The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 854: Acceptance and shock (second update)

The second task is to help a country resist an invading army.

The last task is to help the publisher of the task find a precious medicinal material.

All these tasks are marked at the end, and the highest danger of the task will not exceed the level of the boundary.

Seeing this scene, the red lizard man showed a trace of joy on his face.

From the crystal plate just now, he saw a series of talents.

All of them are related to fire, physical talent flame bloodline, spiritual talent, and flame sensitivity.

He was originally born in a place called Yanyang World.

All life in that place is naturally related to fire, and the power system is naturally the same.

But unfortunately, he has no physical or spiritual talent for fire.

He can cultivate to the current realm completely relying on countless struggles and opportunities to reach the current realm.

He has always wanted to make himself a genius, but the price he needs to pay is very huge.

There are ways to change bloodline in this world, but they all require a lot of world coins.

And special channels are also required.

However, these methods can only change the body bloodline, but cannot change the talents of the soul.

And in the crystal plate, he saw various talents at the soul level.

For example, flame perception, flame sensitivity, flame control, etc.

These talents are stimulating his nerves and making his heart beat fast.

The most important thing is that this talent is a complete set from D level to S level.

It is marked on it that the same talent can be upgraded and fused without any sequelae.

This simply made him ecstatic.

Without any hesitation, he took a task and came to Lin Yi.

"Manager, I accept this task."

Lin Yi's eyes swept over the task list he took, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"This is a contract. Write your name. Our transaction will be bound and guaranteed by mysterious power."

The note appeared in Lin Yi's hand, surrounded by a spiritual wave, and the red-skinned lizard man could not feel the strange power at all.

He looked at the content on it, which was just a simple binding treaty.

It was very fair and just, but there was one item that made his heart jump slightly.

All information related to the task must not be disclosed to anyone.

Otherwise, he will face the end of death.

Seeing the content of the contract, the red-skinned lizard man's face condensed slightly.

Looking at Manager Lin in front of him, since the other party dared to take out such a contract, it means that this contract definitely has the power to restrain them.

After thinking about it, he still wrote down his name.

Because talent is really attractive to him.

The contract was signed, and the note burned without wind.

A faint strange power quickly enveloped the red-skinned lizard man.

At this time, the red-skinned lizard man was stunned for a moment, because he felt the strange power enveloped him.

In an instant, his pupils shrank and looked at Lin Yi, who just looked at him calmly.

"The contract has been signed. When you complete the task, our contract will also end."

"As long as you abide by the content of the contract, the power of the contract will not be activated, and the weirdness will not find you."

"Don't worry, the weird essential power that entangles you is different from the weird power you have seen in the past. It will not erode your body and make you weird."

"You should be able to feel the difference."

The red-skinned lizard man was slightly awed.

Looking at Lin Yi, through the power of the contract, he could feel that Lin Yi had an unusual sense of terror.

This feeling filled his heart with inexplicable fear, that is the feeling of a weak person facing a strong person.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Then let's start the task now."

"Do you have any questions, Mr. Parker."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

The name of this red-skinned lizard man is Parker.

Parker shook his head and said, "Such a simple task, of course there is no problem."

Lin Yi smiled slightly and stood up from his position.

Then he came to the door of the Wanshiwu.

At this time, everyone in the Wanshiwu looked at him.

More than 30 guests in the store looked at him with a little interest.

They all wanted to know what the task of the Wanshiwu was like.

Because there was no other information on the notice except the specific content of the task.

This is different from the way most organizations issue tasks.

Lin Yi stretched out his hand and gently opened the door of the Wanshiwu.

An incredible scene appeared in everyone's eyes.

The opposite side of the door became another world.

Everyone who can walk into the void knows that the world is different from the world.

Different worlds have their own rules, power systems, etc.

If a person from another world wants to enter another world, he needs to be fully prepared.

The first thing is to face the malice of the world.

The world will not have any goodwill towards any invaders.

It is extremely merciful to kill the invaders directly without directly sending down thunder disasters.

"How is it possible? Is this directly connected to another world?"

"How is this done?"

"Incredible, this is definitely the most advanced application of the power of time and space,"

"And there is no fluctuation in time and space."

"I've never seen this kind of technology."

A round of noise quickly spread throughout the whole room.

None of these people are simple, and the energy level of many of them has already reached the level of the Immortal Dao.

Life has an existence of more than 100,000 years and millions of years.

They have seen countless things in their lives, and they have never seen any weird things.

But they have never heard of anything like this.

Lin Yi looked at the red-skinned lizard man Parker and said with a faint smile on his face.

"There is a new world on the other side. You have to complete your mission in the world on the other side."

"Don't worry, you have traces of my power on your body, so you won't be rejected by the world."

"In that world, you can also use your own power system, and the opposite is a low-level extraordinary world."

"Your power will be suppressed to a certain extent, but it will not affect your power level."

The red-skinned lizard man Parker takes on the task of helping a country defend itself against invaders.

This is one of the most suitable tasks that Lin Yi selected through the wish shrine in Crescent Base within half a month.

In Lin Yi's plan, all tasks in Wanshiwu in the future will be reviewed by him, and the profit and difficulty level will be determined before being listed.

As Wanshiwu's first mission in the void, Lin Yi would naturally explain it to Parker in detail, so that he should not have any worries.

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