The Hunter’s Lucky Little Lady

Chapter 559: Who is Su Ling?

"You know how to plan carefully! You know how to save money for my mother so early!"

"That's right, mother, wait for a good life in the future! My son will be filial to you in the future, making you happier than all the mothers in town." Su Mao said like this .

"Okay, my mother will be waiting!" Su Ling said while cooking swiftly.

Soon, a table of dishes will be ready.

Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue reluctantly ran out of the stream and began to taste the food.

I have to say, this trip to Quanshui Town is really worth it!

The spring water chicken uses spring water-fed chicken males, slaughtered, washed, cut into small pieces, sprinkled with salt, minced ginger, and fried with 80% hot pound of rapeseed oil. After a few minutes , pour out part of the vegetable oil, add a certain proportion of spring water and more than ten kinds of seasonings such as prickly ash, dried chili, garlic, tempeh, rock sugar, etc. that have been crisped in advance, continue to fry, and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.

Although other people in Quanshui Town can learn the practice of spring water chicken, they cannot make the essence of spring water chicken.

Only the Su family has passed down the recipe for spring chicken from generation to generation, and the cooking of countless spring chickens, can they master the good cooking skills of spring chicken.

As the saying goes, as soon as an expert makes a move, you will know if there is any.

After this spring water chicken was delivered, just smelling the smell made people fascinated.

Pick up a piece of chicken and return it to your mouth with a spicy, crisp and refreshing taste.

Li Xiaoran fell in love with this dish after taking a bite.

"It's a pity that this spring water chicken can't be separated from the chickens raised in this spring water, otherwise I really want to take people to Shu, and I can eat it when I want to eat it in the future! "

Shu Ruyue nodded sharply when she heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"Don't you know that the cook here accepts apprentices? It's the kind of apprentice who will leave after learning!"

Wu Qinghe on the side heard this and was thinking about something.

"If you want to eat it later, you don't have to worry about it! Besides, there are thousands of delicious food in this world. If you want to eat a dish like you, you want to abduct a cook and go back, isn't it? There are cooks everywhere in Shu?" Luo Cheng said.

Li Xiaoran's eyes lit up when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Xiang Gong, I think your idea is good. After we return to Shu, let's do a cooking competition! In this way, we can not only taste a lot of delicious food, but also have some fun. , how wonderful!"

"Will it be too much trouble to do this! Madam, you know, I never like trouble!" Luo Cheng said hesitantly.

"Xianggong, you have a fief now. Although you don't have a king, you are still a prince. How you manage your fief is naturally up to you! Don't you want to let your fief Do the people here live a well-fed life?" Li Xiaoran thought about it and persuaded him like this.

"What does this have to do with being a culinary competition?" Luo Cheng didn't understand.

"Hey, husband, listen to me and tell you carefully! After this cooking competition is held, it will not only stimulate the economy, but also improve the happiness of the good people, and also make our The fief has received a lot of taxes, and in the future, it will have the money to do practical things for the common people!" Li Xiaoran tried his best to persuade.

"Let me think about it! Anyway, I'm still on the way home, after returning to Shu, let's talk about these things and go back to that! Madam, now you can let me eat a good meal Is it?" Luo Cheng pretended to be pitiful.

Li Xiaoran realized what, and quickly took a piece of chicken and served it to his husband to show his apology.

Luo Cheng also quickly clipped a piece to Li Xiaoran and put it on Li Xiaoran's mouth.

Li Xiaoran opened his mouth and ate this piece of chicken into his mouth.

"My God, I can't stand it! Zicheng and Zizheng, you two brothers face your son and sister-in-law's open love every day, can you stand it?" Wu Qinghe now It only feels that he, a single person, has received 10,000 points of critical damage.

"I don't think that the better the relationship between my son-in-law and sister-in-law, the happier we are for them! As long as the son-in-law and sister-in-law are willing, despite the love!" Zi Zheng said seriously.

"Yes, only the better the relationship between the son and the sister-in-law, those of us who follow the son will enjoy more and more delicious food. Look, if this was in the past, there would be no sister-in-law. When you are here, if you want to eat delicious food on the way, stop dreaming! It would be good if you didn't eat dry food!" Zicheng also echoed.

Since Li Xiaoran appeared, the quality of life of those who followed Luo Cheng has also skyrocketed.

So, as long as the son and sister-in-law are in a good relationship, whatever they want to do, those of them who are subordinates all agree with both hands and feet.

"You, are you jealous that the seventh prince can marry such a good wife as Xiaoran! Look at yourself, you are alone now, so you are envious and jealous! Wu Qinghe, you should hurry up with others Seventh Prince, learn a few tricks! If you meet someone you like in the future, it will come in handy!" Shu Ruyue sneered on the side.

These two people can't get through a day of bickering.

"If you really meet the girl you like, you won't be able to learn without me teaching you." Luo Cheng suddenly said this when he heard the conversation of several people.

Wu Qinghe was stunned for a moment, and then he looked like all he was thinking about.

Li Xiaoran looked at the pensive Wu Qinghe, felt the fluctuations in his heart, and suddenly became happy.

Could it be that under the stimulation of her and Luo Cheng throwing dog food, Wu Qinghe was about to wake up.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoran carefully observed the interaction between Shu Ruyue and Wu Qinghe.

Seeing this, Luo Cheng became jealous.

"Don't look at it, eat well! The food is now, if you don't eat it, you will fail the food!"

Li Xiaoran smiled and continued to eat.

When the meal was about to end, a woman suddenly rushed in from outside.

"Su Ling, Su Ling, it's not good! The wife who was just married by the heartless man came to the door right now!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Ling, who was cleaning up in the stove, ran out.

"Who are you saying?"

The voice fell, and a group of people came in outside.

If you look carefully, the clothes of this group of people are out of tune with the people around them. At first glance, they look like people from a big family.

"Who is Su Ling here?" A person who looked like a big maid stepped forward and asked loudly.

"I'm Su Ling, what's the matter?" Su Ling stepped forward and asked neither arrogantly nor arrogantly.

The maid looked Su Ling up and down, and then came to the side of the carriage that came in behind.

"Madam, the Su Ling you are looking for has appeared, exactly as the portrait!"

"Looks like we did the right thing today!" A delicate voice came from the carriage.

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