The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 892 Blood Sacrifice, Pressure (First Update)

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"I guess the other party's purpose should be the things buried in the ancient ruins."

"I smell a familiar smell."

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The Lord of the Fairy Palace said in a heavy tone.

The Soul Master seemed to know something, and a low thought sounded.

"You mean-they?"

"They appeared again?"

"Yes, I suspect it is them."

"Because they themselves are very similar to the weird."

"And they seem to have been studying the power of weirdness."

"If it is them, in the ancient ruins, it is possible to open the door to the weird place."

Hearing this, the Soul Master also fell into silence.

"They" seems to be a taboo. The Soul Master and the Lord of the Fairy Palace seem unwilling to say their real names. And only "they" are used to refer to them.

A trace of solemnity emerged in the hearts of the two people involuntarily.

If it was really the people they thought, this incident would not end so easily.

Those people were not less powerful than the Void Fate Committee.

In fact, they could be even more powerful.

Thinking of this, they took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in their eyes.

"First, block the stairs behind the base of the statue."

"Don't let it be exposed to these weird sights."

"Then we will guard around this hall."

"We can't guard here, but it will attract attention."

The Soul Master thought for a while and said.

The Lord of the Fairy Palace nodded, "Good."

After that, the four came to the back of the base of the statue.

There were broken stone slabs scattered on the ground.

Zixuan took action and controlled all the stone slabs to fly up, spliced ​​them into their original shape, and reconnected them with the base.

But it was just spliced, and there were still many cracks on it.

Then, the flame in his hand flickered gently, instantly covering the position of the cracks.

In just a dozen seconds, all the cracks in the stone slab melted, and they connected together again and became one again.

At the same time, the flames gently swept across the entire stone slab, melting all the inharmonious traces on it into a smooth surface, which perfectly merged with the base of the statue.

In this way, from a purely visual point of view, there is no difference from the original.

Moreover, the power of the spiritual level seems to be unable to see the stairs behind the stone slab through the material of the base of the statue.

After doing all this, the four people quickly walked out of the palace.

Then they saw the chaotic scene outside.

On the road outside, a large number of strange beings appeared in the sky of the city, and there was the glory of battle.

The explorers were forming groups of battle lines and fighting with these strange beings.

The battle was in full swing, and violent conflicts broke out every moment, and a large number of lives fell.

The family palace area in the ancient god ruins seemed to repeat the chaos of the war countless years ago.

This is a life-and-death battle, and there is no room for compromise.

All explorers knew that if they failed, they would be swallowed by the weirdness, and there was no chance at all.

For the sake of their own lives, no one would hold back at this time.

A large number of people were retreating in the direction from which they came.

Only there could they leave through the teleportation array on the road they came from.

After seeing this scene, the Lord of the Fairy Palace and the Lord of the Soul looked at each other, and their hearts became heavier.

They had seen that the strong weird power was spreading and invading the interior of the ancient god ruins.

"Such a large-scale weird invasion is absolutely impossible without special means."

"Let's prepare to evacuate too."

"There will be a big problem here."

"Their methods are really cruel."

As soon as the Lord of the Soul finished speaking, a hint of coldness flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Fairy Palace.

"Things are not as simple as we thought, look at the ground."

The Lord of the Soul looked in the direction of the Lord of the Fairy Palace, and then his pupils shrank and his heart moved.

There were several dead explorers on the ground.

At this time, these corpses all showed strange changes.

There is no life source in their bodies, and there is no trace of soul.

Their bodies have completely turned into a pile of pure matter.

The life source and soul seem to have been sucked away by something.

For any dead creature, the life energy and soul particles in the body will not dissipate directly in a short period of time.

The more powerful the life form, the more time it takes to completely decay.

But now these corpses have lost all their characteristics as creatures in a short period of time.

There is only one explanation, something is absorbing their vitality and soul.

The soul master was silent for a while, and slowly said, "This is a blood sacrifice."

"All explorers are sacrifices to awaken something that is blocked in this ancient god ruins."

At this moment, the two have completely seen through the purpose of these strange existences.

"We can't stay here any longer."

"Organize everyone to prepare for evacuation immediately."

"Things are more dangerous than we thought, reveal our identities to everyone."

"It's not easy to organize them into a mess. It's not easy to stop these weird existences."

The soul master said.


After finishing speaking, several people jumped into the air and began to fly towards the gathering crowd.

At this time, Lin Yi and Aliata had descended hundreds of kilometers under the abyss.

The further down they went, the more they felt a terrifying pressure shrouding their souls.

Although this coercion will not cause them any harm, it can be seen how dangerous the existence represented by this coercion is.

Lin Yi and Aliata's expressions became more solemn, and both of them smelled an increasingly dangerous aura.

Just listen to Aliata say, "The things down there seem to be dangerous."

"I feel like my whole body is shaking. I've never felt anything so scary."

"Even those weird ancient beasts that appear on the front line, the most terrifying existences among the weird, can't be compared with what's below."

Lin Yi also said with a solemn expression, "The more terrifying it is, the closer it is to the essence of everything."

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"All the secrets in this world only exist around the strong."

"Since this kind of thing appears in the ruins of the ancient gods, maybe the secret you are looking for is in it."

Hearing this, anticipation arose in Aliata's heart, and fear flashed through her heart.

In the infinite void, the information of the ancient gods is the most precious.

Everyone is looking for where the ancient god went?

In the infinite time and space, the corpse of the ancient god has never appeared, only the various creations left by the ancient god.

Everyone has a strong interest in the existence form of the ancient gods.

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