The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 881 Puppet, Mummy (First Update)

"The people living here should be the followers and servants of the ancient gods, who serve the ancient gods."

"According to the layout of the various ancient god ruins I have seen."

"This is not where the ancient gods live."

"The ancient gods should be in a higher place."

"This belongs to the followers area and the slave area."

"But there are many good things in this place, and the ancient gods often reward them with various things.

"We can search here."

"Maybe we can get some records of slaves and followers."

"Some followers or slaves will record some things that happened between them and the ancient gods."

"At the same time, they will also have some things given by the ancient gods."

Aliatha's eyes lit up, and she obviously thought of something that excited her.

"In this case, let's start searching."

Aliatha said with a gleam in her eyes, "Next, watch me. "

As she spoke, she took out an embroidered bag from her bosom.

It was also filled with the power of the ancient gods, and had the characteristics of time and space inside.

Obviously, this was something like a storage bag.

"In the ruins of the ancient gods, everything brought in from outside will change."

"So the storage bags we usually use are useless."

"This is an ancient god item with storage function."

"It should have been used by some female creatures during the ancient god period."

"Small and exquisite."

As he spoke, he had already taken out a crystal panel from it.

This panel was very strange, as transparent as crystal, with countless smoke-like things rolling inside.

She just tapped the panel lightly.

A large amount of smoke quickly spread from the panel to the surroundings.

The smoke spread into the air, and then the smoke quickly disappeared, and some light spots appeared on the panel.

I only heard Aliata explain.

"The flashing light spots on it are all items that contain the power of the ancient gods."

"The stronger the light spots, the more powerful the effect of the item. "

"We will first look for the place with the most intense light, where the power of the ancient gods is the most concentrated."

Soon, a large number of ancient god items appeared densely on the panel, and there were at least thousands of them at a glance.

Aliata screamed, "It's a blast."

"I didn't expect there were so many ancient god items here."

"Look at the center of this area, there are three ancient god items with the most intense light."

"That must be the miracle coin."

"Only the miracle coin can reach this level of light."

"Let's go there quickly, don't let others get there first."

Just as she was talking, some of the flashing points on the stone slab disappeared, and it was obvious that someone had also come here.

Aliata said anxiously, "Someone broke in."

"We have to be quick. "

Lin Yi nodded, pulled up Aliatha, and quickly rushed to the center of the stone slab.

A green dot flashed on the stone slab, which represented the two of them.

In addition to them, some black dots were constantly appearing.

Obviously representing other intruders, or there were guards here.

There were also streets one after another in this huge ruin.

And there were some puppet-like things working on the streets.

They were originally standing there quietly.

But when Lin Yi and Aliatha arrived, they would wake up from their slumber.

A huge guard with a body size of 10 meters has blocked their way.

A black light burst out from the weapon of the puppet, and a black lightsaber smashed towards Lin Yi and Aliatha.

But Lin Yi and Aliatha had already passed through without leaving any trace.

The huge puppet was like a monkey, turning around nimbly and chasing in the direction of their flight.

Lin Yi frowned, then plunged into the ruins next to him.

He wanted to pass through the wall through the ruins to avoid the puppet's pursuit.

When he entered a ruined palace, he suddenly frowned. .

Because there was a strange and cold feeling in this palace.

He saw an unusual scene in this palace of hundreds of square meters.

A dry corpse with green flames in its eyes was looking at him and Aliatha.

This corpse was in human form, but it had four arms.

The face was festering, and the specific facial features could not be seen, only the mouth full of sharp teeth and two ghost-like eyes.

The moment Aliatha and Lin Yi came in, it seemed to stimulate it.

It rushed up like a ghost.

Four arms filled with black air rushed towards Lin Yi and Aliatha. Liata grabbed.

The palms of the four arms were dry and covered with sharp nails.

Facing this oncoming attack, Lin Yi's heart moved slightly.

He raised his hand and blasted towards the center of the mummy's eyebrows.

The terrifying power erupted in an instant.

The spiritual wave was injected into the embryonic form of the Daohen world, turning into a chaotic light.

This power can destroy everything and wipe out everything.

Especially under the injection of the spiritual wave, the power reached its peak.

In an instant, the monster's head was directly destroyed and wiped out by this light.

But its attack did not cause any damage to Lin Yi and Aliata.

The radiance of chaos not only destroyed the opponent's head, but also instantly expanded to his whole body.

In a huge vortex of chaos, the monster was directly sucked in.

The next moment, he was directly turned into countless ashes by the vortex.

A wisp of pure weird power was extracted and sucked into Lin Yi's spiritual wave sphere.

"This is a weird power."

"Is the enemy of the ancient god really weird?"

"Is this the place where they study weirdness?"

After destroying the target, a huge roar sounded behind.

The huge puppet had chased in, causing the already damaged palace to collapse again.

Lin Yi had no time to think about it, and pulled Aliatha through the wall in an instant.

The puppet rushed into the palace, and the two copper bell-like eyes looked around, but found nothing. There was nothing here.

It was just a puppet without wisdom.

There was no trace of Lin Yi and the others, as if it had lost the ability to move.

It stopped instantly and remained standing.

Lin Yi had already dragged Aliatha to another palace.

This palace was almost completely ruined, without even a roof.

There was only one wall, and it was half broken.

Lin Yi looked around carefully and found that the damaged parts of the walls were directly smashed by an extremely powerful force.

The roof collapsed directly to the ground, and the same was true for the three walls.

The scene at that time vaguely emerged in his mind.

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