The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 28: Gathering

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"Start from the simplest polyglyphs, start practicing!"

As the name implies, the polysoul symbol is used to gather the aura of heaven and earth. For the heavenly people, the polysoul symbol has no effect at all. , the latest chapter visit:. It is the origin, the martial arts, and the aura of heaven and earth that have a great effect on the warriors below the source.

Gathering the symbol is the simplest character, characterizing the array, to achieve the effect of gathering the surrounding world. The advantage is that the refining is simple and convenient, and it is suitable for apprentices who have just contacted Fuxi. When Lingdao can be refined into a polyphony, it is a big ‘door’ that enters the path.

A hundred sheets of paper, Xue Ling Yao is to give Lingdao hands, and did not expect Lingdao to succeed. Lingdao integrates two points, and the kendo is a genius. The same is true of the martial arts. Talent is not his strongest, and his most powerful is to understand ‘sex’.

Kendo needs to understand ‘sexuality’, and martial arts need to understand ‘sexuality’, and nature is no exception. Originally, Lingdao had great confidence in himself. Even if he had just contacted the road, he thought that it would not take long before he could refine the spirits.

Interlacing like a mountain, it turns out that he thinks everything is too simple. When he began to portray the symbol, he knew that refining the symbol was not an easy task. The poly symbol is just a combination of nine characters.

Let him write one of the nine characters alone, no problem, but when he put it together, he made a mistake. What's more, the character array consisting of nine characters can't be a little bit wrong. Even if it is a wrong stroke, the entire symbol will be destroyed.

The first sheet of paper is wrong, the second sheet of paper is also wrong, and the third sheet of paper is still wrong. Until the eleventh note paper is used, everything will be better. Every stroke of his stroke is extremely standard and there is nothing wrong with it.

However, when he was portrayed, the entire sheet of paper was abolished. Nine characters are all right, just after they are combined, they are completely "chaotic". He can only paint one after another. When he uses the thirty-first note paper, he will finally complete the complete array of characters.

"So fast?"

Xue Lingyao stared at Lingdao with a look at the eyes of a monster. A person who had never touched the road, could actually portray the polyphony in such a short period of time. It was really a enchanting to the extreme.

She is already a genius of Nie Elder's praise, but compared with Ling Dao, she is simply a mediocrity in mediocrity. Just touching the road, Lingdao only practiced thirty-one times, it is able to achieve the effect of thousands of exercises.

However, it has not been smug, and the entire sheet of paper is abolished. After Lingdao took a moment, he continued to portray the array. However, the result was the same. The thirty-second sheet of paper was also abolished.

He didn't stop, one after another, and every time he went to the last step, he gave up all his efforts. It was not until the 50th note was abandoned that he did not continue to paint. One hundred sheets of paper that Xue Lingyao gave him, half of it has been used.

"My question, where is it?"

Wrong again and again, Lingdao did not understand, in the end what went wrong. Xue Lingyao has been standing beside him, and now naturally asks. Unfortunately, he did not get the answer he wanted, because Xue Lingyao did not understand.

Lingdao can describe the polyphony array so fast, and it is reasonable to say that the talent should be very high. However, it is impossible to refine it into a symbol, and Xue Lingyao feels that there is no mistake in Lingdao’s stroke. Just don't know why, the paper finally turned into waste paper.

"You take a closer look at the true solution, maybe there is something in it!"

Xue Lingyao said helplessly, Nie Elders looked at Lingdao and was not pleasing to the eye, and certainly would not do his best to guide Lingdao. What she can do is to look through the ancient books, perhaps in the past, as well as Lingdao.

The ancient books she read recorded a case of failure. She even found three cases similar to Lingdao, and then let Lingdao experiment one by one. Unfortunately, there is no success, and it is ‘wave’ that costs ten sheets of paper.

After Lingdao will read the true solution, the remaining forty sheets of paper will be used. In the same way, there was no mistake in every stroke. Even Xue Lingyao showed it to Lingdao again, and it was no different from what he portrayed.

However, Xuelingyao was able to successfully refine the spirits, but Lingdao only failed, never succeeded once. No matter how careful the linguistic painting is, it can't be successful. The ‘sex’ can only put the things of the shackles aside.

"Maybe, I really can't be a fuss, you are going to be busy with you, no need because I am delayed!"

It has been a failure, and I don’t know where the mistake is. It’s really no clue. Even if you continue to portray the polyphony, you can't succeed unless you know where the problem is, or you can only go wrong.

"Don't be discouraged, want to be a repair, where is the simple thing?"

Xue Lingyao comforted, but also took examples of himself and other repairs. In fact, Lingdao has done a good job. After all, other repairs, but in such a short period of time, there is no mistake in characterizing the cluster.

"I don't have to persuade me, I am not so vulnerable. Just, the elders let me go back soon. I am just a foreign disciple, but I have no ability to defy the orders of the elders!"

The identity of the core disciples is even higher than that of the average elders. Even if it is not as good as the elders, nor the elders can order them. The elders are the strongest who have grown up, and the core disciples are the juniors with unlimited potential.

"That's good!"

Xue Lingyao nodded. After sending Lingdao away, it was the focus of refining. When she taught Ling Dao, she also improved herself. In particular, Ling Dao’s method of portraying characters was inspired by her and allowed her to go further.

"Where is the problem, or else, I am going to find a few elders to ask?"

Elder Nile knows her and knows Ling Dao. If she asks about Ling Dao, even if she conceals the name of Ling Dao, Nie Elder may be able to guess. If you switch to other elders, there is definitely not much doubt.

Anyway, she is a core disciple, and other elders have the obligation to solve her confession. With the guidance of Nie elders, there are still inexhaustible materials, and they have been recognized by two stone carvings. Xueling Yao has made rapid progress and is also reasonable.

The greater her promotion, the higher her attention will be. Originally, with her ‘sexuality’, she had no interest in the big position of the lord. However, only by becoming the patriarch of Wan Fuzong, can he find a blood knife alliance to avenge.

"Is that kid still not dead?"

After all, Xue Lingyao was in the residence of Elder Nie. Even if Elder Nie was retreating, she could know what was happening in her courtyard. Nie elders sang Lingdao ‘transfer’ to the madman, naturally he wants to die.

Originally, Nie Elder believes that Lingdao has died in the hands of a madman. Unexpectedly, Lingdao not only did not die, but raised a small realm. It seems that Lingdao not only did not suffer, but took advantage of it. Could it be said that the madman turned to ‘sex’? Is it a madman who already understands that there is a problem with his training method?

"You're back?"

When Lingdao returned to Duanfu, the madman jumped excitedly. Even if there was a problem with the Leichi, he did not mean to find Lingdao trouble. He has probably guessed that the energy contained in Lei Chi was absorbed and refining by Lingdao.

"Well, let's take the next training!"

Elder Nie confessed him to the madman, just to let the madman train him to death. However, at most, Lingdao is an elder who complains about Nie. He has no hate for the madman. The madman’s actions were only to promote Wan Fuzong’s foreign disciples.

However, the training method of the madman is problematic, too cruel. He did not have to deal with the meaning of Ling Dao. Any young disciple who entered Duan Fu was treated fairly. What he did was also to strengthen Wan Fuzong.

The Emperor Wan Fuzong felt that the inner sect was the most important, and the madman thought that the foreign sect was equally important. If there are more kings and heavenly kings in the foreign sects, then the status of the foreign sects will definitely increase.

If there is a Tianzun in the foreign sect, then the status of the foreign sect must be more than one. It is a pity that he is only a foreign elder, and his status is far less than that of the patriarch. Even the foreign sects, there are other elders who refused to accept him.

Even if his strength is stronger, it is useless, because so far, he has not trained a strong man. Nowadays, the emergence of Lingdao has made the madman see hope. He can't wait to let Lingdao accept the training.

"See the elders!"

In any case, the madman's Thunder Pool also made Lingdao a small realm. Now, the most important thing for him is not to learn to refine the symbol, but to raise the realm. In the midst of the middle of the world, in the next fight, it is not enough.

Fang Hanyu and ‘Mongolian’s ancestral halls all want to deal with Lingdao. Their realm is higher than Lingdao and their status is higher than Lingdao. It’s really hard to deal with Lingdao. Fortunately, Lingdao is in Duanfu. If he is with other foreign disciples, I am afraid that he has been poisoned.

"After the thunder pool, it is hell, are you afraid of it?"

Thunder Pool contains thousands of Thunderbolts. After entering, it will be constantly thundered. The fire prison is a flame purgatory, bearing the raging fire. The thunder pool of the madman is graded, and the **** is also the same. In a way, the **** is more dangerous than the thunder pool.

"If I am afraid, I will not come back, let's get started!"

Lingdao’s attitude makes the madman extremely satisfied. As a martial artist, he should not be afraid of danger. Anyway, he mastered the origin of the Yuan Dynasty, and cultivated the wild and sacred, not only can absorb the energy of the Lei Chi, but also refine the origin of the hell.

"Very good, to help you, I have united the five big fires, let's enjoy it!"

The words of the madman, let Lingdao face ‘color’ change, the five big fires in one, what a horrible thing. Not afraid of danger is one thing, sending death is one thing, but unfortunately the madman did not give the opportunity to rebel, directly throw him into the hell! --40503+dsuaahhh+25445866-->


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