The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 145: I will show you!

The forces have strengths and weaknesses, from ten products to one product, which in turn are enhanced. On top of one power, it is the emperor's power, and the emperor weapon, referred to as the emperor, is one of the essence of the emperor's forces. Once the emperor fully recovers, Like the resurrection of the great emperor, the king is in the world and shocks.

The solitary slow self-knowledge is not the main opponent of the three infinite roads. I have to ask the emperor to take the shot. Even if I go back, I will be laughed at by the other strong people of the Dugu family. The solitary slowness is recognized, and it is too dangerous to fight with the three dead masters who are not killed. Even if the Taoist has strong vitality, he does not want to take risks.


A sword sounds, the sound is 100,000 miles in the sky, the sword is like the sun, shining on one side of the world, and the solitary homeowner is pleased to move the emperor, and to follow the solitary slowness, naturally let the emperor help the solitary slow at the crucial moment, the solitary family is not I feel that the three dead masters are threatening, but they are worried that Wu Di Palace will intervene.

The inheritance of the demon emperor is too important. In order to prevent it, only the emperor can personally go out. The Taoist spirit is there, and the emperor has a soul. Before the sword demon saw the sword soul of the emperor sword, it is a pity that the emperor sword The damage is so great that the swordsman of the Emperor's sword is also very weak.

However, the emperor who was asked to come out slowly did not suffer any damage. The emperor’s powers were released. Even the Daojun and the Taoist who were present were unable to withstand, and retreated, and the eyes were slightly stunned. With the sword, keep away from the soldiers.

What appeared in front of everyone was not a sword, but an extremely tall figure. He wore a purple robe embroidered with a real dragon, and his chest was dotted with nine stars. It was beautiful and shining. In general, the hair is full of hair, combed neatly, using a pair of tweezers.

His face is extremely vague, even if it is the Taoist, he can't really see it, let alone the sword magic. The sword magic only knows that the figure wearing the purple robe should be the sword spirit of the singular family. The momentum is enough to suppress the nine days and ten places.

"It is Long Yuanjian, the nine-star dragon sword of the solitary family."

Du Gu Long Yuan is the name of the great emperor of the Solitary family. He was born in the Taikoo period. He died in the Taikoo period and died in the Taikoo period. He is known as the Emperor of the Longyuan, on the strength, among all the emperors of the Du Gu family throughout the ages. At a medium level.

Nine is the best, according to legend, Longyuan Emperor in order to refine the nine-star Longyuan sword, personally pick up nine stars, branded on the Longyuan sword, the stars picked by the Longyuan Emperor, can be different from the stars in the sky, that It is the star in the sky, the star of the fairy world.

Stars in the sky, white is a small world, there is no living world, it is a dead star, there is a living world, there is the possibility of continuing to grow, and then turned into a big world, just like the stars in the field, In fact, it is not a star, it is said that dust is not an exaggeration.

The martial arts practice the origin of the stars, it is to connect the stars in the sky, to seize the power of the stars, to strengthen their own body, the swords of the world of the sword is not strong, it is because the stars they communicate, the stars in the stars, than the heavens Stars.

"It is you have to do the right thing with the solitary family."

Long Yuanjian’s swordsman is looking down on the three dead masters. He casually asks, he once followed the Longyuan Emperor, killing the Taojun and the Taoist, countless, naturally will not care about the three dead masters, Long Yuan The sword even slaughtered the celestial beings, and the district master, what counted.

"A weapon is only dare to scream in front of this seat."

Manic, daring, and ignorant, this is the idea of ​​the solitary family. In the face of the emperor, the three dead masters are not afraid, but they have no homage to Long Yuanjian. The words of the three masters are already Provoking the majesty of Long Yuanjian.

The emperor can not be insulted, the emperor, the same can not be insulted, although the emperor's own recovery, the time to fight is extremely short, but used to kill a Taoist, is definitely enough, Long Yuanjian can not care about the three dead masters, but He can't care about the rudeness of the three dead masters.

"But it is only the master who mastered the peak of the kendo. I dare not know that the sky is thick and thick, and it is really ignorant."

The reason why the three dead masters are slower than the ones, is the first strongest of the kings of the kings. It is because the road he masters is the peak of the road, and it is higher than the high-level road of the solitary. The gap between the high-level road and the peak of the road is very obvious. Even if the solitary sorrow and the squadron are used to practice the swordsmanship created by the great emperor, it is not the opponent of the three dead masters.

"This seat was also thought about before, just to kill a group of monks and lords of the solitary family, not to let the solitary family hurt, but I did not expect that there will be a soldier sent to the door, it is really good."

Dare to claim this seat in front of the emperor, it is definitely a behavior to find death. However, the three dead masters did not intend to live. Naturally, they would not be afraid of Long Yuanjian. Anyway, he had already perfected the three swords. The teacher of the sword, he has already taught.

"A big tone, I still want to kill us all. Who do you think you are?"

"Now I am a soldier of the solitary family, and I will keep you naked."

"It’s all dead, but it’s hard to say that you want to die.”

Although the power of the three dead masters has been shown to the heart of the solitary family, but now that Long Yuanjian has personally embarked on, they naturally do not have a little fear of the three dead masters, Long Yuanjian attacked, only It is a sword, and it can make the three dead bodies die.

The last time in the Solitary family, it was another emperor of the Solitary family. One sword hit the three dead masters, causing the three dead masters to suffer an incurable injury and can only wait for death. This is because of the three dead ends. The Lord mastered the peak kendo, otherwise he did not even have the opportunity to linger, and he died in the Solitary family last time.

"Little devil, you must have never seen the sermon. Today, I will show you."

After the sword demon heard the voice of the three dead masters, he unconsciously widened his eyes. He did not think that the three dead masters would prove to be emperors under such circumstances, even if the three dead masters were in their heyday. I want to prove that the possibility of success is less than 10%.

The higher the level of the Tao, the harder it is to prove the Tao. The solitary chronicification is easier than the three dead masters, not only because of his cultivation of the emperor, but also because he only masters the advanced Tao, the three dead masters In the case of serious injuries, there is no possibility of success at all.


The three dead masters unfolded their own kendo. Even though there were many festers in his kendo, other Daojun and Taoist darlings did not dare to slap him. The peak-level road brought great pressure to them, especially now. The three dead masters have no reservations, and they have completely erupted the power of the peak kendo.

"Junior, what do you want to do."

Even if Long Yuanjian’s sword spirit is strong and calm, other people have heard the panic in his voice. If the things that the three masters want are threatening the dragon sword, the sword soul of Long Yuanjian will never be like this. But they don't understand, a Taoist, how to deal with a soldier.

"I am able to let a soldier be buried, this seat is not going to walk in the world, hahaha..."

Under normal circumstances, the three dead masters are certainly not the opponents of Long Yuanjian. Even if he is intact, he will not be able to beat Long Yuanjian. He wants to destroy Long Yuanjian and wants to make the solitary family hurt. Only one way, then It is the sermon, which leads to the penalty and the elimination of Long Yuanjian.

The three dead masters are to prove the way, but he is not an emperor, but to the same with Long Yuanjian. The reason why Long Yuanjian’s sword spirit is flustered is because he guessed the intention of the three dead masters, only, three The Lord of the Apostle has made all the preparations, even if Long Yuanjian has already reacted, it is too late.

"Still, don't mess around."

The sword spirit of Long Yuanjian has been completely panicked, because he has already felt the breath of the sin. When the Longyuan Emperor Zhengzheng, the Longyuan Sword is only a Taoist, if there is a Longyuan Emperor, Long Yuanjian naturally Not afraid of any fine punishment.

It is a pity that the life of the Emperor is limited. Long Yuan Emperor has already fallen into the long river of history. Now the three roads are the masters of the three roads, and the three main roads are festered, and it is impossible to succeed. The penalty is obviously to ask Long Yuanjian to marry him.

As long as Xian Xian feels the breath of Long Yuanjian, he will not let go of Long Yuanjian. The penalty can be no matter whether Long Yuanjian is the weapon of the three dead masters or the enemy of the three dead masters, as long as Long Yuanjian is in the third Next to the Taoist, the penalty will destroy Long Yuanjian.

In the past, the sin punishment encountered by Ling Dao was only the projection of the will of the immortal, and the sin punishment was reduced. The Taoist witnessed that the real sin punishment was the immortal sin of the immortal world. High and high, not only has unlimited life, but also has terrible strength.

"Under the mortal, dare to act against the sky, when you are embarrassed."

The sound of the fairy sounded, the laughter of the three dead masters grew bigger, and the sword soul of Long Yuanjian was trembled with anger. How did the soul of the sword of Long Yuanjian not think of it, he would meet the three masters? A madman, a complete madman.

The three dead masters have not crossed the penalty of the penalty, only the end of the death, he does not care about life and death, the sword of the soul of Long Yuanjian cares, and the warrior cares more, the sword soul of Long Yuanjian, not the human warrior, he Has a long life span.

However, under the penalty, the sword soul of Long Yuanjian has no possibility of living alive. It is not that Long Yuanjian is not strong enough, but the strength of the penalty will change. The stronger the Longyuan sword, the more the penalty will be. The stronger it is, the more it is impossible to count on Long Yuanjian to annihilate the punishment.

"The Taoist..."

The sword magic couldn't help but tightened his hands. The madness of the three dead masters made him very moved. Originally, if the three dead masters did not save him, even if he died soon, he could spend the last time safely, but now because The strongest of the solitary family came, and the three dead masters had no hope of living more than one day.

The power of the sin penalty is getting stronger and stronger, even if the sword spirit of Long Yuanjian is desperate, let alone the three lords, but the three lords have no intention of resisting the penalty, he has to do, It’s just to kill all the powerful people who come to the Duo family.

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