The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 59: Dream God!


Just when the yin was insane and ready to go mad, it was stopped by Gong Sunxiong. - Previously, Gongsun Xiong and Duan madman had already made a slap in the hand, and the result was that Gongsunxiong fell to the bottom. Of course, this does not mean that Gong Sunxiong’s strength is worse than that of the madman. After all, he is just a shot.

However, Gongsun Xiong can see that Duan madman has the power to fight with him. In addition, a Wan Fuzong two is too, only Gongsun Xiong, there is no ability to contain them both. If one of them is to deal with the other elders of the Silver Gun Alliance, it must be a one-sided battle.

The Silver Gun Alliance has a total of 18 elders, and Wan Fuzong has only ten elders, which is a full eight. However, the elders of Wan Fuzong have a large number of symbols, plus a madman, such a warrior of Tianjun’s peak strength, who has no benefit to them, and will only make the double-sword ‘door’ cheap. They fight for each other, and the fishermen are profitable. They don’t want to sit on the road, and they don’t want to let the double-sword ‘door’ be a fisherman.

From the small to the big, the yin is indiscriminate and has never been so humiliated. He is now red-eyed and has lost his mind. Even if he is dying, he will kill Lingdao. In the previous war, he was completely suppressed, and he was not able to display it.

What's more, he was born with a blood gun, and the cards were not used. It’s just that Lingdao’s late warrior is not worthy of his playing cards. He did not think that Lingdao was so abominable, and when he pressed him, he shot wildly, knowing that he couldn’t even say that he would let him go.

Now the ‘yin’ is full of anger and anger, but there is nowhere to vent, only to squat on the road. If his eyes can kill the ridge, I am afraid that Lingdao has died hundreds of times. He wants to shoot, but unfortunately his body is blocked by Gongsunxiong, and he can't get close to Lingdao, let alone kill Lingdao.

Of course, even if the yin is not evil, it is impossible to kill the ridge. Duan madman is standing next to Lingdao, not to mention that it is ‘yin’ and no evil shot, even if Gongsunong’s shot, he is not sure to kill Lingdao. The strength of the paragraph madman is not only a mystery in the eyes of Gong Sunxiong, but even in the heart of Wan Fuzong’s elders, it is an unknown number.

No matter whether it is the realm of the madman or the ultimate combat power, no one knows. Anyway, he can swallow the martyrdom of the elders of the Tang dynasty, or he can beat the male grandson with a punch, and must have the fighting power of the peak Tianjun. Lingdao’s choice to stand by his side is definitely the right choice.

At this time, the battle between the ‘Mongolian’ and the Zhang Mingyuan is nearing the end. Whether it is the ‘Mongolian’ or the Zhang Mingyuan, they are all blood-stained, and both of them suffer from a minor trauma. They all have the power of a war, but just playing it down is not good for anyone.

Zhang Mingyuan became a natural warrior earlier than the ‘Mongolian ancestral hall, but the talent of ‘Mongo’ is better. The ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall has not used the symbol, so it can be divided into Zhang Mingyuan’s autumn ‘color’. Even if Zhang Mingyuan still has a lot of tricks, he doesn't use it, and he doesn't mean to continue playing with the ‘Mongolian’.

"The younger generation of ‘communication’ hands, we Wan Wongzong clearly has the upper hand, do you want to continue?”

Wan Fuzong II was too full of ‘spring’ wind, and he said very much. Originally, the yin was innocent, and the battle of Wan Fu Zong was exhausted. Fortunately, Ling Dao took a strong shot and violently smashed the yin. Despite the attack of Lingdao, there was no injury to the 'yin' and no evil, but after all, let the yin's face disappear.

"It’s so lively, it seems that we are late!"

I haven't waited for Gong Sunxiong to take the call. In the distance, there is another group of warriors. Now, rushing to the mountain of the burial gods, there are old generations of warriors and younger generations of disciples, naturally the elders and disciples of the double-sword ‘door’. The double-sword ‘door’ has come together with one elder elder and sixteen elders, and the young disciples are also sixteen.

The silver gun alliance, the double sword ‘door’ and Wan Fuzong have a total of forty-eight places, each of which has sixteen places. The elders and disciples of the double-sword ‘door’ have already arrived, but they are hiding in the dark and not showing up. Originally they wanted to be a fisherman. Unfortunately, the elders and disciples of the Silver Gun League did not have a large-scale battle with the elders and disciples of Wan Fuzong.

"I just seem to see from afar, the yin of the invincible celestial beings is innocent, and I was violently tempted by a kid in the late days of the heavens. I wonder if I am ‘flowering’?”

A young disciple of the double-sword ‘door’ said ‘yin’ and yang’s grotesque saying that ‘yin’ had never been confessed to him and won him a trick. Now that I see ‘yin’ innocent, he is naturally very happy. Today's events will definitely spread throughout the Yunzhou, and later mentioning the 'yin' and innocence, certainly not to say that the heavenly army is invincible, let alone the first person in the sky.

The battle with Ling Dao is a huge stain on the yin. The good thing is that there is no ‘door’, and bad things are going through thousands of miles. Such amazing things will definitely become the hot ‘door’ topic in the whole of Yunzhou. "Yin" is as if it has been heard, and a young disciple whispered that he was beaten by Lingdao.

If it is really not the opponent of Lingdao, ‘Yin’ will be recognized without evil, but his strength is obviously stronger than Lingdao, but he is arrogant by Lingdao, letting him smash a fire. Now the young disciple of the double sword 'door' sneered at him in person, naturally let him take a slap in the face.

"Under the defeat, I dare to laugh at me? If there is a species, you will fight with me, and you will roll without it!"

Gong Sunxiong has already solved the imprisonment of ‘yin’ and no evil. The yin’s innocence itself is not a sinister person. Now that the ‘yin’ has been calmed down, it will naturally not be shot again. The hatred of Ling Dao has already been suppressed in the heart of ‘Yin’ and innocent. Later, there is opportunity to avenge.

"War on the battle, are you afraid that you will not be?"

The young disciple of the double sword 'door' has been there for a long time, and did not see the yin. The current ‘Yin’ is innocent and can’t be solved in the late days. It’s certainly not great to think about the strength. He did not hesitate, holding his sword in his hands and killing him in front of the yin.

The ‘yin’ is nowhere to vent, and the young disciple of the double-sword ‘door’ is sent to the ‘door’. He will naturally be polite. The wrath of the yin is innocent, the strong horror, not to mention the late military in the Tianbing, even if it is the predecessor of the war, it is not necessarily his opponent.

The younger disciple of the double-sword ‘door’ originally thought that the yin’s innocent strength could not be done. He really understood that it was not ‘yin’ and no evil progress, but Lingdao was too evil ‘door’. It was only ten strokes. He was defeated, and he lost to ‘yin’ and was innocent. He fled to the back of the sword’s “door” elder.

"Waste, just dare to laugh at me?"

Finally, it was a sigh of relief, and the ‘yin’ innocent face’s ‘color’ was also restored to normal. Even if he is watching Ling Dao, he has already hidden his intentions. The more this is the case, the more careful Lingdao is, the ‘yin’ is no evil, it is like a poisonous snake. When it is uncertain, it will bite him bit by bit.

The ‘yin’ is innocent and does not continue to provoke other young disciples of the double-sword ‘door’. Anyway, no matter how brave he is now, he cannot wash the previous shame. He did not invite the war, and the young disciple of the double-sword ‘door’ did not plan to fight him. After all, the strength he showed was terrible.

"Since all three of our forces have arrived, we will go to the place where the reincarnation tree is!"

Wan Fuzong’s second wife took the initiative to open her mouth. Although the young disciple of Wan Fuzong did not have the hand of the young disciple of the double sword 'door', the young disciple of Wan Fuzong was better than the young disciple of the silver gun league. The younger disciples of the League have outperformed the younger disciples of the double-sword 'door', which means that the young disciples of Wan Fuzong have won two more than the younger disciples of the double-sword 'door'.

The real situation, certainly not the case, but Wan Fuzong is a big bargain. The biggest hero, Ling Dao, is a whole lower realm than the yin anger. It is also beyond everyone's expectations to beat the yin. Even the other young disciples of Wan Fuzong saw that Lingdao felt pleasing to the eye.

"Our group of old guys are just a bunch of people in the past, really benefiting, or a group of them."

"The previous battles were just warm-ups. Reincarnation under the tree is the beginning of your true struggle!"

"There are a limited number of reincarnations. If you want to get a reincarnation, you have to look at your skills!"

Using reincarnation to enhance the realm, there will be no side effects, the realm will be very stable and solid. It is a pity that most of the reincarnation will be turned over to the three forces of the Aryun House. The reincarnation that they can get is only a small part, certainly not forty-eight.

Two thousand years ago, the three major forces also got nine reincarnations. Four thousand years ago, the three major forces received twelve reincarnations. Now, how many rounds of fruit can be obtained is unknown, but it is estimated that it will not reach twenty. In other words, forty-eight young disciples of the three major forces, only about one-third of them, can get reincarnation.

Can you get the reincarnation, relying on the ability, ability, and luck. The older generation of warriors will not intervene, relying on the younger generation of disciples to compete for themselves. The three major forces supervise each other, no matter which older generation is strong, there will be no chance to secretly, otherwise they will only be attacked by the group.

"Everyone agrees, then let's go!"

Gong Sunxiong said seriously that the elders and disciples of the Silver Gun League are behind him. Wan Fuzong’s two Taishang and the double-sword ‘door’ elders are also elders and disciples with their own forces, rushing to the place where the reincarnation tree is located.

In the mountain of the burial, it is said that a **** was once buried. The reincarnation tree may have absorbed the nutrients of God and has the power of today. In fact, they guessed that it was true that the one who was buried here is the dream god. The dream **** of the ancient times, mastering the origin of the dream, the road of the illusion, the way of dreams.

Dream God, even when sleeping, is also practicing. He is also good at cultivating disciples, constructing a dream with a illusion, letting his disciples experience reincarnation in their dreams and enlighten themselves in their dreams. Now the ability to reincarnate the tree is just like the dream god, but there is no such thing as the dream of God alone! --40503+dsuaahhh+25962631-->


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