The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 921 Achievement and Evolution (Second Update)

"At the same time, this mysterious spiritual root can resonate with the monks and become a magic weapon held by the monks."

"With this magic weapon, the monk can control space at will and affect the flow of time within a certain range."

"That's one of the rewards."

"The second reward is the ancient god's creation that we got from the ancient god's ruins."

"This thing is called an evolutionary crystal. It can evolve various acquired rules based on the five innate rules."

"It is the core of a trap commonly used in ancient god ruins."

"You have entered the ruins of the ancient gods, and you should have experienced traps involving various acquired rules."

"This is the ancient god's favorite method. This kind of acquired rules is ever-changing. If you are not careful, you will find a flaw, and then you will fall to death."

"The second system you practice very much needs this kind of acquired rules as a reference."

"This thing can evolve automatically indefinitely as long as energy is injected into it."

"It can accelerate the improvement of your second system."

"This evolution crystal is the second reward this time."

Lin Yi was slightly shocked when he heard the two items proposed by the Soul Master.

The other party can actually know what his own cultivation system is. This method is quite amazing.

At the same time, he was also slightly happy, because he really needed these two things.

If he can get it, his strength will take a huge leap forward.

Especially for the evolutionary crystal, as long as energy is continuously injected, a large number of acquired rules will be evolved.

When the time comes, he will integrate 365 perfect talents, and he will be able to easily absorb these acquired rules, evolve one Dao Mark world after another, and finally complete the Dao Mark Universe.

With the broad road in front of him, Lin Yi was naturally very excited.

However, he was not rash and thought about it carefully.

Once he enters the strange place, it means that he has to face all the dangers in the strange place.

Although the upper limit of his spiritual waves has been greatly increased, if there is a being in the strange place who can consume all the spiritual waves at once, the result will be very dangerous.

He would never underestimate the weird, it was an unimaginable terrifying existence that could tear apart the void for countless years.

He didn't think that relying solely on spiritual waves could ignore its dangers.

Lin Yi thought for a long time, and after a while he spoke slowly.

"I can't 100% guarantee access to the depths of that area."

"Once there is a danger that exceeds my ability to resist, I will immediately choose to retreat."

"Of course, this mission can be long-term."

“Whenever I feel like I have a challenge, I’ll do it again.”

"So you have to give these two things to me in advance."

Lin Yi's request was undoubtedly a bit loud. After all, he wanted payment before the task was completed.

But this is his request. If it cannot be met, he will not accept the task of soul master.

The soul master looked at Lin Yi quietly and fell into deep thought.

Once he agrees, he knows exactly what it means, and the risk is all theirs.

But thinking about the strange dangers, although these two things are precious, they are nothing more than that to the entire Void Destiny Committee.

He nodded and said, "Okay."

"The things can be given to you in advance, but after you get them, you have to go there within 7 days."

Lin Yi smiled, of course there was no problem.

The soul master waved his hand gently, and two mysterious jade boxes appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at the jade box and knew what was inside with a flash of green light in his eyes.

A small and exquisite magical tree, about three feet high, with countless leaves like crystals, and space and time vaguely flickering inside. There is also a fruit growing on the top of the tree, which is slightly green in color.

Just listen to the soul master say, "This precious time and space fruit will take about 10 void years to fully mature."

Lin Yi nodded, 10 Void Years was already a good deal.

In another box, there is a triangular pyramid crystal, which seems to have countless mysterious lights and runes flashing inside.

Lin Yi waved his hand gently, and the two things disappeared in his hands.

At the same time, a note appeared in his hand.

"Sign the contract."

"With the guarantee of the contract, no one dares to play tricks."

The soul master waved his hand slightly, "No, I believe that Store Manager Lin will not ruin his reputation because of such a small thing."

Lin Yi looked at the soul master and saw that the other party really had no intention of signing the contract, and he was thoughtful in his heart.

"Are you afraid of the strange power?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "Okay, since you don't want to sign the contract, it doesn't matter."

"In seven days I will go to the place you mentioned to find out."

"You should also be prepared."

The soul master nodded, "Okay."

Looking at the soul master's back disappearing outside the gate, Lin Yi's eyes showed a hint of solemnity.

"A weird place? The source of weirdness."

“It’s really a bit exciting.”

"What exactly is weird?"

"It can wreak havoc in the void for so many years."

"No one can see the truth."

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Yi's figure disappeared here.

The next moment, he arrived at the first floor of the underground maze.

The jade box containing the evolution crystal appeared in his hand.

Inside the jade box was a triangular pyramid. His eyes were shining with the light of the true destiny solution. He saw a strange structure inside the triangular pyramid.

This structure was composed of a strange pattern.

He had never seen such a pattern before, but they seemed to have power.

The true destiny solution was analyzing the meaning of these patterns. He found that these words seemed to contain information about the five innate principles.

Some of them were completely consistent with the information of energy and matter, and these two principles were completely controlled by him.

These patterns formed a large pattern similar to the deduction structure.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind. This was like the Eight Diagrams, which could evolve everything.

But it was a pattern that was more essential than the Eight Diagrams.

This pattern was composed of 5 different small patterns, and these 5 small patterns were not flat, but three-dimensional structures.

This pattern formed a five-sided structure, with 5 small patterns located in 5 directions, and a vast and illusory space in the middle.

But it seemed that something was evolving inside.

Thinking of this, a stream of spiritual energy was injected into it, and the spiritual energy was quickly absorbed by the five small patterns, and then they bloomed with wonderful light.

The five rays of light converged in the center and evolved into various different wonderful lights.

Lin Yi's true destiny and Taoism observed the light evolved in the center, which contained a lot of truth information, which was completely different from the five innate truths, a different truth.

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