The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 24: Old man

"The soldiers will stop, the water will cover the soil, I will see it, how do you plan to deal with me!"

In the previous reaction of so many disciples, Lingdao has already seen it in his eyes. When it comes to elders, those disciples are either gloating or horrified. , the latest chapter visit:. Elder Nie had already had an opinion on him, and now he was sent to the elders of the section to make it clear that he was uneasy.

Master Wan Fuzong originally wanted to blame Lingdao, but when Elder Nie said that he would send Lingdao to the elders, he would no longer be in charge of Lingdao. This elder must have a problem, but Ling Dao has just come to Wan Fuzong, and is not a disciple of Wan Fuzong. Naturally, he does not have any understanding of the elders.

After the support of Xueling Yao, Nie Elder is a face of indifference, and does not take care of Lingdao. She and Ling Dao have no enmity and no complaints, just feel that Ling Dao will delay Xue Ling Yao. Now Xueling Yao has been recognized by two stone carvings, which is very important for the entire Wan Fuzong.

If because of Lingdao, delaying the entry of Xueling Yao, then Nie Elder really does not mind to remove the Lingdao. Now Xueling Yao’s feelings for Lingdao are still in their infancy. If Lingdao can’t stand the torture of the elders and take the initiative to withdraw from Wan Fuzong, then Xuelingya will definitely forget the Lingdao.

"Do you know, what do you mean by the recognition of two stone carvings?"

When he arrived at the elders' residence, Nie couldn't help but ask Lingdao. If Lingdao is interested, she can put a slap in the face, and now regret it.

"You can become a core disciple, and your status is far superior to other disciples!"

Lingdao said that it is indifferent to get two stone carvings. For others, it is difficult, but for him, there is no difficulty. If it is not ignorant of the affair, I am afraid that Wan Fuzong’s high-ranking team will be able to get two stone carvings, or even three.

Death, he is not afraid, what really worried him is that if Wan Fuzong’s top management has memory and gets his memory, the problem is big. Whether it is the wild, the immortal, or the ancient heaven and earth, it is one of the most outstanding emperors.

"Lingyao is recognized by two stone carvings, and its talent is extremely high. It is likely to become the lord of Wan Fuzong in the future. And you are just a foreign disciple, and her identity is a hundred thousand miles. If you are willing to leave Wan Fuzong, never see her, I can give you 10,000 pieces of talent, even more!"

Ten thousand pieces of spiritual stone, which is equivalent to 10 million pieces of the best spiritual stone, is absolutely huge wealth for the former warriors. Nie elders decided that Ling Dao had never seen so many Lingshi. Anyway, even if Ling Dao stayed in Wan Fuzong, it would not be possible to get Xue Ling Yao. It would be better to exchange a lot of Lingshi.

It is a pity that Lingdao will not agree at all. When he comes, he does not see 10,000 pieces of character spirit. He is not a poor ghost. Can 10,000 pieces of talented spirits send him away?

Secondly, what Lingdao does not want to do, others are arrogant and arrogant, and they are all in vain. If he wants to leave Wan Fuzong, then there is no need for Nie Elder to be a spiritual stone. On the contrary, even if Elder Nie gave him 100,000 pieces of human spirits, or even a million pieces of human spirits, it has no effect.

" Needless to say, continue to lead the way!"

Lingdao shook his head, and Nie Chang was too small to marry him. He stayed in Wan Fuzong, not to get Xue Lingyao. Although he has a good impression on Xuelingyao, it is obvious that he fell in love with Xuelingyao. Xue Lingyao is a core disciple and a candidate for the future sovereign. What about it? Does he still need to rely on a ‘female’ to rise?

"I want to eat the swan 'meat', you will regret it!"

When Nie Chang’s roar, he went straight to the elders’ residence. She just thinks that Lingdao is a little white face and is eating soft rice. Now Xueling Yao is the most likely to become the next lord of Wan Fuzong. There are countless disciples of Wan Fuzong who want to get the heart of Xueling Yao.

She thinks that Lingdao does not know how to lift, then it will give Lingdao a bitter taste. Anyway, after sending Lingdao to the elders, she will not come again. Lingdao is dead or alive, has nothing to do with her, even if Xue Lingyao resent her, she also recognized. If you let Xueling Yao and Lingdao develop, who knows what will happen.

"The elders, this young man will give you, how do you see?"

Not long after, Elder Nie took Lingdao and came to the residence of the elders. Whether it is a foreign elder or an elder, there are courtyards. However, the elders of the section actually lived in the mountain 'hole', and there were two large characters "Duanfu" engraved above the mountain 'hole'.

Even as the elders of Wan Fuzong's inner sect, Nie elders did not dare to let go in Duanfu. The whole foreign sect is also the most ridiculous of the madman, who offended him, whether you are a cadre or a foreign disciple, or whether you are an elder or an elder, anyway, he wants to fight, he wants to squat. .

The strength of the madman is strong and outrageous. Not only does the elders of the foreign sects have no way to take the madman, but even the elders of the ancestors have nothing to do with him. Because of his power, there were so many disciples before, and he was willing to vote for his ‘door’. Unfortunately, his training of his disciples is too cruel. Today, Duan Fu has no disciples.

"Where are the young people?"

The whole mountain ‘hole’ is like a swaying sound, like a thunderous sound, which is heard from the mountain ‘hole’. An extremely embarrassing old man ran out of the mountain 'hole' and was full of white hair 'chaos' and did not know how long it had not been washed. An elder suit is more ruined than a shackle. Except for the madman, Wan Fuzong has no other elders who don't care about their image.

However, Lingdao changed his previous indifferent attitude. In his perception, the madman was like a humanoid beast, and it was full of dangerous atmosphere. Especially the pair of old scorpions, no sullen, savage and scary. The eyes of the madman are like the choice of people.

"This old man is definitely not simple, not me now, can handle it!"

Just as Lingdao looked at the madman, the madman also looked at Lingdao. The eyes of the madman, like a knife, are shaved on Lingdao. If the non-Lingdao ‘meat’ is tyrannical, it will be injured if it is replaced by a pre-existing martial art. It may even be wounded.

Wan Fuzong is only a four-product force, and the madman is only a god. Lingdao’s past life was Tianjun, and his fighting power was very strong. However, even in his previous life, he was not sure to defeat the madman. He didn't make a deal with the madman, even the first time he saw a madman, but he believed in his instincts.

"He stayed, let's go!"

The elders of the section did not have anything polite with the elders of Nie, but extended an old palm and grabbed the shoulders of Lingdao. Even if Lingdao was psychologically prepared, he couldn’t help but scream. When the madman grabbed it, he broke his shoulder. If he uses a little more effort, his five fingers can be ‘hole’ on the shoulders of Lingdao.

"The madman is really more and more terrible, but it is also good. The kid is either tortured or voluntarily withdrawing from Wan Fuzong. No matter which result, it is a good thing for the girl!"

Switching to other foreign elders will definitely be very polite to Nie Elder. But the madman is not the same. If it wasn’t for Nie’s elders to come with Lingdao, I’m afraid he wouldn’t even look at Nie’s elders. Nie elders were not angry with the madman. Anyway, she knew the temper of the madman.

Duan madman and Nie elder and the current Wan Fuzong lord are a generation, but do not know why, the madman looks so old. On the ability of the refining system, the three of them must be the strongest of the Emperor Wan Fuzong. After all, the madman will not refine the symbol. However, on the real combat power, the Wan Fuzong lord and Nie elders add up, they are not necessarily playing a madman.

"Kid, how did you offend the woman? For years, she never sent me a young disciple!"

Of course, he knows Elder Nie, but he is too lazy to take care of it. Lingdao’s previous performance made him look at him, so he will take the initiative to ask the Lingdao question. If Ling Dao’s previous performance did not satisfy him, then he would not bother to talk to Ling Dao and throw it directly into the Lei Pond.

"Predecessors, you are crushing my shoulders, let me know how?"

When I really walked into the mountain ‘hole’, Lingdao discovered that there was a ‘hole’ day inside. After passing a small road, there is a huge open space inside. The reason why he talked to the madman was because he felt that he was crazy and he was not malicious to him. Why did Wan Fuzong’s disciples fear the madman? He didn’t know.

"Less nonsense!"

The madman frowned and frowned, and then threw the ridge. I don't know if the madman is deliberate, or unintentional. The power of the majesty directly makes Lingdao squat on the stone wall. Fortunately, the Lingdao cultivation is quite ridiculous, and the strength of ‘meat’ is far superior to that of the same border.

"I have a good relationship with her apprentice, but her apprentice is not only a genius, but also has been recognized by two stone carvings. It is said that she may become the next lord of Wan Fuzong. She thinks that I will delay the future of her apprentice and even think that I want to eat the swan 'meat', so I sent you here!"

Lingdao shrugged, only for a moment, the split shoulder bone, it has already healed. The madman started, obviously quite measured. If you completely crushed the shoulder bones of Lingdao, it would be difficult to recover. However, after Lingdao answered, there was no response from the madman.

The madman was busy with himself, and Lingdao was also happy to sit down and practice in the field. However, just half a day later, the madman yelled and his face was full of excitement.

"Just by the present, you really don't deserve her apprentice, unless you can hold my training!"

He did not seek the advice of Lingdao, but he reached out again and grabbed Lingdao. Fortunately, this time he did not have a heavy hand, but Lingdao did not respond, it was thrown into the thunder pool. Ling Dao suddenly had a ‘exciting’ spirit, and his body was sweating, and Mao’s tens of thousands of thunder and lightning were on his body! --40503+dsuaahhh+25411909-->


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