"Chop, sweep, tie, pump."

The thirteenth whip slammed like a silver snake, and the man held his wrist with a cold voice.

"Cut, drop, stab, stab."

Huo Jian allowed him to hold himself halfway, recognizing and remembering small movement differences between his wrists, as well as leisurely interruptions: "How to get rid of?"

Pei Ru also didn't answer, but his palms were only flipped with force, and the fierce long whip like a torture tool was tame as a white bird, fluttering around them, and it looked like magic in the mirror.

Whip dance requires long-term practice and adaptation, and it is easy to swell your nose and bruises before grabbing for a temporary performance.

However, Pei Ruye and Huo Jian both belong to the type of high dynamic memory and muscle memory. At this time, playing with fire has a hearty sense of relaxation.

"At that time, the silver whip will be tied with a bell at the end, to cooperate with the Sheng drum to step on." The man detective helped him brush the wet hair behind his ear and whispered slowly: "Once again, remember the posture."

After Huo Jian returned from training, Bo Jue glanced at his red cheeks and sweat on his forehead, and then looked at the time again.

"you guys?"

"Trained." Huo Jian didn't think much, only rubbed his sore wrist: "Playing with whip."

Bo Jue was almost choked: "Yu, yeah."

"Ang, the teacher moves very lightly."


The Spanish class here has just ended, and the grades are very real.

Xie Lianyun has been maximizing the efficiency of his work. He knows that he has no talent in this area.

Long Ji and Mei Shengyao learned very fast, one took 97 and one took full marks.

Ji Ji laughed out of the camera.

"I gave Yaoyao a lesson before!"

Huo Jianqing coughed: "Don't say it."

The barrage is particularly cheerful.

[Xie Lianyun strokes the water to touch the fish I want to report! ! Sure enough, the live broadcast is like the demon mirror. Thank you. This scum has finally been exposed! ! ! ]

[That muscle man was already crying when writing the paper. Hahahahaha. I really thought he was so good]

[Xie Lianyun is the second person to apply glasses and beard to the villain in the textbook...I actually want to powder]

[Doesn’t anyone look at Long Ji and Yao Yao! ! Changing into a school uniform is completely standard on the campus of the masculine god! ! Good grades, good personality and good looks! Arrive! burst! ]

The score is calculated according to the average score.

The red and blue teams are 46 and 51 respectively, the green team is 75 and the crown team is 85.

The red and blue team were not convinced: "What's the use of learning a foreign language! Do you still say howling oil when you go out to buy food!"

"So the next link, which is what everyone has been waiting for a long time-physical competition!"

When I decided to have 3v3 basketball, the amateur team was all excited.

Most of the straight men have even started to bet, they simply don't believe where this kind of weak idol can hit.

Basketball, a common sport used by male creatures to vent excess energy, is highly confrontational and explosive, and it is a test of comprehensive quality.

If the live broadcast is a physical test, let the amateurs and the stars run ten kilometers together as a tablet support and then jump a rope, there is a high probability that they will be sprayed "bullying ordinary people to have no time to go to the gym". "It is absolutely not true to cheat."

But playing basketball is very real.

The six crown children lived on the 17th floor for so many years, and the only ones who really keep active exercise habits are Longji Meishengyao and Chi Ji.

Xie Lianyun and Bo Juqi both pursue the literary and artistic youth attributes of being able to lie down for a while, Huo Jian is completing the training requirements on time and in amount, and does not feel much about these sports.

The boss Pei passed the question in advance, and the final team was Huo Jian, Mei Shengyao and Chi Ji.

When this event was announced in advance, fans were a little irritated.

From the point of view of body shape and physical fitness, it is obvious that the tall man like Long Ji is more likely to win and feel safe. Those straight men are not good at playing and have small movements. The program group does not plan to be an individual at all.

The three of them really changed their uniforms and entered a warm-up state, and Long Ji wore them to accompany them to dribble.

"Come on." He looked at Chi Ji and Mei Sheng Yao said: "Don't play too crazy."

Huo Jian silently said: "Brother, who won't necessarily win..."

"Have you never played with Yaoyao?" Long Ji said with a frowning eyebrow. "He's a little lunatic when he's up, okay."


"Brother Li, I don't have it!" Mei Shengyao said in earnest: "You can't ruin my innocence!"

Xie Lianyun stared at the camera and gave up Kaimai.

Forget it, this little villain loves to say anything.

The crown just happened to be the red team with the most straight men.

The six people shook hands face to face, and the size difference was obvious.

Mei Chiren's trio have always maintained shape after exercise, and have a lean and long figure, but they are not as visually comparable as the three bear-shaped machos with tendons.

When they politely shook hands, a large wave of straight male audiences who had died in diving suits for a long time suddenly played like chicken blood, and replaced the screen with bright red fonts representing straight men.

[The three bean sprouts are not too weak! Brother Tiger beat them! ! ]

[Ha ha ha ha ha they actually took out the three that looked the weakest. This game didn’t take a look, first politely laughed for three minutes]

[Left ↓Tu'er Ye Niang Cannons丨Fine-blooded real men↓ Right]

Some fans don't understand basketball rules and so on. They just cheer on their brothers instinctively, trying hard to cover up those disgusting bullets.

At the moment when the whistle sounded, six people started chasing the ball at the same time, and the shoes made several harsh friction sounds on the smooth ground.

The audience in the stand area boiled up: "Chong ah -!!!"

Huo Jian memorizes rules and tactics and is ready to help score as much as possible.

Then I saw two white shadows jumping out.

Huo Blade: ...?

Mei Shengyao is extremely explosive. Once the speed of the sprint and the transformation of the corner are incredibly fast, it is a predatory little phoenix.

Ji Ji and he have been brothers and sisters for many years. They are familiar with each of his gestures and instructions, and they help to help the rhythm and flexibility of the wind.

Both are dancing from small to large, and the flexibility of the body is far superior to ordinary people.

The three strong men hadn't seen who was snatching the ball, and the first scoring sound was heard through the audience.

The audience stood up: "Bunker!!!"

Ji Ji wiped his sweat, and Mei Sheng quickly gave a high-five, remembering to throw a smile at Huobla.

Huo Jian who did not participate in any steps: ...?

The brave guys quickly communicated tactics: "To block more people, it must be that we are not warming up enough, and come again if there is nothing."

The second whistle sounded. Brother Tiger took the ball quickly to the opponent's basket. The two lightning bolts were just overtaken like teleportation, bypassing the defense of the other two with an incredibly flexible body. One person quickly took the ball and made a breakthrough.

The midfielder Huo Jian turned around while receiving the ball, and there were already two people in front of him.

He looked up, positioned, calculated the angle and strength, and took a jump shot.

The basketball crossed the four hands that were intended to be blocked, like a free red bird rushing into the basket.

"Three points!!!"


Among the audience, 40% were ready to see the lively straight men, and 60% were loyal fans of the crown.

The girls all held the golden color **** and played the call with passion like cheerleaders who contracted the entire stadium. It was neat to the first time but it seemed to have been rehearsed countless times. The shout almost covered the two live explanations.

"Crown!!! Crown!!!"

"This is a beautiful emergency stop jumper!! The guy is very professional!!!"

"Unparalleled Crown!!!"

"Another three-pointer-the goal scored!!!"

The barrage had been submerged by the golden crown, and the "?????" issued by a few straight men was almost invisible.

After the first half of the game, the score was 53:12, and some audiences have begun to anger.

"Will this Tiger Brother play? In the live broadcast, the **** are guaranteed to be patted on the chest. The move just now is just like not playing the ball, grass!"

"The three defensive roles of the Crown are so poor that you can't grab the ball? I want to play. I won't play. Don't play. Don't embarrass the lords.

"I also served, the Yong brother knew that he was chasing behind the whole process like a follower, the ball was not touched once, substitutions and substitutions!!! I will not watch the show again, it will be shady! !"

The three strong guys who were still full of pride before the opening obviously also saw the real-time barrage. At this time, their faces were red and white for a while, which was ugly.

Because there are four teams on the show, the first floor of the first half is crown against the red team, the green team against the blue team.

In the second half, the draw was repeated to swap opponents, and the crown faced the blue team who played fiercely in the first game.

The green team was three men and three women when the team was built, and one of the male players would not play basketball, so the first game was crushed badly and basically did not score.

The blue team heard the tragic situation of the red team during the halftime break and disdain to touch the mineral water.

"Bash them, and play together at night." They said directly in front of the camera: "It's not difficult, the champion will definitely belong to us."

On the other side of the lounge, Pei Ru also squeezed shoulders for Huo Jian who tried to pull the rope to control his brother.

Huo Jiantou is big: "Don't score too much, although doping has been publicly tested, but too much win is also easy to be rumored and scolded."

Mei Sheng said sullenly: "They are too good."

"I can explain it here." Pei Ru is also from MDC, Los Angeles, and they have met before with Yaoji Koike, and the meaning is unclear: "Teaching Yaoyao to play basketball is..."

He quickly spoke an English name.

Huo Jian didn't hear clearly, Long Jia stood up: "Lying trough??"

"When I was a kid, they were their neighbors." Mei Sheng said frankly: "Is there any problem?"

Ji Ji slowly supported his cheek gang: "Let's eat hot pot after the game."

The crown team and the blue team once again warmed up and shook hands, and the three muscular men were fierce.

Huo Jian is very calm: "Please advise me a lot."

"We will take it lighter." Brother Daqin headed out with a bad smile: "Don't cry if you lose."

Huo Jian has Mei Shengyao on his side, but he actually relaxes a lot.

He suddenly wanted not to worry too much about himself, just to have fun.

So at the next moment when the whistle sounded, the three people except Chi Ji jumped out at the same time.

The ball was originally in Huo Jian's hands. Before waiting for the blue team to grab the ball, Mei Sheng took care of the ball. Huo Jian had already sprinted three steps with the fastest physical fitness and then jumped and jumped at a fixed point.

"Three!!! Points!!!" The commentator shouted holding the Luo Han Guo to soak in the fat sea: "We found another genius!!!"

The blue team three are a little dazed.

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