The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 667 Tracking and Arrival

"For example, if you have an urgent wish that you want to fulfill, but you can't do it yourself, you can tell me."

"Depending on the difficulty of your wish, you will also pay different prices."

"With me, life, soul, freedom, can all be used as the price of exchange."

Listening to Lin Yi's words, Tang Long's face showed a trace of instinctive fear.

He knew that what the other party said must be true. Everything he saw and felt just now was not something he had ever heard or seen before.

All of them were completely beyond his understanding.

Then it is not impossible to use life and soul as the price, just like the devil's deal in myths and legends.

He took a deep breath, his mother's face flashed in his mind, and he made a decision in his heart.

"My mother was captured by the people of YZ country, I want to rescue her."

"What price do I need to pay?"

"This wish is not difficult, the only difficulty is to find your mother's location and take her away."

"Your ten years of life can pay this price."

"You still have 30 years to live."

"Once you pay 10 years of life, you will only have 20 years to live."

"Are you sure you want to make this deal?"

Lin Yi looked at Tang Long calmly in front of him, and Tang Long nodded fiercely, "I agree."

"Okay, then sign the contract."

"This is your contract," a note naturally appeared in front of Tang Long.

Tang Long looked at the note, which clearly stated the content of their deal.

To rescue his mother, he had to pay 10 years of life.

Tang Long took a deep breath and wrote his name.

When he signed his name, the note spontaneously ignited without wind and disappeared in front of him.

A mysterious power connected me to him and Lin Yi.

Because this commission happened in this world, Lin Yi had to solve it by himself, and the other people in the Wanshiwu did not have the ability to solve this matter.

Tang Long looked at Lin Yi, and he said with some excitement.

"What should we do next?"

Lin Yi smiled and said calmly, "Next, you have to give me a hair of yours."

When Tang Long heard Lin Yi's request, he immediately pulled a hair from his head and put it in front of him.

Lin Yi looked at the hair, slowly opened his hands, and then the hair gently floated in front of him.

What appeared in front of Tang Long at this time was Lin Yi's human immortal body.

I saw a dark and chaotic light emanating from his body.

This light quickly evolved in front of Tang Long and turned into a Bagua map.

Then the hair fell in the center of the Bagua map.

The wonderful power connected to the hair, and the next moment, the pattern on the front of the Bagua map began to rotate rapidly, and quickly evolved into a blurred shadow.

This is a secret method obtained from the sect.

The Bagua deduction map can be used to infer the target person by blood relationship.

As long as there is no one who is proficient in the calculation of the heavenly secrets to cover it up, the target's position can be almost 100% deduced.

And for Lin Yi, he is a human immortal body and a heavenly immortal level combat force, so it is almost effortless to infer an ordinary person.

In just a few minutes, a clear picture appeared on the Bagua map.

In an ordinary YZ style house, a woman sat in the yard with a helpless look.

When Tang Long saw this woman, he immediately showed joy on his face, "It's her, it's my mother."

"Where is he?"

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "Don't worry."

The picture quickly pulled up, the yard began to shrink rapidly, and the scenery around the yard came into the eyes of the two.

Lin Yi took a closer look and memorized the picture.

Then the Bagua collapsed into countless light spots, and finally disappeared into the air.

The calculation just now consumed 10% of the power of his immortal body.

He shook his head slightly, "Sure enough, if you use any supernatural power in this world, the consumption will increase by hundreds of times."

At this time, Tang Long looked at Lin Yi anxiously, "What should I do now, sir?"

"Have you found the specific location of my mother?"

"Don't worry, we will go there directly, and then you can bring your mother back to reunite."

Tang Long was stunned for a moment, "But my mother is in YZ."

"Distance has never been a problem for me."

Lin Yi smiled mysteriously.

"Wait for me for a moment."

Lin Yi got up and walked slowly towards his bedroom, disappearing in front of Tang Long.

But in less than a minute, Lin Yi came out again, but this time it was Lin Yi's clone in this world that appeared in front of Tang Long.

The physical strength of this clone has reached its limit, and the body structure has also reached perfection under the power system of this world.

The only difference is the change in the bone marrow, which has not been cultivated yet and is not in a perfect state.

But even so, Lin Yi's body is now at the level of a beast.

It's no problem to be able to crush iron into mud. With the power of the true destiny, you can basically walk sideways in this world.

And it doesn't need to consume any supernatural power, which is the most suitable for carrying out tasks in this world.

Lin Yi looked at Tang Long and waved at him, "Let's go, follow me."

As he spoke, he stood in front of the door of the Wanshiwu, and the scene he had just seen flashed through his mind.

There was a slight fluctuation of strange power at the door of the Wanshiwu.

The power of the Anywhere Door was activated.

Lin Yi gently pushed open the Anywhere Door, and they appeared directly in a yard.

At this time, there was a woman in the yard, looking up at the sky. There was a bright moon and endless stars in the sky.

She seemed to be missing her son far away, and her face was full of sorrow.

Tang Long followed Lin Yi through the Anywhere Door and came to this yard, and saw his mother at a glance.

He couldn't help but screamed, "Mom."

The woman heard the voice, trembled all over, and suddenly turned her head to see Lin Yi and her son Tang Long appearing in the yard.

Her eyes were filled with tears in an instant, and she looked at Tang Long with an incredible face, "Tang Long? Is it really you?"

At this time, Tang Long could no longer bear it, and rushed over in a few steps and hugged the woman at once.

He said excitedly, "Mom, it's me, I'm Tang Long, I finally see you again."


"Woo woo woo..."

The woman could no longer hold back her excitement and sadness, and burst into tears.

This year, she had experienced countless times of fear, in this completely strange country, facing those completely strange people.

They always threatened her, asking her to write to her son according to their words.

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