The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 77: Paragraph madman shot

The power of the fairy scorpion is invisible, but it is real and terrible. The grandson of Tianjun’s peak is no resistance, let alone Zhang Mingyuan and Lingdao. Zhang Mingyuan’s broken gun has already fallen to the ground. Because his arms have been turned away.

"Elders, help."

Zhang Mingyuan was so scared that his face turned pale and shouted in horror. He already felt that his feet were being eroded by an invisible force. If no one saved him, he would definitely be completely destroyed. Will not stay.

Whether it is the roar of Gongsunxiong or the help of Zhang Mingyuan, the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance have no response. Even the grandson of the Tianjun Jun is unresistible. If they are shot, they will not have any good end.

"Mingyuan, not Master does not want to save you, but can do nothing."

The master of Zhang Mingyuan is a late elder of Tianjun, but in the face of the incarnation of the will of the immortal, there is no courage to take the shot. Zhang Mingyuan is dead. He just lost an apprentice. Even if Zhang Mingyuan’s talent is good, it is also a text after death. not worth.

"Two too, not that we don't want to help you, but that we are shot, it's useless, even you can't deal with it, how can we help you."

If in the usual time, Gongsunxiong, the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance will certainly listen, but now, Gongsunxiong let them die, they will certainly not agree, because it seems that Gongsunxiong has not lived for a long time, they do not have to fear a dead person.

"you guys……"

Gongsunxiong was anxious, but he was helpless. The elders of the Silver Gun League clearly did not want to be tired of them, replaced him, and would not save other elders in this situation, the power of the fairy, beyond his imagination, those Although the elders are powerful, their practices are not wrong.

"But, when I die, you will quickly leave the mountain of the funeral."

Without Gongsun Xiong sitting in the town, if Shen Tuogang started to worry, the elders of the Silver Gun League will certainly not have any good fruit to eat. Anyway, the death of Gong Sunxiong is a foregone conclusion. He is not as fearful as before. He is alive. For thousands of years, I have already lived enough.

"Congratulations to the elders."

All the elders of the Silver Gun League are all saluting, and the other young disciples are the same. In any case, Gongsunxiong is the elder of the Silver Gun League, and before they die, they are also jealous of them, let them leave the funeral mountains early. For their safety.

"I didn't expect that the old man had been in Yunzhou for thousands of years, and he eventually died in the hands of a junior."

Gongsun Xiong laughed very sadly, and the silver gun alliance was too elder, so he died in the mountain of the funeral, it is really wrong, even if it is with the double sword gate or Wan Fuzong’s elders, the death is better than now. The method of death is also a hundred times better.

"However, it is not a life to have a enchanting burial like you."

Up to now, Gongsunxiong, Zhang Mingyuan and Lingdao have only three physical bodies of Lingdao. However, Lingdao is also extremely embarrassed. Gongsunxiong can see that the figure of endless sky is not to help Lingdao. Otherwise, Lingdao will not be attacked.

If Gongsun Xiong does not start with Lingdao, there will be no such end. Gongsunong does not hate Lingdao. Everything is what he asked for. If he didn’t think about removing the threat of Lingdao at the beginning, how could it be? Now the end.

However, even if he gives Gongsunxiong another chance, he will still pay for Lingdao. His potential has been exhausted. He will stop at Tianjun Peak for a lifetime, and can exchange for a young man who may become Tianzun in the future. .

"No, I can't die, I don't want to die."

When Zhang Mingyuan is young, he is already a well-known Tianshi martial artist. For him, breaking through to Tianjun is only a matter of time. He has lived for decades, and he can live for thousands of years. It is indeed not reconciled.

Unfortunately, no one can save him, no one will save him. His body is constantly being eroded. At the end, there is only one head left. He has lost consciousness, his eyes are scattered, his face is dull, he is scared to death. In the end, where Zhang Mingyuan is located, there is only one pool of blood.

At the last moment, he didn't have a slogan. He didn't want to swear, but he was facing death. He was so scared that he forgot everything. Zhang Mingyuan was more afraid of death than anyone else. He was hit by the fairy, and died on the spot without any miracles. occur.

Seeing Zhang Mingyuan from a big living person, all the elders and disciples who have turned into a pool of blood, are all ruthless. Zhang Mingyuan, who was in the early days of the heavens, is under the influence of the immortal, and has no resistance. He is replaced by other young disciples. Not much better.

"Fortunately, I didn't shoot Lingdao, it was terrible."

The young disciples who did not take the shots couldn’t help but rejoice. Although they didn’t know what the punishment was, they could all see that they did not end well with Lingdao. When Zhang Mingyuan became bloody, Gongsunxiong’s The limbs also disappeared completely.

The elders of Shuangjianmen are even more sorrowful. Anyway, the young genius and the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance are dead. They have no loss. Only Shen Tugang’s face is not very good-looking. Gong’s death makes him have a rabbit dead fox. a feeling of.

"Why can you persist for so long?"

Gongsunxiong can be sure that Lingdao is also suffering from the invisible power like him. However, he is so miserable. Lingdao is just a wolverine. Until now, Lingdao has only looked like a wolf.

"Because even if you die, I will not die."

Lingdao grinned and laughed, the body really gasified as a head of a beast rushed out, guarded him inside, the power of the fairy, began to smash the instinct of Lingdao, fortunately Lingdao cultivation is quite wild, Jin Xian, I can still resist more time, otherwise he will probably end up with Gong Sunxiong.

Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding reunited after smashing, and it was formed by the fourth level of the Yuan origin. Now the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding rushed out from the Lingdao body, and began to devour the power of the fairy scorpion. Lingdao’s courage is not too big. Others are evasive of the power of the immortal, he has to devour the power of the fairy.

The immortality is the culmination of the cultivation of the genius. The human race is impossible to cultivate successfully. Lingdao wants to devour the power of the fairy scorpion. It can only be said to be whimsical. No matter how hard he tries, it is impossible to succeed.

The immortality of the will of the immortal, the power of the fairy, is indeed ten thousand times smaller, but the essence of power is the same, even if he is the tenth heavenly king, in front of the immortal, nothing is still, the fairy world is still above Above the heavens, just walk out a fairy, and you can kill him and clean up.

"I am going to die, how can I make you alive?"

Although Gong Sunxiong has no hands and feet, he is still able to attack Lingdao. Anyway, he is already dying. There will be no scruples at all. He is using the will to attack, and he is doing his best, let alone The Heavenly Humans are the peaks of the warriors, and even the Heavenly Warriors and the Heavenly Kings will be scattered.

Gong Sunxiong’s will was turned into a long gun. The guns he had learned all his life are now being displayed. Before he died, how should he bloom, as the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance, practicing for thousands of years? The shooting method.

Even the most common method of shooting in the Silver Gun League has the ability to turn into magic in his hands. What's more, the will he has used now has already included all the guns he has learned. Before he died, he showed up. Out of life, the most powerful shot.

Whether it is the elders of the Silver Gun League or the young disciples, they were all shot by Gong Sunxiong. In the left and the innocent eyes, there was a burst of brilliance. If it was possible to use Gongsunxiong’s previous work. A shot learned that their marksmanship must be improved.

"Nine-tailed magic."

In the face of Gong Sunxiong’s last blow, Ling Dao did not hesitate to display the nine-tailed black magic. Even so, he did not have any grasp, because his will, compared with Gongsun Xiong, was like a small stream and a big river. The difference is not at one level at all.

The huge fox tail just appeared, it was the smashing of the long gun that was conceived by Gongsunxiong. Lingdao’s face was white, his will was turbulent, his head was faint, his body’s instinct and source swayed, causing his hands to crack and blood. Indiscriminate outflow.

"it's time."

In fact, the madman has long been hiding in the dark, but there is no life and death crisis in Lingdao. He has never intervened. Now Gongsunxiong’s will to attack, Lingdao has no possibility of resisting, he has to stand up.

The will of the madman turned into an ancient ruin, including the rifle of Gongsunxiong’s will, including the broken buildings, the smashing of the will, the smashing of the bricks, the ruins of the broken, In a blink of an eye, it is even more devastating.

Fortunately, the madman still blocked the will of Gongsunxiong, because the rifle of the will is bleak, and there is no power to advance, the ancient ruins disappear, and the rifle will disappear, as if the madman swallowed the will world.

"The elders, you have to leave, don't be affected."

Duan madman personally shot, saved Lingdao a life, but fortunately he attacked Gongsunxiong, if he attacked Lingdao, or helped Lingdao resist the power of Xianxian, then he will certainly be subject to Xianjue, now Ling The road reminded him that naturally he did not want him to die under the penalty.

It is said that in the Taikoo period, when the military broke through, there would be a day of robbery. Every time a robbery was made, the warrior would die for a lifetime. If he succeeded in surviving the robbery, he could go further. However, if he failed, he would probably die in the sky.

However, in the ancient times, the robbery disappeared. The robbery always left a lifeline for the warrior. The penalty was different. It was simply not leaving a living path for the military. The last time the penalty was imposed, Lingdao almost died. This time Punishment is obviously to kill his life. Even the grandson of Tianjun’s peak is dying, let alone him.

"Little Master, finally found you, but fortunately did not live up to the expectations of the Lord, it is still timely, if it is a step later, the consequences are unimaginable."

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