The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 50: Kendo Thunder

The madman’s hands are pushing forward. The ancient ruins are like real existence. The broken buildings are still able to see the traces of the battle. There are sword marks, punches, and palms. Fu Zong’s martial arts, so others have never seen it.

When the elder swords in the hands of the elders of Tang, when they reached the ruins, they seemed to fall into the mud, and they wanted to move forward with a trace of it. They were all very difficult. Fortunately, when the nine stars were kneeling in time, he did not believe that the ancient ruins could withstand. The fall of nine stars.


A loud noise, deafening, nine stars have broken into the ancient ruins, even the hands of a madman, followed by shaking nine times, the broken ruins, even more miserable, originally broken Ancient buildings are even more dusty.

However, the ancient ruins are still advancing, and they still slammed into the elders of Tang. Even the swords of the earth, even the nine stars that the elders of the Tang Dynasty personally displayed, did not break the ruins and did not open the ruins.

Elder Tang’s face was white, and then he went back and forth again, leaving a deep footprint, the first confrontation. He not only did not beat the madman in a beautiful way, but also got the upper hand by the madman. He has paid enough attention. Duan mad, did not expect to underestimate the strength of the madman.

The madman is at least two thousand years younger than him. That is to say, he has practiced more than two thousand years more than a madman. He has become a presbyterian for two thousand years, but after becoming a prince, every time he promotes a small realm, It is extremely difficult. From Tianjun Peak to Tianzun, it is a gap. Wan Fuzong has never been successful.

It’s not that Wan Fuzong’s qualifications are not enough, but their air transport is not good. If they are the same as Ling Dao, they are practicing God without the Bible, and I am afraid that there will be a godly and even more powerful existence. If there is a emperor, it is not easy to advance to the three-products.

"This elder is a little embarrassed to you. Next, let you see what the elders really are."

The elder Tang was dignified and had already been in the hands of all the elders and disciples of Wan Fuzong. He lost to the madman. If he could not defeat the madman, he would have lost his face today. After all, the madman was He is only a junior in his eyes.

"The Kendo Thunder."

Tianjun, I don’t know much more than the King of Heaven, because the king’s use is still the source and the infuriating, and Tianjun has already understood the rules of the heavens and the earth, and has evolved his own way. The swordsman used by the elders of the Tang Dynasty still uses The source, now is the use of the kendo road he mastered.

A large road is like a dragon. It is in the void. The elders of Tang in the late Tianjun mastered a total of six rules. Each road is like a sharp sword. Now, He used six roads to make the swords of the land, and it was enough to display the power of the martial law Thunder to its own extreme.

The void is thundering, the glare is dazzling, and the six purple sword-shaped thunders are coming over to the madman. Every thunder is enough to kill a former Tianjun, and the six thunders are kneeling at the same time. Even the mid-day prince can be hit hard. Even in the mid-term Tianjun who is not physically strong, you can directly die.

"You are disrespectful to this elder, and you are making your elders lose face. Now you can't blame this elder."

Even the six roads are used. The elder Tang has obviously gone all out. He has not used the repair method. The strength of the sword repair has been unreservedly revealed. He has to see what the madman is going to do. Resist his kendo thunder.

"There are thunders in the district."

The madman roared in the sky and then made everyone shocked. He did not use any martial arts to deal with the Kendo Thunder, nor did he mean anything to escape. Instead, he rushed toward the six sword-shaped thunder. He was like a beast. In general, opened his mouth.

A sudden suction appeared in his mouth, swallowing the first sword-shaped thunder, and then his movements not only did not slow down, but faster, and swallowed another five sword-shaped thunders. The elders of the Tang dynasty used the road to condense the horror of the thunder, he actually ate all the thunder.


Just for a moment, on the body of the madman, there was a flash of electric light, full of white hair and vertical, and the skin was black, but his eyes became brighter. The six sword-shaped thunders for him not only It is harmless, and it is still a big supplement.

The madman is not quite ridiculous, and the sturdy bodywork of the singularity of the heavens is based on various cruel methods to temper his body. Now the elders of Tang send him six sword-shaped thunders, he will definitely not miss it. The condensed Thunder is enough to temper his internal organs.

"He is looking for death."

"It's crazy."

Whether it is the elders of the inner ancestry or the elders of the elders, they are incredibly looking at the madman. The disciples of the ancestors may not understand how terrible the six sword-shaped tianlei are. They do know clearly and madly. What I did was simply not putting my life on my heart.

"Is he still a human being, so he is not dead."

Even Wan Zongzong’s lord couldn’t help but whispered that the scene of the madman’s swallowing of six sword-shaped thunders was too shocking. The madman and him were characters of a period, but he was Fu Xiu. The madman is just a warrior, and his heart has never really paid attention to the madman.

But now, even the elders of Tang Tianjun are not the opponents of the madman. If a pair of decisions is made, the Wan Fuzong lord is definitely not the opponent of the madman. Fortunately, Wan Fuzong is based on Fu Xiu, or else he can When you are the master, it is a different matter.

"Good seedlings, unfortunately, he is not a repair."

Da Tai said with regret that the two elders and the emperor of Wan Fuzong felt that the status of Fu Xiu was higher than that of the martial artists. Even if the madman was strong, the two elders were not as good as Mu Zongze. I got the importance of a sect recognized by the stone.

"This this……"

Even the elder Tang was scared to the lips. He was proud of the kendo thunder, and he was swallowed by the madman. Now the madman is in his eyes, not a warrior, but a peerless beast. The body of the madman is exactly what it should be.

"This battle, I lost."

For a long time, Elder Tang was slowly breathing a sigh of relief. He said with frustration that he has been practicing for more than two thousand years than a madman. He is not an opponent of a madman. For him, the blow is not small. In fact, if he uses The means of Fu Xiu, the outcome is still unknown, but he has lost his fighting spirit.

He glanced at the madman deeply, then turned and returned to his seat. His figure looked so desolate. He thought he was the first person under the two elders. I didn't expect a junior to win him.


Meng Yutang whispered, even if Elder Tang taught him for so many years, he did not really put the elders of Tang in his heart. The reason why he called the elder Tang now is not to comfort the elder Tang, but to worry about his quota. Lingdao snatched.

"Reassure, your business, the sovereign will be the master."

Elder Tang seems to have recovered his fascination and seriously said to Meng Yutang that Meng Yutang is his proud apprentice. Not only is he a genius, but also a genius of kendo. The madman is so loyal to Lingdao, and he is also a madman. The apprentice, Elder Tang, lost to the madman, but he believes that his apprentice will not lose to the madman.


The madman has recovered his original appearance. The previous wolverines not only did not damage his image, but set him even more terrible. Like a demon king, he arched his hand against the elder Tang, and then he turned to Wanfu. The patriarchs have gone.

"Sovereign, what do you think about giving Lingdao a quota?"

The elder Tang dared to admit defeat, but also won the respect of the madman. Therefore, the madman did not continue to bully the monk, but instead found the lord of Wan Fuzong. After all, he decided that the power was in the body of Wan Fuzong, even if it was a madman. Conquering the elders of Tang, it only increased the right to speak of the madman.

A strong person who can defeat the elders of Tang can not be ignored by the patriarch of Wan Fuzong. Previously, the patriarch of Wan Fuzong could sneak a slap in the face, but it is not clear how strong the madman’s combat power is. Even the two elders of the elders have to give certain lunatics a certain respect.

"The elders of the paragraph, you also understand that Fu Xiu is very important to me, Wan Fuzong, who is far more important than the military. It is not appropriate to give the Lingu Mountain a place to the Lingshen Mountain."

Although it is still not intended to give Lingdao quotas, the tone of the Emperor Wan Fuzong is obviously eased. The madman and the elder Tang have already established a majesty, and no one can see that his ultimate combat power is in the end. No one knows even what the madman is in.

"I have promised that stinky boy, I have to give him a quota, and I can't let me eat it."

The madman is arrogant, and the patriarch of Wan Fuzong wants to marry the mother. If you can't eat your words, can you let my lord change the previous decision in front of all the elders and disciples, and it is your face. Still my face is important.

"What's more, the effect of the reincarnation tree is limited. The lower the realm of the warrior is, the better the effect of enlightenment in the reincarnation tree. The stupid boy is only in the late stage of the human world. The effect of enlightenment is definitely better than that of the ten people. If the emperor really disagrees, I can't help them ten, who will die halfway."

The previous sentence is reasonable, the latter sentence is the threat of red, naked, naked, Wan Fuzong lord is a headache, encountering a madman such a unreasonable, but the strength is strong and outrageous elders There is really no way.

"Not as good as this, let us see the strength of the kid, how."

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