The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 634 Dissipation and Fall (First Update)

The big celestial body is an orange-red planet, like the sun.

The small celestial body is a snow-white sphere like the moon.

They orbit the blue planet in the center, slowly rotating, bringing day and night to the planet.

Suddenly Lin Yi's pupils shrank, and he saw an amazing scene.

I don't know when, the dark void outside turned into an infinite Milky Way starry sky.

It seemed that in an instant, the Wanshiwu passed through some barrier and entered a brand new universe.

But he soon discovered that all the stars in the universe were very far away from these three celestial bodies, and they were as bright as the Milky Way and spread across the void.

Lin Yi keenly noticed that this piece of void seemed to be a little different.

The light of the true destiny flashed in his eyes, and he instantly saw what was different.

In the void outside, the originally violent energy still had a trace of spirituality.

But now, all the energy in this piece of void has lost any trace of spirituality.

There is only a pure dead silence, as if this is a completely spiritual void world.

When he noticed this, Sakuramiya Shirley opposite him also changed her expression.

She clearly felt that the energy flowing into the Wanshiwu from the outside world had no spirituality at all, and it was impossible to be absorbed and refined.

She instinctively shuddered in her heart, just like coming to an extremely dangerous place, and the danger warning instinct rose.

"What's going on?"

Lin Yi frowned, "The energy in this piece of void energy cannot be absorbed and refined at all."

"This is a dead end for practitioners."

"Once the power of practitioners is consumed, there will be no possibility of recovery."

When Lin Yi thought of this, a chaotic light appeared in his hand.

This light contains a trace of spirituality, which is the spirituality in energy.

He raised his hand and shook it, and this ball of light flew out of the Wanshiwu.

The next moment, a terrible thing happened.

This ball of energy cannot exist in the void at all. In just an instant, the spirituality in it dissipated in the void, leaving no drop.

The energy ball that was originally controlled by Lin Yi also dispersed into a little bit of light in an instant, and was no longer under his control.

Seeing this scene, the three practitioners in the hall all changed their expressions.

Sakuramiya Shirley's expression also changed, "There is something wrong with this void."

At this moment, the Wanshiwu seemed to be attracted by something.

It began to rush towards the blue star in front at an astonishing speed, falling like a comet.

Everyone's expression changed, and Lingyi's expression became serious at this time.

His will has been connected to the entire Wanshiwu.

Zhenming Wujiang will cover the Wanshiwu at any time to ensure that it will not be destroyed during the fall.

After all, the house fell from the sky. Although it was reduced to the size of a human head by relying on the infinite maze, the destructive power it caused would be very terrifying.

Imagine a meteorite hitting the earth and you will know. If it is not good, the Wanshiwu will become a ruin.

And now there is another change. The strange power of the infinite maze is being consumed rapidly, in order to maintain the state of the Wanshiwu shrinking in the space barrier.

Lin Yi's face condensed slightly.

Everyone in the Wanshiwu saw that they were falling towards the blue planet.

Everyone's face was very ugly, even Brandy's soles were buckled.

Everything happened very suddenly. In the void, the Wanshiwu seemed to be stretched straight, and an inexplicable gravity enveloped it.

If you look at the void from the outside, you will find an amazing thing.

The Wanshiwu seemed to be twisted, and it instantly crossed hundreds of millions of kilometers, like a thin thread connected to the blue planet.

In just a few breaths, the Wanshiwu has rushed into the atmosphere of the blue planet.

It is like a small comet, crashing towards the ground.


China, Wanjin City.

This is a border port city on the sea, located where the seas of the Blue Star Dahan Country and Yingzhou Country overlap.

It is also a major port and one of the most prosperous regions in China.

At night, the world is dark, and endless galaxies hang high in the sky.

A silver moon is so dazzling, and the dimly lit Wanjin City is full of lights and wine, and is full of luxury.

The atmosphere of capital and fall is everywhere.

Even at night, the streets here are brightly lit, and countless people are flowing here.

Their eyes are shining with hope for life, and also confused about life.

At this time, a fierce light in the sky attracted everyone's attention.

Countless people looked up at the sky, and it was a group of things shrouded in inexplicable twisted light.

And this group of things was falling straight towards Wanjin City, and this scene instantly scared everyone silly.

Some people even thought that the end of the world was coming, and they knelt down on the spot.

"What is that?"

"Meteorite falling?"



At the same time as this twisted light fell.

There were some eyes looking at Wanjin City from all over the planet.

Almost all of these people were full of spirit and full of a perfect temperament.

Wanjin City fell into a state of complete terror, and countless people were frantically scattered, trying to get away from the place where they fell.

In the horrified eyes of countless people, the distorted light suddenly rushed into Wanjin City.

But something strange happened. There was no earthquake, no exclamation, no explosion, nothing happened.

It seemed that the distorted light that fell had never existed, but was just their illusion.

At this time, hundreds of meters underground in Wanjin City, the Wanshi House stopped quietly.

A ball of green light enveloped it, and at the same time a ball of chaotic power spread out from the Wanshi House and enveloped it.

Lin Yi stood in the Wanshi House, his expression was very serious.

At the moment when the Wanshi House fell, he exerted his power to control the fall of the Wanshi House, and at the same time covered it with the boundless true destiny, so that it fell into the ground without being noticed by anyone.

But at this moment, he found a huge problem.

His power was lost at an unimaginable speed.

Once his power was exposed to the outside air, his spirituality would be extracted, his energy would lose control, and finally dissipate in the soil.

At this rate, if he continued to use his power, even if he had the power of the Tianxian Dao level, he could only support it for an hour at most before all his energy was sucked dry.

After sensing this change, he immediately made a decision.

He looked at the people in the Wanshi Room, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

As he spoke, he disappeared from here in a flash, and the power of the space-time canvas continued to activate, allowing him to jump in space.

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