The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 48: Scramble

"First, as before, the two elders and the lords have a quota, and each of the three core disciples occupy a quota. The update is fast. The candidates recommended by the elders can only compete for the rest." Ten places. The benefits of enlightenment under the reincarnation tree, the Lord does not need to say more?"

Wan Fuzong’s lord succeeded in shifting the topic, and no one ever paid attention to the madman and the elders of the South. Ten places, saying that there are very few, but there are still opportunities for the inner sect of the "fine" English disciple. Especially those who have the elders' backings, the ancestors of the ancestors, are more likely than others.

Even if it is Wan Fuzong, the number of elders of the inner sect is not much. Nie Elder is one, and Liu Qingmei’s master, Lu Chang, is also one. There are also sixteen elders, and together they are eighteen elders. Xue Lingyao does not occupy the quota of Nie Elder, and Nie Elder can also recommend other people.

The status of the elders is, after all, higher than that of ordinary elders. Each of their 18 elders recommends a candidate. Nie Elder has only one apprentice Xue Lingyao, but yesterday there are already elders to give her benefits, let her help recommend their apprentice.

After the 18th elders are recommended, other elders can recommend them. Ten people together can recommend a candidate. All the disciples recommended by the elders and ordinary elders will be tested to determine who can get the remaining ten places.

"Get the recommended disciples, all stand up, this lord will pass you a symbol, the best top ten refining, you can go to the funeral mountain!"

When I heard the words of the Emperor Wan Fuzong, the inner disciples who stood up were extremely excited. Reincarnation under the tree can save a lot of effort for them, so that they will take a lot of detours in the future. The genius disciples who can now stand shoulder to shoulder with them, if they do not experience the reincarnation of the tree, they will definitely be opened by them in the future.

"Now, please ask the two elders to tell you the candidates you want to recommend!"

If the two candidates recommended by the elders are among the disciples, then the two of them will not need to be tested. However, the two elders recommended by the elders are their own descendants, not among those disciples. Among their descendants, there are also outstanding people, and the qualifications recommended are very good.

Immediately afterwards, the Emperor Wan Fuzong also recommended a candidate, his most beloved grand ‘female’, and the two descendants of the elders and the grandson of the patriarch of Wan Fuzong stood together. Other Wan Fuzong disciples looked at the three of them, all of them were envious. The core disciples can get the quota, relying on the ability, the three of them can get the quota, it is because the reinstatement is good.

"Fang Hanyu, Liu Qingmei, Xue Lingyao, you three are the core disciples of Wan Fuzong, deserve to get a place, and stand with them!"

Xue Lingyao, Liu Qingmei and Fang Hanyu nodded, and then they came together with the two ancestors of the elders and the grandson of the lord. Sixteen places, they occupy six, without any controversy. The remaining ten places are to pass the test and be able to determine.

"This is the main thing that tells you that you are like a singer. You can refine to what level you want, just look at your own!"

It’s like a symbol, it’s a symbol of the land, and it’s really hard for them to refine the goods. Normally, if you can refine the character, you can become the elder of Wan Fuzong. Fortunately, the Emperor Wan Fuzong did not ask them to refine them into a symbolic figure. As long as they are the best top ten in refining, they can get a quota.

The master of the ‘Mongolian’ is also a presbyterian, and he certainly can get a recommendation. After being taught by the Emperor Wan Fuzong, the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall began to refine and became a symbolic figure. It is not necessary to refine the success, but it must be better than others.

His talent in the martial arts can be said to be the best of the disciples of Wan Fuzong. Although the talents on the road are not bad, they are better than the core disciples like Han Yu. Fortunately, he does not need to compete with Fang Hanyu. It is only with the ‘precision’ English disciples that he is still confident.

"It's too hard, I can't refine it!"

One of the inner disciples said with a dejected look that he had worked hard to portray the array of characters, but unfortunately even one tenth could not be completed. The savage symbol is not the general character, but the horoscope. The idol is a stone carving of one of the nine stone carvings, which is powerful.

The ‘stimulus’ is like a symbol, and it can condense a huge image. The more powerful the symbol is, the more arrogant the image is. It is a pity that the disciples who participated in the test did not have much hope at all, and they were able to refine the imagery, not to mention the cohesiveness.

"As far as I can, I will only finish 90%!"

The ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall took a sigh of relief and finally finished refining. Although there is no refining success, but the performance of other disciples is better than him, there should be few. His performance, want to win the championship, certainly not possible, but to become the top ten, there should be no problem.

"Okay, time is up, you will show the results of the refining!"

The inner sects who had previously rectified the savage traits showed their achievements to the lord Wan Fuzong. They are all very hard working. After all, the chances of enlightenment under the reincarnation tree are too rare, only once in the millennium. They only have one chance in their lifetime. If they don't grasp it, they will have no chance in the future.

The final result did not exceed the expectations of the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall. Among the top ten, there was a ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall. In other words, the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall received one of ten places. The remaining nine places were received by the other nine ‘precision’ English disciples, and the remaining ten places were officially divided.

"Your ten little guys are lucky. Only once in the millennium, the opportunity to enlighten the tree under the reincarnation is hit by you!"

Compared with the top ten _ fine disciple of the test, they all laughed. The core disciples said that they were given the quota by their ability. In fact, they were recognized by nine stone carvings. They are the places that they really get on their own. It is said that refining is like a symbol, Xue Lingyao is definitely not as good as them.

Of course, if Fang Hanyu and Liu Qingmei are shot, they are definitely better than their refining. Although Xuelingyao was recognized by two stone carvings, it became too short and too young to become a disciple of Wan Fuzong. If she gave Xue Lingya a few years, they would not dare to say that they can refine the skills of Fuxi, and they can surpass Xuelingyao.

All the foreign disciples are a regret. Even if you know that this will be the result, it is inevitable to be disappointed. The chances of reincarnation under the tree are so precious, but they have no chance to compete for a place. Even the elders of the elders feel helpless, and they naturally have no choice.

"Slowly, I have a 16-point quota for Wan Fuzong. Why do I give it to my inner disciples? Isn’t my foreign disciple even a quota?"

Other elders admit their lives, and the elders of the elders will not. If there is no Lingdao, such a grand event, he will not come. However, Lingdao has passed the test of the Thunder Pool Hell and the Mountain Range, so that he can see it. He decided to cultivate Lingdao, and he has promised to let Lingdao go to the mountain of the funeral, and naturally he will not renege.

"The elders, this lord has already tolerated your troubles before, you always have to stop?"

Wan Fuzong’s lord said, the other elders of the elders knew the general and would not trouble him at this time. There is no scruples in the madman, but in one sentence, all the foreign disciples ignited hope. Even a lot of elders from outside, they are moving their minds.

"I am not a mess, other foreign elders do not fight, I don't know, anyway, I have to give a place to the stinky boy!"

The paragraph madman pointed to Lingdao, said with a smile. Until now, Ling Dao knew how difficult it was to go to the Nunnery Mountains and sit in the reincarnation tree. The vast Wan Fuzong has sixteen places, and the foreign disciples have not even one place.

He did not think that the madman would be so good to him. Don't look at a madman, a stinky boy. In fact, he has treated Lingdao as an apprentice, even as a younger generation. However, he did not mean to accept the apprentice, who made him accustomed to it.

"What kind of dog did the kid have to go, how many madmen are so good to him?"

The vast majority of Wan Fuzong disciples look at Lingdao's eyes, they are full of embarrassment. Lingdao and Xuelingyao are intimately connected, and Liu Qingmei’s relationship is unclear. Now the madman is going to give him a place to go to the funeral mountain reincarnation tree to enlighten the road.

Especially the foreign disciples, can not help but look at their elders. It is a pity that their elders are not a madman after all, and they have no intention of vying for the quota. Not only did Wan Fuzong’s elders think that Fu Xiu’s contestants are important, even if they are foreign elders, they think so.

Many of the elders of the foreign sects have tried refining the symbols, but unfortunately they have never been able to enter the ‘door’. Now there are opportunities for reincarnation under the tree. Although they also want to compete for the ranks of the younger generation, they understand that the rise of a Fuxiu is far more important to Wan Fuzong than the rise of a warrior.

"Noisy! Sixteen places have been set, how can I give you a place?"

Wan Fuzong was also angry, and the madman did not give him face in public, and Hu was so entangled that even if he had a good temper, he could not tolerate a madman. If every elder elder is learning a madman, then the whole Wan Fuzong is not a long-term mess?

"It's very simple, let the little animal die and die, don't you have more than one place?"

Seeing the madman's finger pointing at himself, the face of the ‘Mongolian’ hall’ ‘color’ apparently stiffened. The ‘Mongolian’ hall wants to control the entire Wan Fuzong, and naturally has studied the madman. He knows that the madman is not easy to provoke, and for many years, he has also avoided the madman. He didn't know where he had offended the madman.

Don't look at the madman who is usually crazy, but sometimes he is too slick. In the case of Ling Dao, he doubted the body of the ‘Mongolian’. Now he can not only help Ling Dao compete for a quota, but also retaliate for Ling Dao's ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall. Why not? --40503+dsuaahhh+25840146-->



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