The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 664: Essence, Cultivation

Qian Menglong's expression suddenly changed when he heard this, "No way, how dare they do such a thing?"

A sneer appeared on Wang Zhenyi's face, "I have never doubted the terror of heavenly beings. They are another race, and human life has never been taken seriously by them."

"The advantage of the second plan is that we can avoid a fierce battle, and at the same time, it can also prevent the people of Wanjin City from encountering possible dangers."

"But the disadvantages are also obvious. Once we evacuate, we will send a message to all the people in Wanjin City that we have given up here."

"Secondly, YZ will accept a complete Wanjin City, and all the wealth in the city will be plundered by them, and it will also be a huge blow to us."

Both plans have their own pros and cons, and both Wang Zhenyi and Qian Menglong fell into silence for a short time.

At this moment, Qian Menglong's secretary suddenly broke in outside the temporary headquarters.

"Sir, orders from the Eastern District."

Qian Menglong's brows jumped, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he looked at his secretary, "Tell me, what is the order?"

"The Eastern District's order is for us to hold on to Wanjin City."

"We must not allow YZ and the traitors to successfully occupy Wanjin City."

"We must stop them here and wait for reinforcements to arrive."

"We need to hold on for 24 hours."

Qian Menglong took a deep breath when he heard this and looked at Wang Zhenyi, "It seems we don't need to choose."

"The decision has been made for us from above."

Wang Zhenyi nodded slightly, "In Wanjin City, there should be several young martial arts masters who have touched the spiritual level this time."

"I will send an invitation to them with my martial will later."

"I don't know if they are willing to come. If they come, our suppression of heavenly beings will go even further."

"Our people will be safer as well."

Qian Menglong took a deep breath and said, "I'll leave everything to Mr. Wang."

"Leave the mortal battlefield to me, and the heavenly battlefield is up to you."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, heavenly beings won't even think about stepping into the battlefield."

Wang Zhenyi looked calm at this time, and his whole person fell into a state of complete silence.

His mind was clearer than ever before, and he could feel the crises coming from all directions at every moment, making his body tremble instinctively.

There are countless weapons here that can kill him, and this unprecedented sense of crisis stimulates his soul.

It made his mind more sensitive, and he could even feel the malice coming from the Wanjin City.

"Celestial beings? You finally came out."

"Then let me teach you how powerful you are?"

"This is no longer the past. Humanity's technology has become extremely materialized and its research capabilities are powerful."

"The most difficult part in the past, the strong support for the body, is no longer difficult."

"The large-scale popularization of martial arts in the secular world has made more people qualified to touch the spiritual level."

"This is the process in which material civilization develops to its extreme and begins to contact spiritual civilization."

"This is your last chance. Once you fail, your family will never have any room to turn around."

"You will become human experimental materials and eventually be placed on the experimental table."

This is a battle for racial survival, and Wang Zhenyi sees it very clearly.

Ten kilometers outside the third ring road of Wanjincheng, the YZ Army was resting and regrouping to complete final preparations.

The commander of Vanguard, jungler Yoshida, was facing many of his generals.

"Everyone, victory or defeat depends on this moment,"

"Get ready."

In the Everything Room, Lin Yi frowned, and the TV was already in a state of snowflakes.

TV signals have been cut off in Wanjincheng, and no one can accept news from the outside world.

But there is also a radio in the Everything Room at this time, which can also play the latest news.

"The latest news is that the reinforcements from the Eastern District are currently heading towards Wanjincheng."

News items were continuously broadcast on various radio stations. Lin Yi listened quietly, frowning slightly.

At this time, his clone has completed the first stage of martial arts in this world.

All the muscles, bones, skin, flesh, and internal organs in the body have undergone qualitative changes. Except for the bone marrow and blood, they have all reached their maximum strength.

He even awakened some minor abilities of the 365 talents. Although these abilities can only operate inside his body, they are still very amazing.

With his current physical condition, even if he jumped from a 10-meter-high building, there would be no damage.

It can easily break granite and even steel.

A frontal punch can reach an impact of three tons, which is almost the physical limit of human beings.

But Lin Yi knew because his bone marrow and blood had not changed yet.

At most, he can only exert 70% of the current power of this body.

"It's a bit troublesome now. Wanjincheng is in chaos. It's impossible to learn the secrets of martial arts."

"Really, if you don't start early, you won't start late, but now you are causing trouble for me."

Lin Yi's eyes showed impatience and a hint of anger. He looked at the time and saw that it was now 11:30.

"Oh, forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

At this time, everyone in Wanshiwu was resting or having fun. Although Wanjing City was about to fall into war, it had no impact on them.

Absinthe, vodka, brandy, Lafite and other four people were sitting at a table playing poker.

Sakuramiya Shirley was sitting in a separate seat, flipping through a book in her hand.

She was studying some Taoist scriptures obtained from Baihua Fairy Palace.

There are quite a lot of explanations of the world in it, which helps her understand the composition of the world.

As for Lao Wei, he was sitting in another position, holding a glass of wine in his hand, tasting it gently.

At the same time, his ears were erected, listening to the news in the recorder.

His cultivation level was only the second level of the human immortal way, and he could not completely ignore heavy weapons. At most, he could only resist ordinary guns and grenades.

Lin Yi glanced at them, "It's almost 12 o'clock, everyone should get ready to rest, and leave it to the maze guard tonight."

Everyone nodded when they heard it, put down their things, walked to the second floor, and returned to their rooms.

There was only Lin Yi's clone in the hall, and his real body had been practicing in the bedroom.

The Tribulation of All Things is not easy. Now he has to use a substance to wash his spirituality every day.

It is not easy to attract various material particles directly from the void. In this process, a lot of energy is consumed.

When using substances to wash the spirituality, it will cause spiritual damage.

At this time, the energy of the sky crystal will be activated to repair the spiritual damage.

In this process, each wash will cause severe pain at the soul level, which is a pain that cannot be described in words.

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