The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 636 Swordsman, Mission

The man sat silently opposite Ji Yi, and everyone in the hall looked at him.

"This is a house where wishes can come true. I wonder what you want to come true."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, the weathered man's face moved slightly.

The chapped lips slowly opened, and a hoarse voice said, "Can you really make your wish come true?"

“I can’t say it’s 100% achievable.”

"But at least most of your wishes can be fulfilled."

"Including extending your life and treating your physical injuries."

"Or it can give you strength, it can be done."

"But it depends on what your wish is to determine whether it can be realized for you."

"At the same time, any wish comes with a price."

“What you want to get, you must pay something for.”

The swordsman nodded silently, "I do have a wish, and I hope it can come true."

Lin Yi had a faint smile on his face, "Please tell me."

"I had an enemy who killed my whole family."

"For more than ten years, I have been wanting to kill him for revenge, but my skills are far inferior to his."

"Even if I practice the most extreme swordsmanship, the murderous sword, I am still no match for him."

"Can you give me power? Power enough to kill him."

Lin Yi glanced at this person and said, "Your level is about the second level of the mortal world."

"How much stronger is your enemy than you are?"

"His swordsmanship and internal strength are all ahead of mine. No matter how hard I struggle, I can't compare to him."

“My physical strength has become increasingly low over the years.”

"And he seems to have the possibility of a breakthrough."

"If this continues, I'm afraid the gap between him and me will become wider and wider."

"So if you can grant my wish, you can do it at any price you want."

The weathered swordsman's voice was full of determination.

Lin Yi thought for a while, looked at him and said, "I have several methods here, you can choose."

"First, I will send a person and you take him to kill your enemy."

"You can let him break your enemy's limbs and put them in front of you, and you can take his life with your own hands."

"The second option is that I teach you a method that can burst out the power of the innate realm in an instant. The result is that you will definitely die."

Lin Yi already had countless classic techniques in his hands, and there was no shortage of methods that could unleash his potential when he was desperate.

Especially at the mortal and immortal levels, there are even more such methods.

Because these two levels are the most likely to kill people beyond the level.

"Both approaches come with different costs."

"You will definitely win using the first method. The price is your soul. After you run out of life and die in the future, you will become my property."

"For the second method, you still have 20 years to live."

"You can use 10 years of life to exchange for a technique with explosive potential."

"The consequences of both approaches vary."

"Method 1, you can definitely take revenge."

"The second method, if your enemy hides his strength, then even if you unleash all your potential, you may not be able to kill him."

When the swordsman heard the two solutions proposed by Lin Yi, a look of struggle appeared on his face.

He is thinking about which method is more suitable.

After a while, I thought he had made up his mind.

"I choose No. 1."

The reason why he encountered this mysterious place this time.

The reason is that he heard that his enemy was retreating to attack the innate realm.

The other party's place of retreat is in the lair, which is heavily guarded. Even if he learns the secret method of bursting life, he may not be able to rush in and kill his enemy.

On the contrary, it is possible to run out of life before even seeing your opponent.

Therefore, he is willing to pay the price of his soul and ask others to help him kill his enemies.

"Even if I fall into a place of eternal destruction, I will definitely take revenge."

"The blood feud is as great as heaven."

Seeing that the man in front of him had made up his mind, Lin Yi nodded slightly.

A note appeared in his hand, with the contents of the contract already appearing on it.

He placed the note in front of the swordsman, "Write your name."

"After signing the contract, your wish will be fulfilled."

The swordsman signed the contract without any hesitation.

The contract spontaneously ignited without wind, turning into a mysterious force that wrapped around him and Lin Yi.

Lin Yi turned to look at Brandy and the others, "Which of you wants to take on this mission?"

This is the first time Wanshiwu released a task, and everyone is eager to try it.

Absinthe smiled strangely and said, "Leave the store manager to me, I will make this person very satisfied."

"No one is better at revenge than me."

Brandy said righteously, "The store manager let me go. This guy's mind is full of twisted thoughts, and he might cause countless things."

"Let me go and I will do this thing beautifully."

Vodka on the side came out, opened his hands, and made a strong pose.

The muscles all over his body are bulging high, making him look like a bodybuilder.

"Store manager, my muscles haven't exercised for a long time. Let me show them the terror of my muscles."

Lao Wei and Sakura Gong Shirley did not come forward. They wanted to get familiar with the affairs of Wanshiwu again.

They will not start taking over tasks until the operation of the Wan Shi Wu is completely stable.

Finally, Lin Yi's eyes stopped at Vodka.

"Let Vodka go this time and show me your value."

A hideous smile appeared on Vodka's dark face, "Please rest assured, store manager, I will complete this task successfully."

As he said, he looked at the swordsman with a vicissitudes of life.

"Let's go, swordsman-Ai."

Ai is the name of this swordsman.

The blood feud of his family made him forget what his name was.

He named himself Ai just to tell himself that he would always be in sorrow.

At this time, Lin Yi stood in front of the Wanshiwu door, and a key appeared in his hand.

This was a black, very simple key.

He threw the key to Vodka.

"This is the key to any door."

"When you complete the task, you can use it to open any door, and it will directly connect to the Wanshiwu, allowing you to easily cross the distance limit and return."

"Now, go and complete the first task."

As he said, he looked at the swordsman Ai.

"Open the door, the Anywhere Door will take you to your destination."

The door of the Wanshiwu was closed at this time.

Ai stood in front of the door.

He grasped the door handle and pushed it hard.

The next moment, he saw an island in the lake, appearing opposite the door.

That was the place he had been thinking about day and night.

The old nest of his enemy - Mingjian Villa.

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