The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 88 Inspection and Discovery (First Update)

The policeman was completely unaware of the strange changes in the Wanshiwu and passed by the Wanshiwu with an expressionless face.

Lin Yi swept his eyes across the lobby of the Wanshiwu. Apart from the black smoke, the Wanshiwu had not changed much.

He slowly stood up and began to patrol the Wanshiwu, starting with the lobby.

Every corner was within his inspection range.

There was nothing unusual in the dark corners such as the bar, under the table, under the sofa, etc.

Finally, he came to the French window of the Wanshiwu and looked outside.

A hazy street always changed between existence and non-existence.

He frowned and did not rashly open the door of the Wanshiwu. He had a strange feeling.

The outside was no longer the Red Lotus Realm. Once opened, there would be some unknown danger.

"Interesting, really interesting."

"The influence of this weird magic cube is getting bigger and bigger."

A strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he walked towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was not big, and it looked the same as usual, with no changes.

Through the window, outside is the gap between the Wanshi House and the house next door. There is a small ditch on the ground to drain rainwater.

At this time, the gap of the small ditch is also hazy, and there is a layer of inexplicable fog.

After checking in the kitchen for a few minutes, Lin Yi came to the backyard.

At first glance, the changes here are the most obvious.

On the wall of the backyard, a hazy black fog covers the Wanshi House.

The Wanshi House seems to be covered with a layer of fog, completely separated from the outside world, like another world.

Standing in the backyard, looking outside the fog, there is the looming Red Lotus City.

"The space around the Wanshi House seems unstable, and there is a feeling of entering another world at any time."

"It's really interesting. Is this caused by a strange object? Or will it really enter an unknown world?"

Strange objects, a kind of thing full of inexplicable power, so far, Lin Yi has no idea what its origin is.

Without staying in the backyard for long, he soon returned to the Wanshi House and began to check other places.

In the face of unknown phenomena, more observation is the best way to ensure safety.

On the glass of the toilet, a palm appeared again.

This was a blood-red palm, and all five fingers were covered with bloodstains.

The traces of decay on the fingers were faintly visible, and the skin was purple-black.

The palm was now pushing out from the mirror, as if it wanted to rush out of the mirror.

The originally hard mirror now seemed to have turned into a transparent fluid substance, deforming with the palm.

Under the power of this palm, it kept bulging, as if the mirror surface would be pierced by these five fingers at any time.

The monster in the mirror could also crawl out at any time.


The sound of opening the door sounded, Lin Yi pushed the door open and saw the change of the mirror at first sight.

He was slightly stunned, and the owner of the palm in the mirror was obviously also stunned.

He did not expect that there would be a living being.

The mirror surface slowly calmed down, and the palm did not exert any more force, and it seemed that it no longer intended to rush out.

Lin Yi looked at the dark mirror, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes, "Is it really connected to the unknown world?"

At this time, an eye from the world in the mirror stuck to the mirror surface.

It turned its eyeball and looked at Lin Yi. It was a very strange eye.

Round eye sockets, bloody whites of the eyes, and if you look closely, you can see that the whites of the eyes are made up of countless blood threads.

They are entangled with each other, without a single gap, just like countless muscle fibers entangled together.

In the center of the bloody whites of the eyes, there is a dark spot with a diameter of about one centimeter.

That is the pupil, deep darkness, without a trace of other colors.

Just by seeing it, Lin Yi instinctively felt a fear that impacted his mind.

The trembling of the body was spreading from the body, and he was affected by some kind of power.

The "Yi Ling Jing" seemed to be stimulated and started to operate directly.

Countless green lights filled the whole body, and Lin Yi's mind was instantly immersed in a cold power.

All negative emotions disappeared like flowing water, and the mind was empty, like a void without any force.

Looking at Lin Yi who woke up from fear, his black pupils shrank slightly.

He took a deep look at Lin Yi, then slowly stepped back and disappeared into the darkness of the mirror.

Lin Yi's face showed a trace of solemnity, "It's really a weird existence. Just looking at me makes me feel scared."

"A weird existence hidden on the other side of the mirror? It seems that this weird thing is really not so easy to get."

"But if handled properly, this will become a good source of weird existence."

"Maybe my "Odd Spirit Scripture" can quickly upgrade to the second level."

Thinking, suddenly his heart moved, and the weird child upstairs sent a message.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, "Dare to come."

Turned and walked towards Brandy's room on the second floor, and arrived in front of Brandy's door in a few flashes.

Pushing the door in, there was chaos inside.

Countless black smoke and black tentacles were pulling each other with countless hairs.

In the black smoke were the weird children and Brandy who was protected by him.

At this time, Brandy looked asleep, but his face was full of fear and palpitations, as if he had encountered something terrible in his dream.

Lin Yi looked across at the strange child, and saw a vague and illusory figure.

Countless strands of hair were spreading out from the vagueness, colliding with the black smoke tentacles of the strange child.


An extremely small explosion sounded continuously, covering most of the room.

But surprisingly, this sound had no effect on Brandy.

He was still in a deep sleep and was not awakened. Obviously, he was affected by the hazy existence.

"Humph, you can't just touch my people in the Wanshiwu."

Lin Yi was full of sapphire light, and his whole body was filled with a strong murderous intent.

This hazy existence was full of the aura of the human immortal level, and he was fighting against the weird child.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of the hazy existence.

Countless hairs, with strong power, covered Lin Yi's whole body.

These hairs pierced the air, like a fast-moving fine needle.

The fine "swoosh" sound of breaking through the air showed the huge penetrating power of the hair.

Lin Yi performed the "Great Power Vajra Seal Method", and the Fearless Seal in his hand was instantly covered with infinite golden light, like metal glass.

Bang, bang, bang

Countless strands of hair hit his body, as if hitting metal, leaving dense and fine marks on his body.

His body shook, and Lin Yi frowned. Each of these fine strands of hair had an inertial force.

"Without the protection of energy and seals, he would be pierced and killed."

Countless green lights flashed around Lin Yi, and black smoke began to emerge the moment these strands of hair hit him.

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