The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 75 Old Man Qian, Lost Soul (Second update, please subscribe)

"It's time to talk to the landlord."

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Honglian City is very expensive, and his location is considered a downtown area. The price is probably similar to that of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in his previous life.

Thinking of completing the mission of Chang Su'e, all the gold coins he earned will probably be spent this time.

Picking up thirty gold coins, Lin Yi left the Wanshiwu.

He carried the Blood Ring and the Wailing Ring, as well as the Summoning Album in his hands.

Although the last incident was settled, he was still careful to ensure that he could burst out the strongest combat power at any time.

The landlord of the Wanshiwu was on another street. His family was a native of Honglian City, so they had a lot of properties.

Relying on renting out the houses in the Wanshiwu, their family still lived very comfortably.

Soon, Lin Yi arrived at No. 38, Nan Ke Street, and a single-family house appeared in his eyes.

The single-family house looked quite old and full of the sense of the times.

The mottled walls and old red bricks all showed the sense of the times of this single-family house.

The door was still the double-opening wooden door of the dynasty a hundred years ago.

There were two copper rings on the two wooden doors, which were very smooth and obviously used for a long time.

The single-family house in the quadrangle courtyard, located in this Honglian City, is also worth a lot of money.


Lin Yi stood in front of the door and knocked on the copper ring.

Along with the knocking sound, a somewhat dry and old voice sounded.

"Who is it?"

"Old man Qian, I'm here to pay the rent."


The two wooden doors opened, revealing an old man with a pale face inside.

Qian Bolan, the owner of this quadrangle courtyard building, is also the owner of the house in Wanshiwu.

However, at this time, Qian Bolan had a trace of indifference and sorrow on his face, as if he had encountered something bad.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, "Old Qian, you look like you're in trouble."

"None of your business, just pay the rent." Qian Bolan blurted out, spitting a lot of saliva on his face.

Lin Yi dodged, "Old Qian, this is not a way to treat guests."

"It seems that you really encountered something, it seems to be something unclean, right?"

Old Qian, who was originally impatient, froze when he heard this, and looked at Lin Yi.

"How did you know."

Lin Yi smiled, "Of course I saw it."

At this time, the light of the true destiny in his eyes was flashing, and a trace of inexplicable strange power was entangled with Old Qian.

However, this strange power only surrounded him and was slowly dissipating.

Obviously, the source was not on Old Qian, but on other items.

Old Qian's face was changing, and he looked at Lin Yi, "Come in and talk."

He made way, and Lin Yi nodded and walked in.


The door closed, and Old Man Qian walked in front of Lin Yi and walked towards the small building in the courtyard.

In front of this single-family courtyard is a small courtyard full of flowers and plants, which is well maintained.

The lush green and blooming flowers make the courtyard full of vitality.

After a few steps through the flowers and plants in the small courtyard, they came to the door of the single-family building.

This small building has obviously undergone modern transformation, and floor-to-ceiling windows have replaced the old walls.

People can also enjoy the scenery of the small courtyard outside in the small building, a quiet and elegant environment.

Walking into the first floor of the small building, a living room with a dark red background, a strong oriental style hits the face.

There are several old chairs against the wall on the left, and there are several small coffee tables next to the chairs.


Old Man Qian sat on the old chair at the end of the living room and pointed to the first chair on his right.

Lin Yi sat down, and Old Man Qian looked a little heavy.

"My wife died three years ago, leaving behind an eight-year-old son."

"He's eleven years old this year."

When Lin Yi heard this, Mingrui felt something was wrong, "Is there something wrong with your son?"

Old man Qian showed a trace of pain on his face, "Yes, three days ago."

"He fell in front of an abandoned mansion, and when he was found, he had lost consciousness."

"There has always been a legend about that abandoned mansion, and many children disappeared there."

"I warned Rui'er not to go there."

"But I don't know what happened, he actually appeared there."

"How is your son now?" Lin Yi asked thoughtfully.

"I sent him to the hospital, and everything was normal after the examination, but he just couldn't wake up."

"Now I put him at home, and he is maintained by regular infusion every day."

As he said this, the old man Qian's face became more worried, "I guess he was possessed by evil spirits."

"Do you have a way to save him?"

Lin Yi thought about it after hearing this, "You have to take me to see it first."

"Only when I know the specific situation can I know whether I can deal with it."

"Okay, come with me," it seems that Lin Yi really has a way.

As if grasping a life-saving straw, old man Qian showed a trace of excitement on his face.

"As long as you can save my Rui'er, I can agree to any reward."

Lin Yi heard this and smiled even more, "Hahaha, old man Qian is quick to speak."

"Let's take a look first."

Old man Qian took Lin Yi through the inner hall corridor and came to the door of a room on the second floor.

Opening the door, he saw an ordinary bedroom with some medical machines next to it.

A child about eleven years old was lying on the bed with an IV tube inserted in his arm.

Next to him was an IV stand, which was full of IV bottles, and drops of liquid were injected into the child's body along the IV tube.

A nurse in a white coat was sitting next to him and watching him.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows. It was obvious that old man Qian could hire a private nurse and have these medical equipment. His family was rich.

However, he didn't say anything, but his eyes were fixed on the child on the bed.

He walked over and looked at the child on the bed with his eyes closed, completely falling asleep.

The true meaning of life flashed in his eyes, and he frowned.

In his eyes, the child was completely an empty shell, without any trace of mental fluctuations.

Any living person has traces of mental fluctuations on their bodies.

Only the dead will not have mental fluctuations in their bodies.

The mental consciousness of the dead will generally dissipate in the world.

Only mental fluctuations with some strong emotions can remain.

In traditional myths, this kind of thing is called a ghost, but now it is called a vengeful spirit.

Usually, the emotions that can keep the spirit and consciousness fluctuating are extremely negative emotions such as resentment and anger.

There are only a few resentful spirits with good intentions, so usually these resentful spirits will pose a threat to normal society.

Lin Yi's previous job was to eliminate such resentful spirits, and his "Yiling Sutra" had a huge restraining effect on such resentful spirits.

For the first time today, he did not see mental fluctuations from a living person.

On the contrary, he saw some black strange power from the child, entrenched in his body.

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