The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 640 Beggars and Opportunities

This treasure contains countless information. He analyzes it every day through the true destiny solution and absorbs and understands the secrets contained in it.

Energy, matter, soul, time, space, the five essences of the world are all observed by him eagerly, absorbing a little bit of information.

He perfected his understanding of the universe and compared it with the method of cultivation of the immortal way.

In his understanding, no matter what kind of cultivation method, it is fundamentally inseparable from the operation rules of the universe.

The deeper the understanding of the universe, the smoother the cultivation will be. This is the effect of building a high-rise building.

The night passed quickly, and a rooster crowed outside.

The scene of the other world slowly receded from the French window.

It turned into an alley again.

At the exit of the alley, you can see a scene of busy traffic.

It was still early in the morning, and it was already very lively outside. One after another, people passed by at the end of the alley.


Looking at the lively scene outside, a faint color flashed in Lingyi's eyes.

"A new day has come again."


Wanjin City has been very restless these two days.

Some unfamiliar faces have appeared in the city one after another. They seem to be very leisurely, wandering around, looking for something.

Most of these people have ordinary faces, and they will not attract attention if thrown into the crowd.

Only the locals of Wanjin City, especially those thieves and ruffians, have noticed these people.

They have even received some warnings to be quiet these days and not do anything.

The public security in Wanjin City seems to have improved.

These days, both the black and white worlds and ordinary people are very quiet, as if something is staring at them, making them dare not move.

Not only them, but also many foreigners with blond hair, blue eyes, black hair and dark skin have come here.

Wanjin City seems to be playing the prelude to a storm.

A homeless man in tattered clothes on the street looked at the crowd passing by on the street with dead eyes.

He is a loser who has been in this rich city for more than ten or twenty years.

But he still couldn't make a name for himself, and now he has become a beggar, living from hand to mouth.

Now his only pleasure is probably to sit here every day and watch the endless stream of people and the various aspects of the world.

When he is hungry, he just finds a place to beg for a few bites of food. He has become accustomed to this kind of life and no longer has hope for the future.

Maybe one day in the future, he will suddenly die in a dark corner.

Today he was leaning against the exit of an alley, thinking about where to beg.

Suddenly his eyes saw the alley, where there seemed to be a reflection.

"Hey, what's going on?"

With a strange look in his eyes, he looked carefully into the alley.

I don't know when a store appeared there, and the beggar's eyes showed a trace of joy.

"A hidden store? Why didn't I notice it when I came here before?"

"Haha, today's breakfast is settled."

Thinking of this, he immediately got up from the ground and patted the dust on his butt.

Although there was no clean place on his body, the habit of patting his butt was still retained.

He walked slowly to the end of the alley and stood in front of the store.

After thinking for a while, he reached out and knocked on the door.

Dong Dong Dong.

Lin Yi sat quietly in front of the French window of the Wanshiwu, looking through the window at the beggar who appeared outside.

With a smile on his lips, "The opportunity has come."

At this time, the strange child had appeared silently at the door.

"Open the door," Lin Yi said calmly.

Ring Ling Ling

The strange child opened the door and then disappeared behind the door.

The beggar looked at the door opening but saw no one, and he hesitated slightly.

He stretched his head to look inside and saw Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's eyes were also looking at him, "What do you want? Come in."

The beggar nodded and walked into the Wanshiwu carefully with a cautious smile.

He looked left and right. The decoration style in the Wanshiwu was completely different from other shops he had seen in Wanjin City.

There is a unique exotic style, which makes him a little surprised.

"I am also a shop for everything, and I can fulfill your wishes."

"Only those who are looking forward to it can enter the shop for everything."

Hearing Lingyi's words, the beggar was stunned at first, and then said with a puzzled look, "Well, I just want to ask for breakfast."

"Yes, as long as you pay the corresponding price."

"But I don't have money."

"It doesn't matter, the price I pay here is not necessarily money."

"You can pay your life, your soul, or even sell yourself to become a servant here."

"I accept all feasible prices here."

Hearing Lingyi's words, the old beggar suddenly showed a trace of fear on his face.

He looked at Lingyi as if he was looking at a devil.

His body was trembling, and he slowly retreated with fear on his face, as if he wanted to turn around and leave the shop for everything.

Lin Yi saw his fear and smiled slightly.

He slapped it casually.


A mountain of gold coins fell at his feet, and the dazzling golden light instantly stopped the old beggar.

He looked at the mountain of gold coins at his feet and his whole body was shaking.

"This is gold, this is gold."

He squatted down slowly with trembling hands, his eyes full of greed for gold, no other emotions.

He had long thrown away the fear, and there was only gold in his eyes.

His breathing became more and more rapid, and he inserted his hands into the mountain of gold coins and held them up.

But because there were too many gold coins, they fell from his hands one by one and hit the mountain of gold coins.

A crisp collision sound rang out, which made him feel an uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

It was an extremely crisp sound, which seduced his mind and made him unable to control his emotions.

His eyes were bloodshot and he turned to look at Lingyi.

"Can this mountain of gold coins be traded?"

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "Of course it can be traded."

"As long as you pay enough."


The old beggar's eyes were full of complicated expressions, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

"If I want this mountain of gold, what price do I have to pay?"

At this time, he was afraid, but more of a strong desire for gold.

No one understood the horror of poverty better than him, and he wanted to get rid of his current state.

But it was as difficult as ascending to heaven to do this, and it could even be said that he had no hope in this life.

After all, he was 50 years old, which was considered old in ancient times, and a disease could kill him.

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