The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 866 Miracle Legend (Second Update)

Secondly, if you want to get something in the ruins of the ancient gods, it seems to be related to luck.

Luck is a very general term.

Some people say that it is a certain inevitable result of the five major rules combined in a living body and the interaction with the world.

A very mysterious thing that cannot be explained, but it does exist.

In the ruins of the ancient gods, people with luck often have huge gains.

And luck is something that cannot be measured, so the Void Fate Committee cannot monopolize the ruins of the ancient gods.

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Even if they monopolize it, they may not get anything within a limited time.

Because the appearance of the ruins of the ancient gods is time-limited.

Most of them will not exceed half a month of void days.

In order to discover more things from the ruins of the ancient gods in the shortest time.

Casting a wide net is the best way.

As long as the contract is signed, the Void City will naturally get a considerable amount of benefits from the ruins of the ancient gods.

The reason why the Void Fate Committee attaches so much importance to the exploration of the ancient god ruins is that in addition to the miracle coins and the harvest of various ancient god creations.

The most important point is that there may be a way to completely solve the strange place in the ancient god ruins.

Because in the currently known world group, most of the effective forces against the weirdness all come from the ancient god ruins.

So every exploration of the ancient god ruins will attract the attention of the entire void.

Anyone who can come will never let it go, even if they pay a huge price, they will not give up.

And this time, Lin Yi is also very interested in the exploration.

He cares very much about this legendary ancient god.

Because he found that part of the power in the miracle coin has something to do with the power of the mind.

It should be said that it is a higher quality power of the mind.

Just like the spiritual wave produced by the true destiny, a higher quality product of the mind.

But that is only part of the power in the miracle coin.

There is also a part of the power that Lin Yi has never seen before.

The three miracle coins he got are not very powerful in themselves, but they are very wonderful.

The effect of the first coin is 50% probability.

Its function is that when the user wants to do something, as long as this coin is used, there is a 50% chance of success.

For example, originally facing a situation of certain death, there is no hope, but as long as this coin is used, something will definitely happen, resulting in a 50% decrease in the probability of death.

At the critical moment, the moment of despair, this coin will be very useful.

The second coin, absolute flying.

No matter what kind of scene, as long as you use this coin, you can fly, and the flying time is one hour.

The third coin, the charm of the alien race.

After using this coin, this person will get unlimited charm, but this charm is only useful for creatures of alien races.

These three coins seem to have no great use except for the 50% probability.

But there has always been a saying in the void.

There are only useless people, no useless miracle coins.

There are many kinds of miracle coins, and there are countless legends about them.

The most important one is that it is said that all miracle coins are prepared for a certain moment.

When that moment comes, the coin will play its true role.

And when the miracle coin plays its true role, it will disappear forever and never reappear.

It seems that the ancient gods have already predetermined the future, and each coin has its true role moment.

Before that moment comes, even if the coin is used, the future will continue to appear at a certain moment.

Only when the necessary moment comes, the miracle coin is used, triggering a real miracle and completing the impossible, will its mission end.

This is why the miracle coin is called a miracle.

In the dark, it seems that there is a big hand controlling the fate of all beings.

Among the 1001 sets of miracle coins, there are at least more than 300 coins that have never appeared after being used and have triggered miracle events.

The effect of the most recent coin was used on the chairman of the Void Destiny Committee.

The chairman of the Void Destiny Committee is said to be the only one in the entire void who is closest to eternity.

He is a Taoist monk who has reached the final True Spirit Tribulation, and it seems that he is only half a step away from completing it completely.

He achieved the half-step eternal level by relying on a miracle coin, which helped him survive a crucial soul tribulation and reverse a fatal tribulation.

It is said that there are several important levels in practicing the True Spirit Tribulation. Once all these levels are completed, one can break through the True Spirit Tribulation and completely enter the eternal level.

And now the chairman of the Void Fate Committee has completed this last level.

The reason why he was able to complete this last level was because of a mysterious miracle coin.

It brought him an incomparable miracle.

And after using this miracle coin, a wonderful vision broke out.

That vision is exactly what will happen when the miracle coin is used at the right time, as if the entire void is cheering.

And this also means that the miracle coin will disappear from the world forever.

The events and legends triggered by the disappearance of all miracle coins will have a profound impact on the future of the entire void.

There is also a saying that when all miracle coins have completed their missions.

The void seems to have reached the crossroads of fate.

A huge event will happen that affects the entire void and countless world groups.

There are too many stories and legends about miracle coins, so anyone who has the ability will collect miracle coins crazily.

Various information about miracle coins flashed through his mind.

Lin Yi did not go to the recruitment station to sign up in the end, but turned back to the Wanshiwu.

Although he was very interested in miracle coins, he did not want to get involved in such a dangerous operation.

The Wanshiwu is booming, and a steady stream of wealth has flowed into his pocket.

The Wanwujie has been cultivated, and the Daohen World has completed the prototype of the world.

Everything is moving in a good direction, and he doesn't need to take risks.

Waiting steadily, using time to accumulate enough wealth and resources to promote his cultivation, this is one of his original intentions for establishing the Wanshiwu.

Back to the Wanshiwu, it has become much colder inside.

Only the old people in the Wanshiwu were still busy, or relaxing with tea and rest.

They basically maintained the same plan as Lin Yi, and did not intend to interfere in anything in this world.

At least until they were strong enough, the Wanshiwu could help them obtain enough resources.

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