The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 41: Wonderful condition

No matter how the three evil spirits attack, it is impossible to break the ‘door’ of the whole world. - Conversely, the more the attack, the more damage they receive. To deal with the ‘door’ of the wonderful, either use brute force to destroy it, or understand the ‘door’ of the whole world, and master the method of cracking.

It is a pity that neither the former nor the latter can do it. Rather than saying that they are attacking the ‘door’ of the wonderful, it’s better to say that the three of them are killing each other. Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei are idle. It is reasonable to say that such a great opportunity, Ling Dao should not let go of the soul, but he is embarrassed to shoot.

Xian Ling and he are a group, and Xian Lingling teamed up to deal with the soul, he does not think there is anything. However, he and the girl are not familiar with it, and now the girl is obviously going to win the three magical souls. The girl is obviously capable of picking up the three great devils. If he kills the old man, how can he make a deal with the girl?

“The ‘door’ of the wonderful?”

Liu Qingmei seems to have heard of the ‘door’ of the wonderful, but she did not think about it for a while. She only remembers that there is a strong force that has the means of the ‘door’. The four powers such as Wan Fuzong and the Silver Gun Alliance are not worth mentioning in the face of such forces. The girl is very big, not what they can provoke.

In the end, there were only three ‘door’ households left in the field. Each ‘door’ household was like a beast and swallowed a demon soul. The three ‘door’ households gradually became smaller, and the whistling rotation returned to the hands of the girl. The three great devils are in the three ‘door’ households, and they have all been taken by her.

"You already know that you are old? It seems that you want to kill her?"

The girl looks at Lingdao, the previous battle, she did not look at the whole, but also can guess a seven seven eight eight. Now she has understood that Lingdao inquires about the old, just to kill the soul. Hey, haha ​​and 嘿嘿 three great devils, is what she needs to cultivate, she came to destroy the mountains, just to catch them three.

"Yes, just since I have been taken by you, I will not force it!"

Once, the girl and the Lingdao are innocent and innocent, and Lingdao is unlikely to rob the girl of the wonderful girl. Secondly, the girl is powerful, even if it is Zhang Mingyuan, I am afraid it is not her opponent. Lingdao and Liu Qingmei teamed up, even if they added a fairy, there is no chance of winning.

"Actually, as long as you are willing to promise me a condition, I can send you the old soul!"

If Lingdao is just an ordinary person, the girl will never give him the soul. Before the Lingdao and the soul of the old ‘hands hand’, the display of the cover of the sky, the girl’s clear and clear. She has seen others show the big handprints, and knows that the big handprints are the martial arts of the emperor's palace.

The emperor's palace is an extremely transcendental force. Every disciple is shocked and fascinated. As long as it does not fall, the lowest achievement in the future is the Taoist. Lingdao is able to display the big handprints, and the girl is naturally considered to be a disciple of the Emperor's Temple. Using a demon soul, ‘pay’ to a disciple of a emperor’s palace is definitely a big profit.

She did not immediately mention the conditions, one is to think about her human feelings, and the second is because the current Lingdao realm is too low to help her. If Lingdao accomplishes the Taoist in the future, then his human feelings and value can be great. At that time, she gave a condition, even if it was 12,000 20,000 souls, it could not match.

"What conditions?"

It’s beyond the expectations of Lingdao that the girl is so good. However, he did not immediately agree, in case the conditions proposed by the girl, he could not do it, it would be really difficult. The soul is just a madman asking him to kill, it is not a must.

"I don't know now, I will tell you later, I can promise you anyway, the conditions I have proposed will definitely not make you embarrassed!"

If Lingdao promised, the girl would have to think about it. Now Lingdao said this, but let the wonderful girl reassured a lot, it seems that Lingdao should be a person who keeps his promise. The status of the emperor's palace is not comparable to the power she is in. Say no, after the Lingdao will help her a lot.

"Okay, you and I will swear!"

Lingdao nodded, then extended his right hand, the girl said, and also extended the ‘Jade’ hand, and hit the right hand of Lingdao’s palm. Lingdao has already promised her conditions. She naturally has nothing to hesitate. She will directly install the old ‘door’ household and ‘transfer’ to Lingdao.

The girl knows that Lingdao wants to kill the old soul, so the ‘door’ household is blasted, and the old soul inside is immediately hit hard. The old soul is very miserable, and the combat power is still less than 10% of the heyday. Even so, Lingdao still spent a lot of effort to get rid of the old soul.

The soul of the old death, a glimpse of 'fine' pure willpower, rushed into the will of the world of Lingdao. Originally, there have been thousands of cracks in his will world, but now his world of will not only recovers from the beginning, but also becomes stronger and more magnificent.

His will is tempered, just as the Thunder Pool Hell can temper his ‘meat’ body, killing the willpower of the old man, and tempering his will far beyond. Whether it is the Thunder Pool Hell or the Mountain Range, it is very likely that he will have the life of Lingdao, but he has already come over.

"Remember what you promised me, we will see you in the future!"

After giving the soul to Lingdao, the girl is only two souls left. The thing she is going to do now is to catch another soul. Ling Dao is definitely dangerous in the Mountain Range, but it has nothing to do with her. If Ling Dao died in the Mountain Range, he could only blame him for his lack of ability.

As long as Lingdao is alive, she owes her a condition. If Lingdao is dead, she can only admit that she is unlucky. What she said is also a peerless genius of her own power, naturally having her own path. It’s a good idea to use a magical soul to pay the disciples of the Emperor’s Temple. If you put her in, it’s not worth it.

"I didn't expect things to go so smoothly, the old soul has been killed, should we go back now?"

Continue to stay in the Mountain Range, not only to cope with the powerful demon, but also to face the chasing of Zhang Mingyuan. Liu Qingmei accompanied Lingdao, the purpose has been reached, naturally want to go back. What she said is also the core disciple of Wan Fuzong. It is a pity to die in the Mountain Range.

Whether it was chased by Zhang Mingyuan, or almost killed by the three evil spirits, Liu Qingmei regretted it. Knowing that it was so dangerous, she would not accompany Lingdao to kill the soul mountain. She wanted to **** Lingdao from Xuelingyao, but she didn't think about using her own life to gamble.

"Well, go back!"

In the late stage of Lingdao’s talent, it is very rare to be able to master the seventh will. Even if you stay in the Mountain Range, it is difficult to raise the realm of will to the eighth. Instead of spending time in the smashing mountain range, it is better to go back to practice. As long as the realm goes up, the realm of will will follow.

He promised so simply, let Liu Qingmei secretly breathe a sigh of relief. If he had to stay in the Mountain Range, then Liu Qingmei would not leave, and he would not stay. Leave, everything you have done before will fall short. Leave it, but there is a sorrowful sorrow, and you may die in the Mountain Range.

Yan Yunzhou, Wan Fuzong.

"I asked the kid to kill the old man. Is it too difficult for him? Is it a pity that he died in the Mountain Range?"

Duan madman frowned, and even worried about Lingdao. Lingdao can walk out of the Thunder Pool Hell, naturally it is a very genius. However, his ‘meat’ is tyrannical, and does not mean that the will is equally tyrannical. Fighting with the spirit, the strength of the 'meat' is not the key, the will is the most important.

"But, if he is dead, it is his life. If he can live, then really cultivate him!"

Wan Fuzong is divided into inner sects and foreign sects. The inner sects can't afford the foreign sects. However, as a madman of the elders of the external ancestors, he has always believed that the patriarchs are the guarantee of Wan Fuzong. Only when the foreign sect is strong enough can the Wan Fuzong be prosperous. If Wan Fuzong only has the inner sect, how can he fight with the silver gun alliance and the double sword ‘door’?

Fu Xiu is powerful to a certain extent, you can paint the array in the void, you can complete the array in the blink of an eye, such a repair, the strength is extremely powerful. It is a pity that Wan Fuzong’s Fu Xiu has no such ability. If the body's symbols are used up, their strengths may not be as good as those of the realm.

I don't know who sent the news. Anyway, many of the inner disciples of Wan Fuzong knew that Liu Qingmei accompanied Lingdao to the Mountain Range. Because Xueling Yao, there are already many inner disciples who hate Ling Dao, and now come to Liu Qingmei, naturally let more young disciples, remember the name Lingdao.

"Lin Jinfeng has failed, she is old, you should not let me down again!"

The ‘Mongolian’ hall has informed the pastoralists to let the pastor find a way to get rid of Lingdao. With the strength of Lin Jinfeng, they have not succeeded in killing Lingdao. This time, the warriors sent by the pastoralists are definitely stronger. He wants to get Xue Ling Yao, Ling Dao, this stumbling block, naturally it must be removed early.

In the pastoral work, the ‘Mongolian’s ancestral hall has always been reassured. Lin Jinfeng, who was in the late days of Tianbing’s territory, did not kill Lingdao. The warriors sent by the pastoralists were the killers who had been invited by the ‘door’ from Akane Prefecture. He is from the Death Building, the silver medal killer of the Death Tower. Even the Tianwu martial arts have been killed, and the Lingdao is naturally foolproof.

Lin Jinfeng said that he was assassinating Lingdao. In fact, he would not have any means of assassination. He was to find a place where no one was, and he would start with Lingdao. Qiu Qiuchen from the Death Tower is different. He can kill the target in a simpler way. He will never confess his hand to the goal.

Qiuqiu Chen did not go to the mountains of the Desolation, but ambushed on the road to the Wanfuzong Mountains, and waited for the rabbits. If Lingdao died in the Mountain Range, he did not need to shoot, and he completed the task. The Death Tower can be used regardless of how Lingdao died. As long as he took the task and then Lingdao died, he was successful.

Unfortunately, he did not do so, because Lingdao has taken Liu Qingmei and walked on the way back. Fortunately, he is ready, as long as Lingdao walks within his eight hundred steps, he will be poisoned! --40503+dsuaahhh+25716384-->


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