The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 36: Broken gun

"It is him, broken gun, Zhang Mingyuan."

Liu Qingmei whispered, Zhang Mingyuan and her identity are quite the same. She is the core disciple of Wan Fuzong. Zhang Mingyuan is the core disciple of the Silver Gun League. The Silver Gun League and Wan Fuzong are different. Wan Fuzong’s core disciple is because With the recognition of the stone carvings, the core disciples of the Silver Gun Alliance rely on the true ability.

On the strength of the battle, Liu Qingmei is definitely not as good as Zhang Mingyuan. If Zhang Mingyuan did not come, even if Miao Fenger and another Tianbing martial arts teamed up in the late stage, she also had the confidence to take it back with Lingdao. However, if Zhang Mingyuan shot, she would Not sure.

Three years ago, Zhang Mingyuan challenged the martial arts of the Tianbing dynasty and won the battle. Today, Zhang Mingyuan, the strength is definitely stronger, even his own realm must surpass the heavenly dynasty. Even if Liu Qingmei uses Fu, it is not Zhang Mingyuan's opponent.

"Is it strong?"

Ling Dao, next to Liu Qingmei, whispered, Liu Qingmei quickly recovered his calmness, and sent a message to Lingdao. He introduced Zhang Mingyuan’s powerfulness. Anyway, they joined forces and certainly not Zhang Mingyuan’s opponent.

"Chapter brothers, their two Wan Fuzong disciples bully us, you have to be the master of us."

Miao Fenger said pitifully, Feng Qianliu was injured by Lingdao, Zhang Mingyuan naturally sees clearly, the broken gun Zhang Mingyuan has always been helping the pro-helper, Miao Fenger is precisely looking at this point, only to understand that Zhang Mingyuan will definitely Help her.

"Miao Shimei is assured that if he dares to hurt my silver gun league disciples, he must pay the price."

Zhang Mingyuan's cold voice, a broken gun creaking, obviously has been intended to start, Feng Qianliu was pinned in the original place, even if he did not kill Lingdao, at least to make the road seriously injured, not to mention, he It is also interesting to Liu Qingmei. If you can get Liu Qingmei, it would be better.

Wan Fuzong and the Silver Gun Alliance have contradictions, but if he can marry Liu Qingmei as his wife, his elders will definitely nod and agree. Liu Qingmei, like him, is a core disciple, naturally worthy of him, just, Wan Fu Zong is certainly not willing to marry Liu Qingmei to Zhang Mingyuan. Although they are all core disciples, the core disciples of Wan Fuzong are obviously more rare.

"It's your hand."

Lingdao is only in the late days of Tianren. Zhang Mingyuan naturally has no doubts about him. He believes that Feng Qingliu, who is injured by Liu Qingmei, is older than Liu Qingmei, and his realm is higher than that of Liu Qingmei. He is naturally sure to deal with Liu Qingmei.

"it's me."

Even if he knew that he was not Zhang Mingyuan's opponent, Ling Dao was still reluctant to let Liu Qingmei take a black pot for himself, hiding behind the woman, but it was not his style. Liu Qingmei's tone made him understand that Liu Qingmei was not an opponent of Zhang Mingyuan.

"There is a daring color. If that is the case, then I will nail you to the tree."

A broken gun, like a raptor crossing the river, came to the impact of the Lingdao. It is said that when Zhang Mingyuan was young, he was beaten with a warrior of the same age and was interrupted by a long gun. From then on, he used a broken gun and never again. Used a complete gun.

Gun, this is a long weapon, but his broken gun, there is no sword length, one inch short, one inch risk, between the electric and the flint, Zhang Mingyuan has come to Lingdao, broken the gun straight to the left shoulder of the road, Zhang Mingyuan said to be Lingdao nailed to the tree, naturally not a joke.

"Be careful."

Liu Qingmei exclaimed, and then she took out a guardian scorpion and blocked it in front of Lingdao. Even her is not an opponent of Zhang Mingyuan. Lingdao is naturally not an opponent of Zhang Mingyuan. If she does not help Lingdao, Lingdao will definitely be hit hard.

"let's go."

Liu Qingmei took Lingdao’s hand and once again used a sprinting scorpion to escape with Lingdao. Zhang Mingyuan’s broken gun hit the mask that was inspired by the Guardian, causing the mask to break.

It is a pity that Liu Qingmei reacted too fast and had already taken Lingdao. It was far away from Zhang Mingyuan. Lingdao was the origin of the Yuan Dynasty and derived the origin of the wind. It accelerated the speed of him and Liu Qingmei. Zhang Mingyuan took a shot and Lingdao saw it. The other party is the Heavenly Warrior.

Lingdao is a natural person, dealing with the heavenly corps, and is still sloppy. There is no chance of winning the heavenly martial arts. The plaque used by Liu Qingmei can easily block the attack of the martial arts martial arts. Unfortunately, in front of Zhang Mingyuan, it is not enough to see.

"I want to escape, late, let's stay."

Zhang Mingyuan did not intend to let Lingdao and Liu Qingmei pass, hurting Lingdao, is to avenge Feng Qianliu, and take Liu Qingmei, but for his own sake, to catch up with Lingdao and Liu Qingmei at his speed, there is still a good possibility of.

"Don't worry about him, let's go quickly and go deep into the mountains of the Desolation."

At the crucial moment, Liu Qingmei is also unwilling to be dangerous. Only when he walks inside the Desperate Mountain Range, it is possible to escape from Zhang Mingyuan. The more the Demon Mountain Range is going inside, the more powerful the demon soul is encountered, and it is normal to die inside. After all, their realm is still low.

"Damn, aren't they going to die?"

Zhang Mingyuan's brow wrinkled a bit. Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei escaped and ran to the Valley of the Destroyed Mountains. He did not have any danger. He also fled to the depths of the Desolation Mountains and made it clear that he was looking for death.

He violently gripped the broken gun, and then threw the broken shot out. The broken gun was like Changhong, fierce and unparalleled. Lingdao and Liu Qingmei all changed their faces. Zhang Ming was far from them, not far from Zhang Mingyuan. Speed, catch up with them, it will take a while.

However, Zhang Mingyuan's speed of throwing a broken gun is much faster than his own speed. Lingdao has repeatedly shot his hands and made a big handprint. Some of them are like mountains and rivers. Some of them are like stars, and they want to stop the broken guns.

The mountain river was broken, the stars collapsed, Lingdao shot, and did not block the broken gun, only slightly slowed down the speed of the broken gun, Liu Qingmei looked at Lingdao with a strange look, Lingdao's realm is much lower than her, the reaction speed It is faster than him.

A blossoming plum blossom blooms, but unfortunately, Zhang Mingyuan has no pity and cherished jade. When the broken guns pass, all the plum blossoms are broken. Lingdao and Liu Qingmei have successively shot, and they have not blocked the broken shots. At the last moment, Lingdao blocked the body with a broken body. gun.

Lingdao only felt a strong force, hitting the chest, causing his five internal organs to tremble. The broken gun finally stopped. Fortunately, Lingdao’s body was tyrannical. Otherwise, his body might have been pierced. Now this injury is right. For him, it is not serious.

"Are you OK."

Liu Qingmei asked with concern. Now she and Lingdao are a grasshopper on the rope. Naturally, I don’t want to be in trouble. She is accompanying Lingdao. If Lingdao died in the Mountain Range, what she did before. It is futile.


When Lingdao had just finished speaking, it was a brow. Just now, he sensed an extremely strong atmosphere. Unfortunately, the breath did not flash. He did not catch it. The broken gun hurt him, but he also helped. When he arrived, he widened their distance from Zhang Mingyuan.

"No, you are not afraid of death. Can I still be afraid of it?"

Zhang Mingyuan’s temper is coming up. Naturally, he can’t manage so much. He picks up the broken gun and chased it up at a faster speed. Even in the depths of the Desperate Mountains, he may survive more than Lingdao and Liu Qingmei. Big.


Just as Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei fled, when Zhang Mingyuan pursued, a huge soul wave ran toward them. Ling Dao, Liu Qingmei and Zhang Mingyuan were all trembled. Their speed was too fast, in a short time. Has been chased to the interior of the Valley of the Souls.

"War, war, war."

A huge black shadow was blocked in front of Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei. Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei quickly stopped, and the threat from the black shadow in front of them was definitely bigger than Zhang Mingyuan.

"Why don't you run, know that you can't escape my Wuzhishan."

Zhang Mingyuan smiled and laughed at the back of Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei. Unfortunately, Liu Qingmei and Ling Dao did not look at him because the shadows in front of them had already come to them. The shadows were not military, but It is the demon in the Valley of the Desolation.


The shadow of the black shadow, the 500 meters of the earth, all followed by the shock, Lingdao and Liu Qingmei could not help but step back, even Zhang Mingyuan, who caught up with it, deep in the eyes, all flashed a trace of fear. color.

Before Ling Dao, Liu Qingmei and Zhang Mingyuan have reacted, the shadow has already been shot, and a black lacquered arm is called to the three of them. Each arm has the ability to break the mountain.

Lingdao faced an arm in front of him and displayed a large handprint. The Wanli Mountain River squatted on his arm, causing a crack in the whole arm. His Jinxiu Mountain River was an abolished arm, but unfortunately more The arm stretched over.

Liu Qingmei's pair of jade hands, even the handprints, the plum blossoms on the arm, so that the arms in front of her eyes, the pieces separated, but unfortunately, her situation, and Lingdao is no different, more arms like a The roots and branches are on her body.

Zhang Mingyuan screamed, holding a broken gun, pulled out again and again, and his arm was cut off by him. His strength was stronger than Lingdao and Liu Qingmei, and it was naturally more powerful against the black-painted arm.

However, he was subjected to a more violent offensive. In the place where Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei were located, all the arms were added up. There were not many Zhang Mingyuan here, and the shadow had already had consciousness, and the wisdom was not low.

"Thousands of magic hands."

In the depths of the void, a sound rang, followed by an invisible sound wave, bombarded in the will world of Ling Dao, Liu Qingmei and Zhang Mingyuan. Ling Dao, Liu Qingmei and Zhang Mingyuan swayed and almost fell to the ground.

Before the black shadow was born, it must be a powerful warrior. Even if he died for so many years, the remaining will is able to defeat Lingdao, Liu Qingmei and Zhang Mingyuan. Of course, after so many years, he also swallowed a lot of magical souls.

"Two, now we can only join forces, otherwise we will die, I don't know what you mean."

Zhang Mingyuan blinked, and asked Lingdao and Liu Qingmei on the surface. He wanted to join forces with Lingdao and Liu Qingmei. In fact, his heart is already calculating, to use Lingdao and Liu Qingmei to get rid of the shadows, even if there is a chance. He also wants to count the Lingdao and Liu Qingmei.

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