any of the weird things in the list."

"You can choose one level one weird thing, three level two weird things, five level three weird things, and ten level four weird things."

When Lin Yi heard this condition, he was undoubtedly moved. Each weird thing represents a wonderful characteristic.

Especially the level one weird thing, it is something that can definitely affect the combat power of the immortal level.

There are only two level one items in the entire weird thing management office.

One of them, the Crown of Destruction, is already in his hand.

The other one is called the Spear of Nothingness.

This is an offensive weird thing. Anything pierced by this weird thing will turn into nothingness in an instant.

Whether it is energy, time and space, or matter and soul, there are no exceptions. It can be said to be a first-level must-kill item.

It stands to reason that such a powerful thing should have been used long ago. It can be used to deal with ancient painting gray and soul hunters. This thing can be called a killer.

But the reason why it was not used is that it has a condition for use.

Every use consumes the life and soul of the user.

As long as the Spear of Nothingness is used, the user's soul will be scattered and will definitely die, and the person being targeted will also definitely die.

This is a thing that is close to the law of cause and effect. Once used, it will lead to two inevitable results.

To use the Spear of Nothingness, the minimum level must reach the combat power of the Earth Immortal Dao level to be able to hold this Spear of Nothingness.

Because of this huge restriction, no one has ever thought of using these things.

Unless you really want to perish together, it is possible to use this thing.

Lin Yi said without thinking, "I want the Spear of Nothingness."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, the deputy director was stunned.

He thought Lin Yi would choose a strange object, but he didn't expect that he would really want the Spear of Nothingness.

This item is almost one of the most dangerous things in the Strange Management Office.

Its lethality is almost absolute, but because of this, it is strictly restricted and will not be obtained by anyone.

Because no one wants to die suddenly and inexplicably.

After all, for the masters of the Heavenly Immortal Dao, life is also the only thing.

If someone uses some conditions to force a certain Earthly Immortal Dao-level master.

Let the other party use his life and soul to use this weapon, then all the Heavenly Immortal Dao-level masters in the Red Lotus Realm will not feel at ease.

This kind of thing has happened in the past.

You must know that for millions of years, in the days when there were no sects, the power of the weird side was the only supernatural power in the Red Lotus Realm.

Before the establishment of the empire, the weird forces existed for countless years.

There were countless battles and killings in the meantime.

There was no shortage of forces that mastered the Spear of Nothingness.

This first-level weird object appeared too long ago and it is almost impossible to trace.

But every time it appeared in front of the world, it represented the fall of a weird-level existence.

This is almost a strategic-level weird object, but the cost of using it is too high.

No one is willing to use it unless it is a life-and-death moment or when they are completely desperate.

Every time this weapon is used, it mysteriously disappears.

It is said that once this weapon is used, it will cause strange changes and then disappear from the world.

At some point in the future, it will reappear and fall into someone else's hands.

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