The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 642: Geography and Dance

"The Kingdom of China and the Southwest Kingdom occupy Zhongzhou, and the Yingzhou Kingdom is an overseas archipelago country next to Zhongzhou."

"Among the three continents, there are still some small countries that depend on these big countries for survival."

"There is a mountainous area connecting Zhongzhou and Eurasia."

Listening to Gin Jiu's introduction to the world's general landforms, political kingdoms and other systems, Lin Yi gradually gained a detailed understanding of the world.

The level of civilization is similar to that of the Earth in the 21st century. Computers and the Internet have appeared, and mobile phones have become popular.

But it has not yet reached the level of smartphones, and it is still some time behind Gurenkai.

However, it was only a few years before the emergence of smartphones.

Generally speaking, technology and weapons are very advanced, but there are no destructive nuclear weapons in this world, so peace does not exist for long.

At this time, Lin Yi had some vague understanding of this world.

"The level of science and technology and culture is around the 2000s."

"But nuclear energy technology did not appear. It seems that there is no research direction in nuclear energy in the world."

"No radioactive elements were found either."

"In other words, the world is destined to be turbulent because nuclear power cannot bring peace to the world."

"Without absolute strategic deterrence, human nature will probably lead to continued wars."

"Then is the country of China where we are powerful?"

Gin nodded, "China is currently one of the top three most powerful countries in the world."

"The weapons and equipment are very advanced, there are several important seaports, and maritime trade is also very prosperous."

"But the only problem is that China is adjacent to another superpower, the Rakshasa Empire, and also borders the southwest countries, Yingzhou Kingdom, and South Korea."

"The environment is not stable, and there are often frictions with 4 weeks."

"As a result, most of China's energy was contained in the confrontation."

"Well, this situation is like a tiger surrounded by wolves."

"Gin has temporarily joined the House of Everything, which at least eliminates some of the threats. The next step is to see how we can walk in this world safely."

While he was thinking, Ginjiu stood nearby, respectfully waiting for Lin Yi's instructions.

He has naturally entered the role of a servant and begun to regulate his behavior.

Lin Yi had some vague ideas about how to walk in this world, and his eyes fell on Gin Jiu.

"First I give you a gold coin, and you exchange it for the money of this world."

"Then move the circuits and network cables into the Wanshi House. This is your first task."

As he spoke, a gold coin appeared in his hand.

With a flick, it flew towards Gin.

Gin had quick eyes and quick hands, and he grabbed the gold coin in one fell swoop. There was a desire for money in his eyes.

At this time, Lin Yi's voice sounded in his ears, "Stop embezzling for me, use it all for work."

Gin smiled awkwardly, the desire in his eyes quickly fading.

"Don't worry, store manager, I know what's appropriate."

Gin is a 50-year-old middle-aged man. He has experienced all kinds of life and seen all kinds of people.

He knew very well what to do when and never acted arrogantly.

Ring ring ring

Watching his retreating back, Absinthe appeared silently behind Lin Yi.

"Store manager, aren't you afraid that he will take the money and run away?"

"Run? Where can he run?"

"And is he willing to run? Not everyone can resist the temptation of immortality."

"A person like him has matured into a mature person and has seen countless prosperity."

"Do you really think he loves money as much as his life?"

When Absinthe heard this, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, "Isn't it?"

"Not at all, because in my eyes, even if there are mountains of gold coins in front of him."

"His heart actually didn't even beat."

"He doesn't care about those gold mountains at all. What he cares about is why do these gold mountains suddenly appear next to him?"

"There was absolutely no warning."

"I let him see the supernatural power, that's why he signed the contract so readily."

"He's not stupid at all."

"On the contrary, he is a very shrewd person."

Hearing this, Absinthe showed a look of surprise on his face.

He seemed to have no idea that Gin was such a person, and he hid it very well.

He took a deep breath, with a hint of coldness on his face, "Interesting, it seems I have met another opponent."

Wanshiwuwu is not peaceful on the surface. For example, Kuaijiu always has his own thoughts in his mind.

He desperately wanted to get rid of Lin Yi's control, but it was impossible.

The contract has already firmly restricted his future, unless there are huge benefits that can make Lin Yi let him go.

Vodka was just lurking quietly. Although he was very obedient, the strange prison where he appeared was not simple at all.

It's full of unpredictable dangers and mysterious monsters.

People from such a place would never stay in Lin Yi's shop so willingly.

Lafite red wine also has a mysterious origin.

If given the chance, these three guys would definitely get rid of Lin Yi's control immediately.

Therefore, there are often all kinds of strange overt and covert fights between these three guys in the Wanshiwuwu.

Although they did not dare to disobey Lin Yi's order, they never looked down upon others.

Various verbal suppressions are common, but Brandy will not tolerate them.

Relying on his special status, he always sneers at them, and even issues orders for them to swallow the bitter fruit of doing evil.

For example, now, Lafite Red Wine has been ordered by Brandy to wash all the cups.

Lafite Red Wine looked reluctant, but had to wash the cups.

Half of his body was submerged in the sink, full of anger.

Lin Yi glanced at Absinthe and continued to look out the French window.

He was looking forward to Gin pulling the circuit and network cable into the Wanshiwu, so that he could really start to understand this world.

At this time, a dance party was being held in Wanjin City.

Celebrities from all walks of life, politicians and businessmen gathered here, and they were all talking about it.

Soon the protagonist of the banquet appeared, the governor of Wanjin City-Zhang Tianyu.

He appeared on the second floor of the banquet venue and walked step by step along the stairs towards the main venue of the banquet.

He seemed like a god king, attracting everyone's attention.

He seemed to have an inexplicable power, which made people around him cast their eyes on him involuntarily.

Indistinctly, there seemed to be a vague figure reflected in the depths of his eyes, and this vague figure did not seem to exist in this world.

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