The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 804 Replacement, Crisis (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

I only heard the otherworldly existence of Wu Lingdao speaking slowly in a hoarse voice.

"I know what happened to the changes in your world."

"This change is not a bad thing for your world. It is the world's self-rescue."

"As time goes by, the spiritual energy of a world will gradually dissipate and eventually go to death."

"This is something that no one can reverse."

"But the world instinctively survives, and they will do their best to make the last effort."

"And this effort is to replace countless time and space in the void."

"Replace part of itself with unknown time and space, so as to pull the power of the unknown world into its own world."

"Through the collision of matter, energy, or better dimensions of different time and space, there are other conflicts."

"Detonate the death of this world and break the law that all energy eventually goes to death."

"Thus obtain the final salvation."

"This is the reason why otherworldly existences continue to appear. This is the last struggle of the world."

Everyone listened to the otherworldly existence of Wu Lingdao telling the reason for all this.

The content made them shudder. The world was heading for destruction, and it seemed irreversible.

All this was the world's last struggle.

"Can our world be saved?"

Starry Sky King said in a low voice.

He did not doubt what this man said, because this inference was consistent with the speculation of the King of Heaven.

King of Heaven was the most powerful one among the nine kings who observed the world.

After hearing this, he took a deep breath, a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes, and asked the question he wanted to know.

Wu Lingdao's otherworldly existence looked at the clone of the Starry Sky King.

His face could not be seen clearly under the black robe, but he said coldly and hoarsely.

"Among the countless worlds I know, no world has ever succeeded."

"Their final result is death and destruction in this chaos."

Everyone seemed to be drained of their energy and spirit, and an unbearable pressure made their faces slightly pale.

At this time, the otherworldly existence of Wu Lingdao whispered, "Although the world cannot be saved, it does not mean that all creatures in these worlds will die."

Hearing this, hope was rekindled in everyone's hearts.

The Starry Sky King looked at him and said slowly, "What needs to be done?"

"In this world that is about to be destroyed, the world's internal binding force will be reduced."

"At a certain moment, this binding force will be reduced to the lowest point."

"And that moment is the last chance to escape from this world."

"Because the world is about to face destruction, after replacing a large number of other worlds."

"The world will prosper briefly, and spiritual energy will reappear."

"Then we can arrange special formations."

"Relying on these spiritual energies, tear the world's barrier at the last moment and teleport specific people to unknown time and space."

"This is the only chance."

When the Starry Sky King heard this, he was silent for a moment.

He instantly grasped the issue of this survival opportunity.

Tearing time and space to teleport to an unknown world, these are not things that ordinary people can bear.

Mortals have no chance at all, and may die in the process.

But he said nothing, not just him.

Ximen Wusheng didn't say anything.

Several high-level officials of country H showed a hint of excitement in their eyes.

"I wonder what the formation needs."

The otherworldly existence of Wu Lingdao said slowly, "That formation is a sacrificial formation."

"It is a sacrifice to the entire void, and a large number of lives are needed as sacrifices."

"Spiritual energy is only the energy for the whole process."

"Life? You mean-people?"

Everyone's face changed slightly.

"Not necessarily people, as long as they are creatures with powerful power."

"Including those beings from other worlds."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and some targets had been selected by them.

For example, the celestial race, the beings descended from other worlds, and even those mutant corpses.

"By the way, those mutant corpses are not okay."

"They can't be used as sacrifices."

Hearing this, everyone's face changed.


Ximen Wusheng asked solemnly.

"Because they do not belong to the void, but are a huge hazard."

"And it is a hazard that the void cannot ignore."

"Any world invaded by the weird will inevitably be destroyed."

"They are the source of all destruction."

"Weird? What is that?"

The Star King, Ximen Wusheng, and the high-level officials of Country H all looked at the otherworldly existence of Wu Lingdao with confusion.

Only to hear its voice slowly sound, "Are you sure you want to know what the weird is?"

"Once you understand the existence of the weird, you will be noticed by the weird."

"No matter where you go, the weird will follow you like a shadow."

"Destroy the area where you live until you are pulled into the weird and become a part of it."

"How is it possible?" The Star King was a little unconvinced. What kind of power in this world can do such a thing?

The otherworldly existence of Wu Lingdao turned his head and looked at him.

"Hehe, you don't believe it? So what?"

"Those who are ten or a hundred times more powerful than you all died because of a word of disbelief."

"Do you think you will be more powerful than them?"

Hearing this, everyone's face changed.

They have seen how powerful the Star King is.

This is just a clone, and Ximen Wusheng believes that he is not his opponent.

Even though the world is full of spiritual energy now, he has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy and made another breakthrough.

But facing this Star King, he still felt an irresistible pressure.

Took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity flowed in his eyes.

"We understand."

The senior officials of country H said slowly, "You don't need to explain what is weird."

"We will do our best to capture these alien beings, and there are some suitable sacrifices."

At this time, they already have a suitable goal in mind.

People from country H cannot be used as sacrifices, but some other neighboring countries do not have this restriction.

At this time, their eyes have revealed a very spicy color.

No one who can become a high-ranking official in a country is merciful.

When it comes to the life and death of themselves and their families, they are more ruthless than anyone else.

At this time, the alien existence of Wu Lingdao continued, "By the way, there is one more most important suggestion."

"Because we need to wait for the most appropriate moment."

"So we must do our best to suppress the spread of those mutant corpses."

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