The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 26: Fang Hanyu, Meng Yutang

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"Snow Master, what do you know about the road? If I know it, I can tell you all!"

"Don't listen to him, his level is not as good as me. As long as Xue Shimei is willing, I can give it to me!"

Since the last time Xueling Yao was recognized by two stone carvings, her position in Wan Fuzong has risen in a straight line. , the latest chapter visit:. The two former core disciples, Liu Qingmei and Fang Hanyu, are obviously not as good as Xueling Yao. After all, they just got a stone carving recognition.

What's more, Xuelingyao is only from the five powers, and has not systematically studied. The understanding of the Fudao is far less than that of Wan Fuzong. They can teach Xue Ling Yao, but they are incapable of teaching Liu Qingmei.

In addition, Liu Qingmei is very proud and can't see them at all. The status of the core disciples is not at all comparable to that of the "precision" English disciples, let alone ordinary disciples. Xueling Yao is different. She just doesn't want to take care of them. She will not be as welcoming to them as Liu Qingmei.

“Thank you for your kindness!”

Xue Ling Yao said indifferently, in order to be able to revenge as soon as possible, she has no day and night to portray symbols. The elders that Mo elder gave her have already used most of the paper. After all, at the beginning, she was just an ordinary disciple, and the elders gave me the paper, which was naturally not enough.

Nie Elder is her master, not her next person. Such a small matter, Nie elders will naturally not help her. Anyway, she is already a core disciple, even if Elder will give him face. The area is full of paper, of course, not a problem.

She is not the same as the other two core disciples, because she is most hopeful to become the next patriarch of Wan Fuzong. Mo elder is only the elder king, still obeying the sovereign, if Xue Lingyao became the sovereign, it is equivalent to his boss.

"You are Xueling Yao?"

A young man came over and the other inner disciples were unconsciously retreating. He is not someone else, it is the core disciple Fang Hanyu. Xuelingyao was recognized by two stone carvings, which is good news for most of Fushang's Fu Xiu.

However, some people are not happy, Fang Hanyu is very unhappy. He is the apprentice of the sect, and he has been recognized by a stone carving. If there is no Xueling Yao, then he is likely to become the next lord.


Xue Lingyao nodded, and then he continued to move forward. There was no such thing as saying that Fang Hanyu had a "communication". Fang Hanyu's talent is outstanding, and he is the candidate of the future sovereign. Wan Fuzong does not know how many ‘female’ disciples admire him. He did not expect Xue Lingyao to completely ignore him.

"Don't you just leave? I heard that you have been recognized by two stone carvings. I think the level of Fuxi is good. If you want to learn from me, how?"

The purpose of Fang Hanyu has been violently exposed, with his level and Xueling Yao contest, it is clear that Xue Lingya is ugly. Xue Lingyao is too threatening to him. Now she is humiliating Xuelingya in public and fighting her confidence. If she is interested, it is natural.

If Xue Lingyao wants to fight with Fang Hanyu, Fang Hanyu will also accompany him to the end. The battle between the core disciples, as long as there is no life, the Wan Fuzong lord will not manage. Fang Hanyu can't kill Xuelingyao, but it can destroy Xuelingyao's self-confidence.

Whether it is a repair, a martial arts, or a sword repair, once you lose confidence, it is very dangerous. Unfortunately, Xue Lingyao still did not take care of Fang Hanyu, not she was afraid, but she felt that it was unnecessary.

Elder Nie used to go to Xuejia and taught Xue Lingyao. However, Xue Lingyao wants to beat Fang Hanyu, which is simply impossible. Her talent is high, but her age is too small. Fang Hanyu is not only older than him, but also lives in Wan Fuzong since childhood.

Wan Fuzong's younger generation, on the ability to refine the system, Fang Hanyu claimed to be the second, I am afraid that only Liu Qingmei dare to call the first. It is not that Liu Qingmei is stronger than Fang Hanyu, but Liu Qingmei is quite proud. Even Fang Hanyu has to lower her in her eyes.

"I lost, you won, let the way!"

What Fang Hanyu did not think was that Xue Lingyao responded with such a sentence. It’s like throwing a punch at all, and the result is on the cotton ‘flower’. Originally, even if Xue Lingyao should not fight, he would also humiliate Xue Lingyao, saying that Xue Ling Yao is afraid of small things and is not enough to take on the responsibility.

But now, Xue Lingyao directly admits to lose, but also looks indifferent, Fang Hanyu really does not know how to answer. Xue Lingyao did not compare with him. Can he still take the knife on the neck of Xuelingyao, ‘force’ forced Xueling Yao and him to try?

"You can rest assured that I will not bully you in the realm of realm, what state of your realm, I will suppress myself to what realm. You can refine what level of symbolism, I will refine and you have a level of symbolism!"

Fang Hanyu did not give way, but continued to entangle, he has already cleared his face, if there is no comparison with Xueling Yao, it is really big. As long as Xue Lingyao loses to him, he will win a game, perhaps to let Xue Lingyao's heart always leave a failed yin shadow.

"Hey, when did you Fang Hanyu have fallen to bully a disciple who has just entered the sect?"

Another young man came out, and Xue Lingyao got two stone carvings on the same day, he was hidden in the crowd. That is to say, he managed to get Liu Qingmei, and now he has succeeded most of the time.

His ability to refine the symbol is not as good as Fang Hanyu, but his fame is not as small as Fang Hanyu. If Fang Hanyu is one of the younger generations of Wan Fuzong and one of the most powerful people in the refining system, then he is one of the younger generations of Wan Fuzong and the strongest.

Zuo Jian's "Mongolian" ancestral hall, he is talking about him, because he is a sword repair, and only a left-handed sword. It is said that his right hand does not have a sword at all, and he can't display any powerful swordsmanship. Some people say that he is a left-hander, but he is refining the symbol, mainly relying on the right hand.

"Forgot to say, you are still a ‘female’ child, it’s a shame to be thrown home!”

The ‘Mongolian’ and Fang Hanyu have always been inconsistent. He and Liu Qingmei are all the way. In the past, Wan Fuzong had two core disciples, Liu Qingmei and Fang Hanyu. The two of them naturally competed for it. The ‘Mongolian’ hall wants to get Liu Qingmei’s heart, and naturally wants to help Liu Qingmei in all aspects.

"I am doing things, when is it your turn to make irresponsible remarks?"

Fang Hanyu looked coldly at the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall, although his ability to refine the shackles was much more powerful than the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall. However, if he really fights, he may lose more ‘sex’, even if he uses a lot of symbols, there is no 30% chance of winning.

Liu Qingmei is very proud and arrogant. If the ‘Mongolian’s ancestral hall doesn’t have any real skills, let’s not get Liu Qingmei’s heart, even if it’s close to Liu Qingmei, I’m afraid I can’t do it. The ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall and Fang Hanyu are also known as confidants and know each other. They will not act rashly, that is, they will play tricks.

"Are you not going to be Liu Qingmei's Guardian's ambassador? Why, now that you are more beautiful, you are heartbroken? You are so unfair, Liu Qingmei knows?"

Even if the strength of the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall is strong, it is not as good as Fang Hanyu and Liu Qingmei in Wan Fuzong’s position. The most important thing for Emperor Wan Fuzong is the ability of the disciple to refine the symbol, not his own strength.

"Two, if you are fine, please let me know!"

Originally, only Fang Hanyu was in front, and now it is good. The ‘Mongolian’ hall is also in front of Xuelingyao. Whether it is ‘Mongo’ or Fang Hanyu, it’s not so good. If Xue Lingyao is not a core disciple, the two of them will kill her, and the problem is not big.

"Xue Shimei, I have a lot of experience in refining Fuxi. I don't know if I can enjoy it."

The ‘Mongolian’ 笑 笑 吟 吟 吟 吟 , , , , , , , , , , 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪 雪No matter which one, Xue Lingyao does not want to choose, so it is difficult to get up.

Other disciples of Wan Fuzong are standing in the distance to see jokes, ‘Mongolian’ and Fang Hanyu’s things. If they dare to “move”, they will definitely die. However, there are always exceptions to everything. Just a moment later, someone came to spoil.

"Yao, let me go!"

Xue Lingyao's situation, Ling Dao naturally understands, precisely because of this, he changed the normal state, deliberately shouted Yao children. The appearance of Ling Dao made Xue Ling Yao's eyes shine. When she said nothing, she came to Lingdao.

"How could he appear here? Didn’t Nie say that he would give him to the elders?"

"I saw Nie elders taking him to Duanfu. Did he say that he has taken the initiative to withdraw from Wan Fuzong?"

There are only two situations in the madman, either dead or retired. Now that the Lingdao is in front of them, it can only be the second case. Could it be said that Ling Dao would have to retreat with Xue Ling Yao?

"Listen to Master, she found a very elder elder for you, how, Master, she didn't harm you?"

Xue Lingyao is not a fool. It is natural to see that Nie Elder does not like Lingdao. However, she still underestimated the elders of Nie. If it wasn’t for Lingdao, it would be replaced by other warriors in the early days of the human race.

"Nothing, what do you want to do, I will accompany you, and then you will teach me how to refine the symbol!"

Cultivation, the same need to work and rest, blindly repair, the effect is not very good. Occasionally refining the symbol, there may be unexpected effects. Anyway, even if you can't learn, there is no harm.


Xue Lingyao even took the hand of Ling Dao and walked toward the residence of Mo elder. The ‘Mongolian’ and Fang Hanyu’s eyes looked at each other and they all let the road open. They did not think that the key moments were destroyed by the Lingdao.

Both of them were murdered by Ling Dao, but they did not know how to rush before they came to know the origins of Ling Dao. Besides, if the stalemate continues, the two of them may not be able to win or lose.

"The next time you meet, it is your death!"

At the same time, ‘Mongo’ and Fang Hanyu thought that the former wanted to get Xue Ling Yao, and naturally did not want Xue Ling Yao and other men to go too close. The latter is that Lingdao is an outside disciple. If he is with Xue Lingyao, it is simply an insult to the core disciples! --40503+dsuaahhh+25414844-->


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