The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 927 Dark Side, Convergence (Second Update)

When he pulled out the spear, he could see that the hole made by the spear was a dense bone layer as deep as two meters.

This was a very terrifying thing, which meant that there was a sea of ​​bones underground.

"Is this really a battlefield? But it looks more like a corpse pit, and all the corpses seem to have been plucked out."

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea.

He took out a spiritual jade from his pocket and threw it out.

Without the protection of Lin Yi's power, the spiritual jade was blown by the murderous wind around.

The spiritual jade was directly shattered into pieces and was blown into ashes before it fell to the ground.

The ashes did not fall to the ground, but were worn away into nothingness in the murderous wind.

Lin Yi's eyes could clearly see the process of the spiritual jade constantly collapsing in the murderous wind.

Being decomposed into invisible particles did not really disappear.

These invisible particles are too small and can easily penetrate almost all substances.

Looking at this scene, his heart was slightly shocked.

With this kind of power, even a cultivator of the Heavenly Immortal Dao would not be able to hold on for long when he came here.

He even saw that spiritual energy was blown into the same particles.

This scene also made him discover a problem.

It seems that no matter whether it is matter or energy, its ultimate essence is just a particle of different properties.

This is a state that has surpassed the limitations of energy and matter, the most fundamental essence of everything.

He thought in his heart, "Energy and matter are connected."

"Their origins are the same thing?"

"Or all time and space, even the soul is made up of the same thing."

"And the so-called innate five principles are just the result of some kind of construction using these particles?"


Lin Yi raised his head, looked into the distance, and continued to move forward, no longer paying attention to the sea of ​​bones and the wind of murderous intent.

He began to accelerate continuously and move towards the distance.

Time has no reference in the dark, and it is difficult to judge the speed of loss.

But fortunately, there is a clone in the Wanshiwu, relying on the spiritual wave ball at the spiritual level.

It can keep the souls of the two connected at all times and maintain the cognition of time.

More than an hour passed in a blink of an eye. This area was an endless sea of ​​bones, and it seemed that there was no way to find the middle or the end.

Lin Yi was moving in the direction of the increasing pressure in his spirit.

The greater the pressure in this area, the closer it was to the center of darkness.

After seeing a lot of the same scenery, he finally saw a different scenery.

A stone tablet appeared in front of him, with a few strange words on it.

Looking at these words, his eyes flashed with the light of the true destiny.

He obviously didn't know these words, but he understood their meaning.

"The door of the dark side."

With a slight movement in his heart, Lin Yi immediately took a few steps forward and looked behind the stone tablet.

There was actually a big door here, but it seemed to be carved on a rock wall.

Yes, a protruding rock wall appeared in front of Lin Yi.

A black door was quietly painted on the rock wall.

This door did not really exist, but was a black thing that seemed to be painted.

Even the door itself was as uneven as the rock wall.

Looking at this door, Lin Yi's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Is this the dark side door mentioned on the stone tablet? Where does it lead to?"

With countless questions flashing in his eyes, Lin Yi suddenly had an idea.

He sank into the sea of ​​bones underground and hid.

A figure in a black robe slowly came here and looked at the dark side door on the rock wall.

Lin Yi, who was hiding below, had the light of true destiny in his eyes and carefully observed this mysterious person.

His eyes passed through the black robe and saw a piece of darkness, like a shadow.

Or it was a shadow, hiding in this black robe.

"Shadow? What is this thing?"

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with doubts, not knowing what kind of creature it was.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his mind.

"There are intelligent creatures in this kind of place. It seems that he should know this place very well."

Just then, another figure appeared here.

This figure seemed to be a real life form. It was wrapped in countless golden bandages and looked like a mummy.

However, Lin Yi could see the truth inside through these bandages.

A man with his eyes closed, seemingly in a deep sleep.

His body was shriveled, like a corpse drained of water, but there was a will controlling it.

Seeing two very strange existences in a row, Lin Yi's heart moved slightly.

"It seems that I have encountered some secret gathering."

"And these two people look extraordinary, the fluctuations in their bodies are beyond imagination."

"One is full of ominousness and depth, and the other is like the sea, endless."

"At least a power fluctuation of more than ten thousand times the level of the Heavenly Immortal Dao. Is there such an existence in this world?"

"And I feel a pair of extremely close to eternal feelings from them, just like the chairman of the Void Destiny Committee."

Lin Yi's eyes showed a trace of disbelief. He didn't expect to find such a person in this ghost place.

Just as he was thinking, the third figure also appeared here silently.

This man also looked like a shadow. If it weren't for the true destiny, Lin Yi couldn't even see him.

This guy seemed completely transparent.

The three of them gathered here, and no one spoke, as if they knew each other.

Lin Yi hid below, without leaking any breath.

The true destiny root and the true destiny without boundaries completely wiped out all traces of him.

As the three people gathered in this mysterious dark side door, they finally took action.

The three people slowly came to the dark side door and each took out an object in their hands.

There were three fragments, and if they were put together, it would just be a round object, flat, about 5 mm thick, with a slight hole in the middle.

"Is this the key?"

Lin Yi had a thought in his mind.

The three people put the three fragments together and placed them in the center of the door.

Then this thing that seemed to be a key was attached to the rock wall, or to the door.

This mysterious key began to flash with black light, surrounding the round object.

Countless mysterious patterns flashed, and it looked extraordinary.

A faint black color spread from the round key to the surroundings, quickly spreading to the entire gate.

Then, a completely black gate slowly emerged from the rock wall, broke away from the rock wall, and became reality.

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