The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 744 Pool of Blood, Giant Tree (Second Update)

Countless black and red smoke in the air evaporated from the lake and spread to the surroundings.

But a strange thing happened. All the black and red smoke that left the lake area.

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will melt in an instant, as if something swallowed them all.

The huge blood-colored lake covers an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers in radius.

The upper half of the entire mountain range completely disappeared, leaving only a deep concave part, and the blood-colored lake is in this concave mountain range.

Countless blood-colored dark clouds in the sky always gather and float above this blood-colored lake.

However, its range also does not exceed the boundary of this blood-colored lake.

It seems that there is some power that isolates this blood-colored lake in this area.

This blood-colored lake itself contains an incredible power.

This power produces an invisible huge magnetic field, which faintly begins to radiate this magnetic field outward.

Once a large number of animals and plants are touched by this magnetic field, unimaginable changes will spread in their bodies.

The structure of DNA is rapidly mutating, and their appearance and body shape will also change.

They are rapidly becoming bloodthirsty and brutal, impulsive and murderous.

Some even grow various strange organs, become bloody, and feel like abnormal creatures.

In an instant, all the martial arts masters on Blue Star who have entered the spiritual realm.

All feel the evil breath emanating from this lake, which is an evil that seems to distort everything.

It seems that everything in the world will be distorted by this breath, and the world will become hell.

However, this breath only exists for a few seconds, and then it immediately dies down.

Even the huge blood-colored lake seems to be solidified and no longer emits any breath.

In the center of the pool of blood, there is a ball of blood and flesh that seems to be made up of countless corpses.

In the center of this ball of flesh, there is a human figure without any skin on his body, only muscles.

He is blood red all over, as terrifying as a shadow.

His face was very solemn, and he felt the horror of the outside world.

The power in the sea of ​​blood was constantly being devoured, and he had no way to stop it.

"What kind of world is this? The essence of my power is being lost."

"How is it possible? I can't even lock my own power."

A trace of fear flashed in his eyes. In countless worlds, he had never encountered such a thing.

This phenomenon has completely surpassed his experience and knowledge.

At this time. His thoughts have extended to the entire blood-colored lake.

Strange red runes appeared one after another, quickly covering every corner of the lake.

Then the lake began to shrink at an alarming speed, revealing the sunken pit wall of the mountain range.

Finally, a small lake less than 1 kilometer appeared in the center of the deep pit.

All the power in the blood-colored lake was drawn into the ball of corpse meat in the center.

The blood-colored skinless humanoid had a flash of horror in his eyes.

"How is it possible? Even the great formation that can connect heaven and earth cannot lock the loss of power?"

"What kind of world is this?"

Feeling the energy without a trace of activity in the air, he felt cold all over.

An unspeakable fear filled his heart.

"No, I must find the source of energy, otherwise I will be sucked dry by this world sooner or later."

In an instant, he had calculated the time when he would be sucked dry by this world.

"If I leave it alone in the current state, I only have one month."

"Once I use my power on a large scale, this time will be shortened."

"The power must be contracted, and it cannot continue like this."

"The blood sea returns to one, and the blood sea is me."

In an instant, the world shrank to a point.

The blood color completely disappeared, leaving only a skinless blood shadow, which looked only about 1.5 meters tall.

"Sure enough, hiding all the power in the body can slow down the consumption and loss of power to a certain extent."

The skinless blood shadow looked solemn and looked up at the outside world.

A trace of deep solemnity appeared in his eyes, "I hope there is life in this world."

"Otherwise, the end will be bad."

The mysterious existence of the blood world-the Blood King.

A supreme master of the Tianxian Dao level was involved in this world in an inexplicable world change.

In the Wanshiwu, Lin Yi's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"The breath of the Tianxian Dao level? Interesting."

A series of satellites have been aimed at the disappeared mountain range.

The upper echelons of various countries were stunned to look at the depression within a hundred miles.

The extremely dense blood-colored dark clouds in the sky seemed to foreshadow the arrival of some kind of disaster.

Especially in H country, this strange change is within its territory.

At the first time, the god-level masters guarding this area have been dispatched to investigate.

And this is just the beginning, strange changes have also occurred outside the atmosphere.

In the void, the space suddenly fluctuated violently.

A thick gray fog appeared here, and a huge tree that was looming appeared in the fog.

This giant book is a hundred miles long and wide, with its roots rooted in the void. Countless spots of light can be seen on it, which seem to be one wonderful life after another.

At this time, the giant tree was floating in the void outside the atmosphere of the blue planet.

Under the huge gravitational force, the huge tree was slowly falling towards the blue planet.

Countless satellites captured this scene in an instant.

Countless alarms sounded again in various countries.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, countless people saw that a giant tree fell towards the ocean in the sky.

Alarms sounded in cities one after another.

Countless TV stations have received the news and started broadcasting this earth-shaking change.

In the TV screen, a huge tree in the sky slowly fell under the wrapping of countless gray mists, and the friction with the air formed a fierce flame.

But an amazing thing happened. In the flames, it can be seen that the trees were not damaged at all.

There were also some strange lights on those trees, flickering in the picture.

These lights were attached to the big trees, making the big trees look very strange.

At this time, all cities close to the coastline have received notices and started to retreat.

Because after this giant tree falls into the ocean, it will inevitably cause a huge tsunami, which will be troublesome.

At this time, Wanjin City is the most nervous because it has been closed.

If the tsunami in the sea rushes here, the blockade will become a joke.

Countless mutant corpses will flow in all directions with the tsunami, which is the most terrifying result.

These mutant corpses have strong aggressiveness and immortality, and are also contagious.


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