The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 62: Who dares to gamble with me?

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"You don't want to be affected, try your best, don't force it!"

Wan Fuzong II went up to the remaining five young disciples and whispered comfortably. Whether it is the height of 94,000 feet or the height of 98,000 feet, it is certainly not something that the Heavenly Forces can imagine. Even if they are desperately climbing, they can't get that height.

Anyway, the young disciples in front of them have been better than the young disciples of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate. Even the first and second, being taken away by the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate, is not completely unacceptable. It’s not that Wan Fuzong is too eager to fight, but has no ability to fight.

"That is, it is useless to force it. Waste is waste after all. Even if you use more and more, you can't compete with our younger generation!"

After a young disciple of a double sword door laughed, he rushed to the top. The height he can reach is certainly not as good as that of Zuo Jian and Jian Yi. Even Meng Yutang and Zhang Mingyuan are inferior. However, they have already won the championship with their younger disciples, and his results are not important.

The young disciples of the Silver Gun League did not satirize the young disciples of Wan Fuzong. Anyway, the first is not their power. It’s already humiliating to fight against the evil spirits and Lingdao. Now Zuo Jian is losing to Jianyi. They really have nothing to be proud of.

"Mengtangtang, ignoring the temple, let you understand today, you are not as good as mine!"

Fang Hanyu’s heart is darker than his own strength. He is indeed worse than the monk. But now choose the leaves, you can use the symbol, even if it is the same symbol, the effect that can be exerted in his hand is better than that of other young disciples.

His body is constantly rising, and he does not use the scorpion. He can only reach the height of 75,000 ft. However, after using the symbol, he rose again, and even crossed the height of 85,000 feet, and finally stopped at the height of 89,000 feet.

"Well, it’s the apprentice of Zongze!"

Although Fang Hanyu can't compare with Zuo Jian and Jian Yi, he is not a natural warrior after all. He only has the peak of the heavenly squad, and the height of his arrival is the third and perhaps the third. The young disciples in the back, it seems that there is no way to achieve good results.

"Fu, is a symbol, what other skills do you have in addition to the symbol?"

A young disciple of the Silver Gun League said indignantly that Fu Xi’s hands in Fang Hanyu seemed to have magical powers, which allowed him to rise again by a height of 14,000 feet. If Wan Fuzong’s young disciples are the same as Fang Hanyu, then they have to.

Another core disciple of Wan Fuzong, Liu Qingmei is obviously not as good as Fang Hanyu. Xue Lingyao's own realm is too low, it is normal than the upper Hanyu. The same realm of Liu Qingmei and Fang Hanyu, now lost to Fang Hanyu, certainly has a heart.

"It’s ridiculous, we are the versatile force of Wan Fuzong. Is it wrong to use the symbol?"

The former silver gun league young disciple was speechless, and did not let Wan Fuzong’s young disciples use the scorpion, just like not using the rifles for their silver guns and disciples, and not using the swords for the disciples. Possible things.

The remaining young disciples, one after another, flew to the leaves of the reincarnation tree. Finally, there is only one person left in the road, standing on the ground. Whether it is the elders of Wan Fuzong, or the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate, they all looked at him.

"I really don't know what kind of madness you have in the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect."

"Did you Wan Fuzong is not worthy of training for the younger generation, even take a late warrior to fill the number?"

"The first one you can't get, the last one, but you are the younger generation of Wan Fuzong!"

Whether it is the silver gun elders or the double swordsmen elders, they are holding a optimistic attitude. If Lingdao really can't even get a leaf, it really makes people laugh. Even if you are arrogant, relying on the symbol, you will be the lowest one.

Even if Wan Fuzong was too, it was silent at this time. Lingdao can defeat Bai Li Rui, Zhu Chengtai and Tian Wenyao, and his strength is certainly not bad. However, he is at most five or six thousand feet high, and it is indeed possible to count down.

"You, don't know what do you think of this sword?"

The madman suddenly spoke up. He did not argue with the silver gunmen and the elders of the Sword Gate, but took out an ancient sword. Whether it is Tianwang or Tianjun, it is a good mix to be able to use the weapons of the land. However, the ancient sword he took out now turned out to be a weapon of heaven.

"Although it is a broken sword, it is better than a general sword."

Shen Tuo seriously said that it is one thing for Wan Fuzong and Shuangjianmen to have hatred. It is one thing to evaluate the ancient sword of the madman. As a sword repair, he will not make jokes on the grade of the ancient sword. The ancient sword taken out by the madman is indeed a broken sword.

"Well, the reason why it is broken is because the sword spirit is broken!"

Duan madman nodded, and did not know what kind of war the ancient sword had experienced, even the sword spirit did not. If you can cultivate the sword spirit for this ancient sword, then it is very likely to restore the glory of the past, and once again become a complete sword.

"I use this sword to gamble that he can reach a height of more than 70,000 feet. I don't know your two major forces. Who can dare to gamble with me?"

If the elder of Wan Fuzong knows the most about Lingdao, it must be a madman. He dared to use a broken ancient sword to gamble with the Silver Gun League and the Elders of the Double Sword Gate. Naturally, he had great confidence in Lingdao. Even if the madman is not a sword repair, a broken sword is also very precious.

"Are you crazy?!"

Elder Tang took a madman and wanted to persuade the madman not to make nerves. He is also a sword repairer, naturally a person who loves swords. In his opinion, the madman is acting like this, and is simply sending a sword. Such an ancient sword, given to the Silver Gun League or the Sword Gate elders, too pity.

The elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate were silent. They only know that Lingdao is the late stage of the heavens and the other, there is nothing to understand. Duan madman dare to make a bet with the broken Tianpin sword, and perhaps there is something terrible on Lingdao.

"I will gamble with you with two superior swords. If he can reach the height of 75,000 feet, then I will lose, otherwise, you will lose!"

After three deep thoughts, Shen Tugang spoke up. He raised the height of the madman by another five thousand feet. Even Fang Hanyu, who is the peak of the Tianbing, can only reach the height of 75,000 feet by relying on his own strength. Even if Lingdao is even more powerful, can it still be better than the Tianjun dynasty?

"If he can reach the height of 75,000 cubits, I am willing to take out a big banner to gamble. I don't know which elders of Wan Fuzong dare to accept?"

The banner of the land that can be taken out by Gongsunxiong is naturally a high-quality weapon. Anyway, he is a gun repairer, and he does not use weapons like the big flag. It is still worthwhile to take a bet and press on the arrogance of Elder Wan Fuzong.

The other elders of Wan Fuzong did not say a word. Even if Wan Fuzong was too young, he would not dare to gamble with Gongsun. It is obviously impossible for Lingdao to reach the height of 75,000 ft., and Gong Gongxiong gamble, it is simply to send Gongsunxiong weapons.

Gongsun Xiong and Shen Tugang saw the performance of the elders of Wan Fuzong, and they were all relieved. If Lingdao can really reach the height of 75,000 feet, the elders of Wan Fuzong will certainly not be like this. Even the elders of Tang are still persuading the madman.

At the height of 75,000 cubits, the madman did not have confidence, so he hesitated. Losing a broken piece of weapon, the loss is already very large. If you gamble with Gongsun, would you have to lose another piece of weapons?

"The elders, gamble with him, don't say seventy-five thousand feet, even if it is eight thousand feet, there is no problem!"

Just when the madman was screaming, Lingdao gave him a voice, which was a reassurance for him. Since Lingdao has such confidence, that madman is accompanied by Lingdao crazy. The madman bite his teeth and took out a long knife again.

"I will use this long knife to gamble with you!"

The words of the madman not only made the elders of Tang unable to understand, but even Wan Fuzong was too open to stop. Wan Fuzong’s other elders have dissuaded them, but unfortunately, the madman’s heart is as strong as iron, and they are not affected by them.

"Okay, I am discouraged!"

Gongsun Xiong opened his eyes and smiled. Shen Tugang was able to win a broken sword of the heavenly sword, which made him very envious. Unexpectedly, the elders of the section also took out a long knife and gambled him. Even if the quality of the long knife was not as good as the flag of the land he took out, he would not be accountable. Anyway, the elders of the section must lose, and he will send him a long knife. Is he still going to pick and choose?

"Insane, it's crazy!"

Wan Fuzong’s elders shook their heads, but they couldn’t help with the madness. A broken sword and a piece of weapon, the loss is already very big, even if it is not their thing, they feel distressed, the madman is really too defeated.

"Kid, let's go up!"

The elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen were all urging the Lingdao. In particular, Shen Tugang and Gongsunxiong are a little bit eager to wait. It will not be long before the broken swords and the good knives will be theirs.

"As you wish!"

The reason why Lingdao made a mad gamble is because he already has the means to reach the height of 75,000 feet, even higher. The closer to the reincarnation, the better the effect of dreams, whether it is for the mad gambling or for himself, he will go all out.

By his own strength, he really could not reach the height of 75,000. However, Kun Peng is the hegemon of the sky, not only has the speed of the world, but also can fly in the endless sky. He did not hesitate to directly display the 鲲 变 change, and swayed straight! --811083163560525367+dliineda+1062-->


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