The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 914: Ideas, Refining (First Update)

My experiment can be said to have been completed perfectly, and the next thing to do is further optimization.

It also needs to be continuously promoted. As more and more people work for him, he will become safer until real freedom comes.

Now if we want to mass-produce these weapons, there is only one problem, and that is the number of Dao Marks.

Now he is using heavenly crystals, and these crystals come from the ancestors of heavenly beings.

At this time he had arrived in the underground maze.

There are three golden coffins here, inside which lie the three ancestors of heavenly beings. They have completely fallen into a deep sleep and were forced to indulge.

Lin Yi's human-immortal clone was standing here, grabbing out strand after strand of aura from the ancestor of the celestial beings from the golden coffin.

These breaths are ethereal, psychedelic, and full of evil.

After breaking away from the golden coffin, they will twist and turn into heavenly beings.

Then unique evil spirits and principles will be born in the bodies of these heavenly beings.

With the birth of the spirit, this monster called the Celestial Being will be completely formed.

As soon as it appears, it releases boundless malice.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you."

"Destruction, destruction, destruction."

"Ants, killing, destruction..."

Every moment, people on this day are releasing boundless malice, without any kindness, and full of a feeling of madness.

Completely devoid of any sense and dominated by evil principles.

At this time, the immortal clone is observing the principle of this change.

He was observing the spiritual structure of this evil deity and how reason came into being.

Under the observation of Zhenming Daojie, this phenomenon has been clearly understood.

The main reason lies in the aura emitted by heavenly beings.

This breath will naturally absorb the emotions that permeate the void.

The malicious and good intentions emanating from all living beings will be a kind of magnetic field. When combined with this breath, they will evolve into evil spirits and principles.

These negative emotional magnetic fields are themselves derivatives of the soul, and will be transformed into spirit under the influence of the breath of heaven and man.

The various evil information contained in the original negative emotions and born from life itself will be transformed into evil principles.

In the end, the aura of the ancestor of heaven and humanity will disappear completely after transforming the spirit and principles.

Then a wonderful spiritual existence between the spiritual and material levels will be born.

These celestial beings have no souls; they are entirely products of spirit and principles.

Therefore, they can possess any living creature, and then erode the soul and spirit of these creatures and obtain physical bodies.

Eventually, they slowly grow and become more and more powerful, and they can continue to absorb negative emotions in the air.

Until they condense the relics of heaven and humans, an evil product of acquired Dao marks, the negative emotions from the outside world will completely lose their effectiveness.

At that time, heavenly beings had basically reached the level of human immortality.

At this time, in the hands of the human immortal clone, a piece of immortal light enveloped the newborn celestial being.

Forcibly controlling an evil force and injecting it into the body of this heavenly being.

After receiving the power of the human-immortal clone, this man immediately underwent wonderful changes.

Its illusive figure quickly became solid, and at the same time it produced an inexplicable attraction.

His spirit seems to be blessed by this pure energy, and its ability to attract negative emotions from the outside world has increased.

Like a whirlwind, countless negative emotions poured into the body of this heavenly being.

In just a few minutes, the negative emotions in this man's body were transformed into evil principles by his spirit.

This evil principle condensed rapidly in the spiritual world, and finally turned into a crystal relic of heaven and man.

The relics of gods and humans are composed of evil principles and spirits, but they can exist in reality in a stable material form.

But its essence is still an evil spiritual principle.

The most important thing about the heavenly relic is that its spirit and evil principles are actually one.

The spirit constitutes the information carrier of evil principles and is finally condensed.

Seeing the heavenly being in front of me advance, he exuded a strong aura.

The immortal light in the hand of the human immortal clone was suddenly squeezed, and the celestial being was instantly shattered, leaving only a celestial relic.

At this point, Lin Yi has completely mastered the technology of making heavenly relics.

The next thing to do is to expand the production scale of Tianren relics.

And he already had an idea in his mind.

The place where the immortal clone is located is the second floor of the underground maze.

This is a vast flat space that he transformed.

Along with his thoughts, countless materials appeared here out of thin air.

The source of true life was activated, and these materials quickly began to form magical weapons under Lin Yi's control.

The source of true life can control the transformation of all energy and matter, and is incredibly powerful.

With the support of Lingbo Sphere. Under the control of the true source of life, these substances are forced to change according to the structure of the magic weapon.

He wants to set up a formation, a formation specifically designed to absorb evil and negative emotions.

The purpose of this formation is to cultivate heavenly beings and condense a large number of heavenly beings' relics.

This formation is the product of an immortal cultivation system, which belongs to the evil immortal system.

The formation consists of a total of 999 formation flags, which is called "The Formation of Weary World-Weary Beings, Demons, Demons, Monsters and Enchanting Souls".

This formation is very special. It absorbs all the evil emotions in the world and evolves a spiritual world in it.

Once you fall into it, you will be pulled into this evil spiritual world and experience all the evil in the world.

In the end, the spirit is polluted and becomes a member of the formation, turning into an evil formation spirit.

Originally, refining this formation requires a lot of materials and countless time, and even has to survive the catastrophe before it can be successfully refined.

But in this void, there are not so many requirements.

First of all, the catastrophe will not appear, and secondly, various material restrictions do not exist.

It may be difficult for a world to collect these materials.

But the world in the void is infinite, and the resources are almost infinite. As long as you are willing to pay, it is not a problem.

The Wanshiwu has been running for more than a month and has accumulated a lot of wealth.

This little material is just a drizzle for Lin Yi.

Under the power of the true destiny root and the human immortal clone, this mysterious formation was refined in a short time.

One black formation flag after another floated on this layer. They trembled slightly and resonated with each other, forming a wonderful formation structure.

A cloud of black smoke rose up along with the formation, covering the entire second floor.

Three golden coffins were locked in the center of the formation.

Lin Yi stood beside the coffins and waved his hand, connecting the power of the formation and the golden coffins together.

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