The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 138: Chasing down

"That kid didn't provoke me, but I think he is blind!"

Even if the swordsman has broken through, it is the predecessor of the Tianbing regime, and the level of the power is too much. . More recent chapter visits: ww. Li Mingyuan looked at the four strange look, obviously did not expect that the four Taishang will say such a saying.

"I have never dealt with the three Taishang, and now Santai has received a 'servant' sword boy. Only the heavens and the peaks of the heavens can defeat the disciples of the Tianbing dynasty. Even the pro-disciples of the lord, Zhou Yafu Lost to the kid!"

Li Mingyuan will not pay attention to the contest between the disciples of Heaven and Man. The top ten of the Tianjun list, he should pay attention to other disciples of the same level, or the higher level of Tianzun. It’s just that the four people want him to get rid of him, he will not refuse.

Zhou Yafu heard that it was not because of how talented Zhou Yafu was, but because Zhou Yafu was a pro-disciple of the Lord. Even if the celestial beings are geniuses, they will not be able to threaten Li Mingyuan. There are too many differences in the realm. While others are making progress, Li Mingyuan will not stand still. Unless it is behind, every realm is difficult to break through.

"In your realm, it is really not like to deal with the kid. When you then, you will suppress the realm and do it with him. You can win the best. If you can't, you will immediately restore the realm and kill him on the spot!"

Li Mingyuan did not say anything. The fourth is to arrange everything for him. He is already mourning for the servant's sword boy on the three Taishou. I am afraid that the boy will not understand when he is dead. He has offended the four Taishang, and he has to remove him from the four places.

If Li Mingyuan really did what Si Tai said, then Li Mingyuan’s reputation will definitely be completely corrupted. The four Taishang did not consider Li Mingyuan at all. If the three are too mad, it is possible to kill Li Mingyuan’s revenge on the spot.

"Master, the disciples understand!"

Seeing that Li Mingyuan was so obedient, Si Tai smiled and nodded. Not to mention the sword magic, even the three Taishang will certainly not think that Li Mingyuan, the top ten of the Tianjun list, will kill the swordsman at all costs. After all, the sword is resistant to Li Mingyuan, and there is no confession.

"The third child, the third child, you can't easily find a descendant. If you die in the fighting platform, what would you feel like?"

After Li Mingyuan left, the four Taishang was a self-speaking self-satisfaction. The four Taishang fights but the three are too high, but his apprentice Li Mingyuan is obviously much more powerful than the ‘serving’ sword boy on San Tai. Li Mingyuan has been practicing for hundreds of years. Naturally, it is not comparable to swordsmen.

The next day, the swordsman rushed to the fighting platform early, not for anything else, just to continue to stand on the 80th. Yesterday he defeated ten opponents on the No. 80 Wudoutai. Today he still has to take ten challenges.

The difference is that yesterday he deliberately brought a seat and sat on it to attract hatred. Today is not necessary. After defeating Zhou Yafu, the sword demon has become famous, and now the disciples of Daowangdian who want to confess with him are definitely not in the minority.

Some disciples are eager to see the hunter, and feel that the swordsman is strong enough, they want to fight the sword. Some disciples want to step on the swordsmen and become famous in the first battle. Perhaps there are powerful people who accept them as disciples. There are also disciples who are enemies of Lingdao, want to defeat Lingdao, and vent their anger or revenge.

Today's swordsmanship is already in the early stage of the Tianbing. Naturally, there will be no disciples who challenge him. Zhou Yafu, who is said to be the strongest person in the king's temple, lost to the swordsman before the breakthrough. Then, the sword after the breakthrough The devil is even more difficult for the disciples of heaven and earth to cope with.

"I don't know how to call it?"

A warrior in the late Tianbing period went to the 80th Fighting Platform and asked in good faith. He is talented, but if he is in the same realm, he is definitely not a sword-devil opponent. Fortunately, he is two levels higher than the sword magic, and more or less is a little odd.

"Sword Magic!"

Take the sword as the surname, and in the name of the devil, it doesn't look like a real name. The name of the sword under the sun is not without, the most famous is the sword palace. It is only that the sword palace is far away from other territories, too far from the Tianwu domain. Moreover, the sword demon is willing to be the servant of the three lords, and thinks that it is impossible to be the shackles of the sword palace.

"That's a fight!"

The sword devil just said a few words faintly, and he naturally did not intend to continue to talk. Other disciples also don't want to listen to them nonsense. Only fighting is what the disciples want to see. No matter who wins or loses, their battles can bring inspiration to other disciples.

Disciples with high realm will not pay attention to them at all. Only the heavens and the heavens will be in the heavenly dynasty. At most, they will count on the heavenly disciples and be interested in their fighting. The sword was not able to disappoint the disciples of the disciples in the late Tianbing, and it was difficult to solve them when they came up.

After ten battles yesterday, Daowangdian disciples have a general understanding of the strength of the sword demon. Now I dare to come up with the sword magic ‘hands’, there must be two brushes. However, they did not know that the sword magic did not go all out.

Yesterday, the sword magic is the peak of the heavens and the human world. Naturally, it is hoped that the speed will be quick. Today's situation is different. The swordsman needs one battle after another to consolidate the existing realm. Each of his swords has spared no effort. After hundreds of rounds of the war, he ended the battle with a sword.

"you lose!"

The man Wang Jian has been placed on the shoulder of the warrior in the late Tianbing, the sharp blade, close to his neck. As long as the sword magic uses a little force, it can cut through his neck and end his ‘sexual life. Fortunately, the swordsman is only going to win a game, not taking his ‘sex’ life.

"It looks like his strength has improved a lot since yesterday!"

If it is yesterday's swordsman, it is certainly not so easy to win the previous disciple of Tianbing. Anyone can see that the sword is more than easy and easy. The second disciple who walked on the No. 80 Wudoutai is definitely stronger than the first one.

"I really want to play with him again, but unfortunately I am not his opponent, I can only go up!"

Cao Tian is also a militant. If the swordsman does not grasp the natural world of 10 meters, he will definitely go to the 80th. Now, he can only choose other Taoist disciples to be opponents. The swordsman has won one, and he certainly cannot lose.

"Is that kid?"

Li Mingyuan stood in the distance, pointing to the No. 80 Wudoutai and asked the disciples next to him. It is impossible for the four to come in person, or else the sword will die, and the three will definitely not let him go. If the three are too crazy, it is a problem to be able to save the ‘sex’ life.

The Heavenly Forces disciple nodded. Yesterday, he saw the ten battles of the Sword Devil, and naturally he could not admit his mistake. It’s just that he didn’t think that Li Mingyuan would come in person. Could it be that Li Mingyuan had to learn the lesson?

Even if the swordsman defeated Zhou Yafu and became famous, it would not be comparable to the top ten in the Tianjun list. If Li Mingyuan hands-on, how to see the swordsman has no chance of winning. Fortunately, this matter has nothing to do with him, Jian Li Mingyuan is not what he can manage.

"It's a bit of a skill, even when I was in the early days of the Tianbing, I was weaker than him!"

Li Mingyuan did not boast, but seek truth from facts. When he was in the early days of the Tianbing, he defeated the ordinary Tianbing in the late period. However, the former disciple of the Tianbing dynasty obviously has the peak strength of the Tianbing, and can even counter the Tianwu warriors.

Just as the disciples of the Kennedy Wang Dian dynasty, the outside of the Taoist Temple, ushered in a group of uninvited guests. Tianjian domain is the site of the solitary family. Even if the three masters took away the swordsman, they were all known by the solitary family.

The Solitary family has already told the swordsman the inheritance of the demon emperor and told the owner of the Duo family. The important ‘sex’ of the demon emperor does not need to be said, and the owner of the solitary family must know it. Now the strong ones of the solitary family come naturally, in order to catch the swords.

"The demon emperor inherits and is supposed to be owned by my solitary family!"

Before they left the family, the owner of the solitary family said such a sentence, the meaning is obvious, that is, they must bring the sword to the family anyway. The solitary family itself is the sword repair family, and the demon emperor is one of the most terrible sword repairs from the past to the present. They cannot let go of the demon emperor.

One of the Three Emperors, the Emperor of the Five Emperors, is the peerless figure of the same name as the Emperor. However, the people's palace has stood up for countless years, even if the owner of the solitary family has a lot of courage, they dare not provoke the palace. If the Lord of the Palace is angry, it is not impossible to step on the solitary family.

The Yellow Emperor Palace was destroyed many years ago. The inheritance did not know which force was robbed. The solitary family could not get it. Now that the demon emperor is so close to them, they will definitely not miss it. Anyway, the sword demon is only the lower bounds, the background is no background, the strength is not strong.

It can be said that if the sword is brought back to the solitary family, the sword will not be able to survive. The solitary family will not let him die, they also want the demon emperor to inherit. The Solitary family will not let him live comfortably, because they are worried that after the swordsmen grow up, they will find revenge for the solitary family.

The young people who can be seen by the demon emperor must not be underestimated. The Daojun family is not afraid of it, but what if the sword demon proves to become emperor? Even if the solitary family is a great power, it is enough for them to be offended by a great emperor. By then, the solitary family does not know how many people are going to die.

"This seat personally negotiates with the Taoist Temple Lord. I want to come to them and ask for a disciple. There should be no problem!"

The head of the solitary family, the arrogance of a face, he is the Taoist, and there is a backing of the solitary family, even in the entire Tianjian domain, can be rampant. Even if you are in other territories, others want to move him, you have to think about the forces behind him.

"In case, the Lord of the Taoist Temple has already known about the inheritance of the Emperor, what should we do?"

The Taoist Temple is just a force. Even the emperor has not been born. Naturally, there is no emperor. If the Lord of the Taoist Temple is inherited by the Emperor, it will inevitably be regarded as a treasure, and with the inheritance of the Emperor, the Taoist Temple is entirely possible to go further.

"Unless he wants to say that the temple is razed to the ground!" -40503+dsuaahhh+28409145-->


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