
Precise, perfect and powerful.

This is Yao Yuan's evaluation of the scholars of the Asian Alliance.

This is a very high evaluation.

Because the nuclear device made by the other party not only meets all of Yao Yuan's needs, but also far exceeds Yao Yuan's standards.

So at this time, Yao Yuan did not hesitate to choose this ancient Chinese nuclear device for subsequent plans.

Moreover, since this group of scholars completed their tasks ahead of time, Yao Yuan was also very generous and gave this group of scholars a vacation.

But don't get me wrong.

Yao Yuan's vacation does not mean that this group of scholars can quit the game or something like that.

The vacation here means that Yao Yuan agreed to let this group of scholars freely study what they want to study, and they can explore on their own near the base.

After hearing this, the group of scholars hugged each other excitedly and congratulated each other on returning to the base.

After all, they have long wanted to study the world's technological level and the unique ecosystem in this world.

By the way.

Among this group of scholars, a large part of them are botanists and sociologists on the blue planet.

Compared with those physicists, the rules and formulas of mathematicians.

What they cared more about was the unique ecological features and social structure of this world.

However, when they left, they didn't notice that Yao Yuan wanted to discuss something with them.

After all, people are shaped by the land and water they live in.

Everything about this unique world made them curious!



Seeing the excited look of this group of scholars, Yao Yuan, who originally wanted to assign them the next stage of tasks, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"never mind"

"Just give them a day off."

"After all, there are less than two days left."

"The abyss tide is about to come"

"Besides, I need to be busy during this period of time!"

Yao Yuan turned around, left here, and came to Base No. 1, which is the area where the players are.


In fact, although this group of scholars is indeed very busy.

But the real player group is actually a busier group.

Because the number of tasks opened by Yao Yuan is too large, this group of players at this time has entered a crazy state.

They slaughter all the abyss creatures they can see around them day and night, clean up one piece after another of the polluted areas corrupted by the abyss, and explore one piece after another of unknown areas.

Some players, like ancient explorers, surrounded by abyss creatures and harsh environments, have expanded the pace of human players to areas outside the market area.

Among them, a professional wilderness survival player named [Mark Pineapple] even came to the core area of the Fallen City, and before being burned to death and eaten by the Fallen believers, he sent back a high-definition image worth 10,000 gold coins, becoming a hero player in one fell swoop!

And this high-definition image clearly marked at least two unknown abyss creations that were taking shape.

It was also because of this high-definition image that these two unknown abyss creations were able to be destroyed in advance by an elite giant team, indirectly saving the lives of at least thousands of creatures.

Of course.

This piece of information worth 10,000 gold coins was naturally exchanged by Yao Yuan for more than 3,000 military merit points.

It must be said.

The player named Mark Pineapple laughed very happily, and Yao Yuan laughed even happier than him!


In short.

Inspired by Yao Yuan's mission, the potential of this group of players exceeded almost everyone's imagination!

They went to heaven and earth, invincible, stealing and causing trouble everywhere.

But doing so actually has a price.

And this price is.....


"Oh shit!"

"What's strange?!"

"What about the monsters near our area?"

【Eat, sleep and play games], looking at the empty market area in front of him, with a puzzled look on his face

"Before I logged off, I remembered that there was a large Devil Servant spawn point near me."

"Why is it that when I log in, there are no fallen believers or even a single demon here?"

Faced with his friend's doubts, [Dou Dou] said helplessly:

"I told you not to log off, but you refused to listen"

"Don’t you know how fierce the competition is now?"

"The market area is really too small"

"This is a place the size of a large city, there simply aren't that many monsters to spawn, okay?"

"Moreover, now our players' levels have risen."

"You can't even imagine the speed at which those big players kill monsters."

That's right.

As the players' levels rise and the equipment is constantly exchanged, the speed at which these players clear monsters has far exceeded the"refresh" speed of demons, devils, and fallen believers.

What's even more terrifying is that many abyss creatures were not killed by these players.

They escaped!

Because the methods of these players were too cruel and bloody for the bloodthirsty and cruel abyss creatures, many abyss creatures fled to other areas overnight.

It's hard to imagine that the abyss creatures that were originally terrifying and invincible have now become the objects of slaughter under the attack of the players.


What's more important is that since Yao Yuan set up an air wall for these players and prevented them from entering other commander areas, the area they can spawn in is very limited.

There are not many surviving abyss monsters in the market area.

The center of the Fallen City is too far away from the resurrection point, and it is difficult for players to walk close.

So all the players at this time couldn't help but complain.

Even in the posts on the Internet, many players began to express their disappointment.

Among them, the black and the scumbags were also constantly fanning the flames.

"What kind of game is this? There's not even a monster!"

"That's right, XXX next door doesn't have this problem!"

Faced with these problems, Yao Yuan himself was also very helpless.

He himself did not expect that in less than five days, this group of players would be able to clear all the monsters in the market area.

"There is no way, these players are too cruel.

This was the first time he was questioned.


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