The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 57: Blood killing magic gun

Yin is innocent, but it is said that Tianbing is invincible. Now Lingdao is a warrior in the middle of the world. He dares to disturb his good deeds. He is naturally very angry. If it is not Lingdao’s shot, he can completely swear by Mu Weiqing. Will kill her with a shot.

Now Lingdao helped Mu Yiqing to block the next shot. Mu Lanqing already had enough time to take out the scorpion from the Qiankun Ring and then activate it. The previous yin and evil were just swearing at Mu Yiqing, only to kill Mu Wei. The opportunity of Qing, now Mu Yiqing ate a loss, certainly will not be the second time.


Bloody, turned into a head of Gorefiend, bite to Lingdao, Yin no evil even Mu Zhenqing dare to kill, naturally will not let Lingdao, with his strength, want to kill a day In the late period of the human race, there is no difference between crushing an ant.

If it is a general martial artist in the late Tianbing, Lingdao is not afraid at all, but unfortunately Yin is not a genius. Now the strength of Lingdao is already very strong, but it is still unable to counter the Tianshi martial arts. The strength of the battle.

Ling Dao is indeed not an innocent opponent. However, it is definitely not an easy task to kill him. It’s a sinister and full-fledged shot. Lingdao is using the real dragon map to stop it. Mu Zhenqing lives.

Now that Yin is innocent and shot again, Ling Dao is naturally not afraid. Yin has no control of the fourth level of blood. Even though Ling Dao’s origin is the source of blood, it is not cheap, because he only masters the third. The origin of the hierarchy.

However, Ling Dao's use of the source of power is not yin and evil. If you say, Lingdao is also a Tianjun in the early stage. He has already mastered the fifth level of the original strength, and also condensed his own Kendo Road. Then, if he was too rash, screaming at the Holy Land of Ziwei, it would not be so miserable.


Lingdao hands clenched his fists, constantly bombarding one after another Gorefiend, black and gold fists, containing the destruction of Wuyi, breaking the **** demon again and again, destroying the Wuyi, naturally he deduced according to the destruction of the sword, Anyway, he can already use the Yuanyuan source to degenerate and destroy the source, which naturally makes the Wu Peng boxing power increase.

"Does this kid hide the realm?"

The 16 young disciples who came to the Silver Gun Alliance are not the Heavenly Forces. They are the heavenly kings. The 16 young disciples of Wan Fuzong actually have a late Tiantian situation. It is a very strange thing in itself. Now Lingdao The strength is not like the martial arts of heaven and earth. It is no wonder that yin and evil have become suspicious.

"What is the realm of your realm, and there is no courage to reveal the realm of reality."

Yin is innocent and unbelievable. It is the late warrior of the heavenly people. The other young disciples of the Silver Gun League also do not believe it. After all, the Yin and the evil are the most powerful Tianbing warriors of the Silver Gun League. The two consecutive moves are blocked by Lingdao. How can it be only in the late days of the heavens.

"Does your brain get into the water?"

Lingdao is unceremonious ridicule, clearly that he is the late stage of the heavens and humans, why is it sinless?

In fact, you can't blame yin and innocence. After all, the natural world has such a combat power in the later period. It is indeed not yin and evil. It can be understood without the evil spirits. Although it is born with a **** gun, the talent is amazing, but the practice of his cultivation, That is to say, the best local product practice method of the Silver Gun Alliance, even the Tianpin Gongfa is not.

Wan Fuzong, Shuangjianmen and Yinmeng League, the reason why they can't give birth to Tianzun, is because they only have the merits of the land, and there is no such thing as a martial art. It is too difficult to cultivate to Tianzun by local techniques. After all, the local product method is just created by Tianjun.

If you want to rely on Tianjun’s method of creation and transcend Tianjun, you can be said to be delusional, unless you push the local product to the next step, become a natural product, and then you can break through to Tianzun, or have air transportation. To get a higher level of practice, it will break through to Tianzun.

I have to say that in terms of exercises, Ling Dao is fortunate. Whether it is a wild sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred The swordsmen and the silver guns are the problems of the warriors.

To practice a martial art and to go beyond the founder, it is a difficult thing to go to heaven. The martial arts that cultivated the ridiculous sacred spirits are not a minority from the time of the ancient times. However, none of them can surpass them. The pioneer of the ridiculous fairy.

"If I didn't know him long ago, I don't believe that he only has a late life."

A young disciple of Wan Fuzong whispered that he was already in the middle of the Tianbing, but Ling Dao’s strength was not worse than his, even stronger. Lingdao was able to defeat Bai Lirui, Zhu Chengtai and Tian Wen. Yao, naturally, there is a real ability, but now it seems that Ling Dao still hides strength.

The young disciples of the Silver Gun League stayed, and the young disciple of Wan Fuzong said that they naturally listened clearly. Lingdao actually only had the late days of the heavens. When, Wan Fuzong already had This kind of genius.

"you wanna die."

Lingdao’s words angered Yin’s innocence, and the talents that Lingdao showed, have surpassed Yin’s innocence, and now Yin’s innocence has been planned to kill Lingdao, or else, Lingdao and him. In the same realm, he lost to Lingdao.

"Blood kills the magic gun."

The guns that are good at ignorance and good at all are all displayed. In his pair of scorpions, the killings are soaring, and the red blood guns in his hands seem to be alive. The body of the red blood gun is like a blood vessel. There is blood flowing inside.

Now every shot he stabbed was enough to make the Heavenly Soldiers desperate. If he started, he would use his blood to kill the magic gun and fight with Mu Zhenqing. Even if the eight green ribbons are all weapons, Mu Wei Qing also don't want to tie the yin and innocence.

"How can I have such a powerful young disciple?"

The second star carefully stared at Ling Dao. Previously, he could not save Mu Zhenqing. Other disciples were not too late to save. I didn’t expect Ling Dao to save Mu Xiqing, if Mu Zhenqing died in Yin. Under the evil gun, after he went back, he was really bad and confessed to the patriarch of Wan Fuzong.

Originally, Lingdao got a quota, and the second was not on the mouth. In fact, there was an opinion in his heart. In his view, it was Lingdao who had delayed an inner-class elite disciple. He must have considered a foreign disciple, far away. Far from being an important disciple of the inner sect.

But now, the strength of Lingdao shows that the second is too shocking. Lingdao is only in the late stage of the human race, and it can fight against the evil spirits. Even if it falls in the wind, it is very unacceptable. If it grows in the future. It will inevitably become the external elders of Wan Fuzong.

Whether it is the inner ancestor or the foreign patriarch, it belongs to Wan Fuzong. The external patriarchal elders will also shelter Wan Fuzong. If Lingdao becomes Tianjun, it will definitely be unmatched. If he becomes the peak of Tianjun, ask the whole Yanyun State. Which Tianjun is his opponent.

However, it is too early to think about this. The tactics of Lingdao are indeed far beyond their own realm. Unfortunately, the heavens and the people are powerful, and it does not mean that they will become powerful after becoming Tianjun. After becoming Tianjun, the origin and will are only Part of the strength, but also to look at the road is not very powerful.

"Follow the stars eight steps."

In the face of the innocent blood to kill the magic gun, Lingdao has no positive plan, his body, leaving a residual image in the original place, the innocent attack is fast, but he avoids faster, he At the foot of the game, it seems that there is a star change, and the battle moves to the stars.

The eight-step chase is a very powerful footwork. After all, the Lingjia, where Lingdao was in the past, is also the same as the silver gun alliance. In addition, Lingdao has learned the poetry, even if there is no incarnation, you can greatly improve yourself. The speed of movement.

Lingdao’s savvy is inherently high. Otherwise, he can’t create martial arts such as Zhenlong and Jianpeng. The Pengpeng family has the fastest speed in the world. He can’t show all the mysteries of the world now, but he can also bypass the world. It will be more perfect in the eight steps of the pursuit of the stars.

"Why, you only know how to avoid it."

On the surface of Yin and innocence, he laughed at Lingdao. In the dark, he was looking for the flaws of Lingdao. He also understood that the frontal battle, Lingdao could not be his opponent. If he can calculate the movement track of Lingdao, he must be able to give Ling. A fatal blow.

The blood-killing magic gun is powerful, but the red blood gun and the shadow of Lingdao can't touch it. Naturally, it has no effect. It is not irritating, and calmly records every step of Lingdao. Unfortunately, he did not find any. The law cannot be calculated at all.

"Awesome footwork."

A young disciple in the late stage of the Silver Gun League exclaimed that the strength of Yin and innocence is much stronger than that of him. Even if it is innocent, there is no way to take Lingdao. If he is fighting with Ling Dao, it must be the same.

"After all, he is only in the late days of the heavens, wait for it, consume it, and definitely lose him."

Another young disciple of the Tianbing Boundary of the Silver Gun Alliance said that if the war of consumption is to be waged, the end of the heavenly world will definitely be inferior to the late warrior in the Tianbing, and the total amount of the true gas and the total source of the military in the late days of the Tianbing will not be the day. In the late stage of the human race, the military can compare.

It’s a pity that if it is really a war of attrition, even if the instinct and instinct of the innocent body are exhausted, Lingdao can hold it. The realm of Lingdao is low, but the cultivation of the wild is too wild, the grade is too high, Lingdao The total amount of infuriating and source is more than yin and evil, not to mention his speed of recovery, but also far beyond yin.

"The world of magic."

A silver squadron’s celestial squadron’s martial arts suddenly took the shot, and used the origin of the illusion to derive the virtual world. The slogan was covered. He did this in order to help the yin and the evil, and let Lingdao fall into the magical world. It is to prevent the footsteps of Ling Dao, so that Yin Yin has the opportunity to kill Ling Dao.




Wan Fuzong’s young disciple, one after another, roaring, the silver squad’s Tianbing dynasty, the martial artist, actually sneaked into Lingdao, and sneaked in the battle between Lingdao and Yinwu, they now want to save the Tao. There is no chance at all, because the young disciples of the Silver Gun League are always staring at them.

"Haha, I see where you are going to escape, give me death."

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