The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 930 Open, Darkness (First Update)

An inexplicable thought slowly emerged from the black-robed figure.

"This is the third time we have come here."

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"The first two times we figured out the trap ahead, and the last time we stopped in front of this door."

"Today everyone gathers here, do you have any way to open this door?"

The thought of the black-robed figure slowly echoed in this empty and silent palace.

The mysterious man wrapped in golden bandages said slowly.

"I investigated some ancient things,"

"This palace was moved from somewhere by the ancient gods, and it has an indescribable origin."

"They built this huge wall and moved this palace, all to block the opposite side."

"The specific origin of this palace is no longer traceable."

"I only found some scattered information in some ancient gods' ruins."

"This palace is a product of a more ancient coordinate, belonging to an unknown powerful existence."

"If you want to open this bronze door, you must have a special key."

"I got something by chance in the ancient gods' ruins."

As he said, a green token appeared in his hand, which was exactly the same color as the bronze door.

There was a ghost face on the token, which looked green and fanged, but very solemn and majestic, like a god.

The man with the golden bandage came to the bronze gate with the token.

He did not inject power into the bronze plate, but just raised his right hand.

He flicked the back of the bronze plate gently.


A strange sound wave slowly sounded and spread slowly around.

The bronze plate emitted a series of green ripples, touching the bronze gate in front of them.

The bronze gate was stimulated by the green ripples and immediately underwent a wonderful change.

The gate hummed, and the painting on the gate immediately underwent countless changes.

In the light, one mysterious human figure after another suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the three mysterious beings in front of the gate.

This kind of gaze was very strange, full of coldness and dead silence, which made the three people feel a little cold in their hearts.

In the end, their eyes fell on the bronze plate in the hands of the golden bandaged human figure.

The light spots on the gate seemed to have received some kind of command and slowly moved to both sides.

A gap appeared in the center of the bronze gate, and it slowly opened to both sides.

However, the figures in the countless light spots on both sides of the gate still stared at the three of them.

The three looked at each other, and only heard the black-robed figure say.

"Jin Yu, it seems that you need to take the lead now."

The mysterious bandaged man called Jin Yu looked at the two of them and said lightly, "You don't need to say it."

The relationship between them is not as harmonious as imagined.

Holding the bronze medal, Jin Yu walked in in one step, not caring whether there was anyone staring at him from behind.

Behind the bronze door is an equally dark space.

When Jin Yu stepped into it, it was like he was immersed in the darkness and was no longer seen in an instant.

Lin Yi's true destiny solution also met an opponent.

This pure darkness is very amazing and seems to have a strong interference effect on the true destiny.

This is the first time he has encountered it, which can substantially affect the power of the true destiny.

He can clearly feel that the vision in the true destiny solution has become blurred and double.

The Jin Yu in his eyes became illusory in the darkness, looking like a three-dimensional picture composed of lines.

This weird feeling made his heart beat.

The other two people seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with the darkness.

At this time, Jin Yu was moving forward in the darkness, and the bronze plate in his hand emitted a faint green ripple, covering his whole body.

He could feel the darkness outside the ripples, which seemed to have an unparalleled assimilation effect.

If there was no bronze plate, he would be completely assimilated by the darkness.

With his strength, he could not hold on for long, and this darkness made him feel dangerous from the bottom of his heart.

He always stood at the door and did not move forward.

Although he had a bad relationship with the two people outside, they could come here to take care of each other.

Their main purpose of coming here was to explore the secrets hidden by the ancient gods. Before seeing the secrets, he did not intend to take risks alone.

He took a step back and left the range of the bronze gate. The countless eyes on the gate were still looking at them.

The mysterious black-robed figure slowly said, "Jin Yu, what did you see?"

Jin Yu was shining all over, and after thinking for a moment, he replied, "It's very strange inside, this darkness seems to be able to assimilate everything,"

"If it weren't for the power of this bronze plate, I wouldn't be able to last a Void Day inside."

Hearing Jin Yu's words, the black-robed figure and the mysterious black shadow trembled slightly.

Jin Yu's power is not inferior to theirs, and they are all ancient great lives, witnessing too many secrets.

Even the ancient gods are not mysterious to them.

Even if they really face an ancient god, they have a certain chance of winning.

But now Jin Yu told him that the darkness behind the gate, even he couldn't resist it for long, what does that mean? They know it too well.

The darkness behind the gate was actually higher than them, which was incredible.

But soon the three of them seemed to have thought of something, and their bodies trembled slightly, as if they were excited.

Lin Yi had been underground, watching the changes in the three of them, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"What's wrong with them? They look so excited. Did they think of something?"

"This guy named Jin Yu said that the darkness inside will assimilate it."

"Why does this sound like the black substance released by the ancient god after being infected."

"That seems to be a power that can assimilate everything."

"Those who survived the ancient god's ruins seem to be very secretive about this dark substance and don't know it."

"The information I collected also shows that the substance is unique. It seems that there is no power that can resist it."

The black shadow, who has never spoken, was shaken by his thoughts, "Did the ancient god find the real one?"

"So they disappeared?"

"It's hard to say, don't jump to conclusions."

"This darkness is very dangerous. I don't know if this darkness originally belongs to this black palace, or if this bronze gate is connected to the huge wall outside."

"We need more information to draw conclusions."

"The ancient god hides too many secrets."

The mysterious black-robed figure said thoughtfully.

Jin Yu nodded, "Can this bronze medal protect us as we go in together?"

The mysterious black shadow shook his head, "There is only one bronze medal, even if it can, it won't work."

"The risk is too great."

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