The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 632: Quarrel, Eyes (First Update)

After hearing this, Lao Wei's face suddenly became nervous, and he looked at Lin Yi and said, "What should we do now?"

"Will we survive?"

Lin Yi said calmly, "Don't worry, the Wanshi House has enough food for us to use for hundreds of years."

And this place is already strange, and air and other substances are automatically generated, so there is no need to worry about breathing problems.

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"Only you, your son, Brandy, and the two people from the Sakura Palace family need food in the store. Everyone else has gotten rid of the need for food."

"You don't have to worry about starving to death,"

Lin Yi frowned slightly on his face. Now his celestial body is sleeping in the Dantian Spirit Pool of his human immortal body.

He is still using his human immortal body.

Time in the Red Lotus Realm has always been tight, and he has little time to read the various methods and books he has exchanged.

All the knowledge content is piled up in his bedroom.

Lin Yi looked out the French window, "Now we can only wait temporarily."

"Wait for the Wanshiwu to stop, or approach a certain world."

Sakuramiya Shirley's face was slightly solemn. The void outside seemed endless, and the probability of them just encountering a suitable world was very low.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Now there is another question."

"What if the Wanshiwu has been floating in the void?"

"Our supplies will always run out."

"And we don't know whether we can extract power from the void to replenish our own consumption."

Lin Yi glanced at her, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, simply absorbing energy is not a difficult thing."

After the voice fell, Lin Yi waved his hand slightly, and infinite energy was sucked from the void into the Wanshiwu.

A colorful and violent energy appeared in the hall of the Wanshiwu.

Sakuramiya Shirley frowned slightly when she saw this ball of energy.

"The spiritual content of these energies is scarce. It takes a lot of time to refine them to a level that can be absorbed."

"The spiritual content of the energy we absorb must reach a certain proportion, otherwise it will be harmful rather than beneficial."

"With this level of energy and spiritual content, we can only maintain the status quo at best. It is almost impossible to go further."

"Unless we can create a cave."

Lin Yi thought for a while, "Let's maintain the balance first, and see what will happen next."

"As for the cave, we can only wait and see."

"That's the only way."

For a while, the Wanshiwu was completely silent.

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye, and suddenly the Wanshiwu sounded at twelve o'clock.

Lin Yi looked at the clock. Although he left the Red Lotus Realm, it was still running.

At this time, in the Wanshiwu, except for the two old men of the Sakura Palace family, everyone was sitting in the lobby.

They were either reading books in their hands or playing poker.

After leaving the Red Lotus Realm, they no longer had the Internet and could not entertain themselves in the past.

Poker and books are their only entertainment, and maybe it will be like this for a long time in the future.

The sudden gurgling sound attracted everyone's attention, and the Wanshiwu suddenly became quiet.

At this time, Lafite Red Wine was lying in front of a glass of red wine with his legs crossed.

His face was flushed, and his hand grabbed a straw and was sucking the red wine in the glass.

Hearing the gurgling sound, a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes.

"Dead bird, it's starting to cry again."

The voice of Lafite Red Wine broke the peace of the whole Wanshiwu.

At this time, Absinthe, who was playing poker, had a sneer on his face, "Haha, drunkard."

"Be careful that you will get drunk to death in the wine jar one day."

"It's all you who caused it, and you're still drinking here."

"You really don't know how to live or die."

Hearing the provocation of Absinthe, Lafite Red Wine jumped up and waved the trident in his hand.

"What? What did you say?"

"Bah, if he hadn't caught me, you wouldn't have had this happen to you."

"You deserve it, blame him if you want to blame someone."

Lafite Red Wine seemed to be fearless at this time, and directly blamed all the faults on Lin Yi.

And what it said was indeed right.

If it wasn't because Lin Yi caught it, it wouldn't be trapped here, and it wouldn't be found by the tribe.

Hearing this, Lin Yi's eyes retracted from the book in front of him and fell on Lafite Red Wine.

In an instant, Lafite Red Wine was pressed on the bar by a huge pressure.

Suddenly it suddenly sobered up, and the drunkenness in its eyes disappeared instantly.

Immediately, with a smile on his face, he looked at Lin Yi and said.

"Manager, spare me, manager, spare me."

"It's all Absinthe's fault. He deliberately took advantage of me when I was not sober to provoke me."

"That's why I panicked and said nothing. I absolutely dare not say anything against you."

Lin Yi looked at him silently, "I hope there won't be a next time."

"Remember that you are just a trophy I captured."

"Yes, yes, manager, I won't dare to do it again."

Lin Yi retracted his gaze and looked outside.

I don't know when the dark void has turned into a world shrouded in fog.

It is a strange world, a mysterious place.

At this time, a huge black torrent was sweeping in from afar.

Wherever this torrent passed, everything was submerged, and the earth turned into an ocean in an instant.

Lin Yi could see that some strange trees were also submerged in the sea in an instant.

In just a few breaths, the huge black liquid had completely submerged the outside.

Everyone in the Wanshiwu felt a huge oppression.

It seemed that something terrifying appeared in the black liquid.

At this time, a blood-colored eye slowly floated past the French window.

This was a pure blood-colored eye, with only a vertical black pupil in the middle, quietly watching everything inside the Wanshiwu.

This cold eye made everyone feel cold all over, and there seemed to be countless evil thoughts rolling in their hearts.

But the next moment, a hazy green light enveloped everyone.

The green light was still Lin Yi's true destiny, and it was directly immune to all spiritual and soul-level powers.

After everyone was immune to the oppression of the eyes, the blood-colored eyes and black pupils seemed to notice Lin Yi.

The pupils moved slightly and looked at him.

A malice ten times or even a hundred times stronger than before enveloped Lin Yi.

But unfortunately, all the malice was useless and could not fall on Lin Yi. He seemed to be non-existent.

The blood-red eyes stared at Lin Yi for more than ten seconds, as if surprised by Lin Yi's lack of reaction.

After a few seconds, the blood-red eyes slowly left the position in front of the French window.

It was pitch black outside again.

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