The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 147: Lieyang Emperor

"The third child."

The eyes of Da Taishang and Er Tai on the three dead masters are full of regrets. Originally, as long as the three dead masters have enough time to settle and accumulate, he is really likely to prove the emperor, but unfortunately, three When the apostle accepted the challenge of Du Gu Hongming, he was concealed.

At that time, the three dead masters were extremely seriously injured. Even if he did not have a testimony this time, he could not live for a long time. He had already looked at life and death and was able to protect the swordsman once before he died. Let the emperor be buried, he is satisfied.


The three dead masters violently gasped. The previous war was too expensive. He was covered in blood, had his own blood, and more was the blood of the solitary family. He was extremely annoyed, and the strongman of the solitary family also specially came to catch the swordsman, which naturally made the three masters very angry.

Fortunately, he has already killed all the solitary family members who have arrived. Whether it is the Taojun or the Taoist, he is already dead, but he has burned his blood before, and now he is extremely weak. He was originally Without the possibility of success in the testimony, now it is only possible to die.

A loud noise, the singer of the solitary family, Jiu Xing Long Yuanjian, completely broken, split into two, the sword spirit of Long Yuanjian issued a scream of screaming, thousands of sensational thunder on his body, tormenting him, Chen The hatred of Yuxian Wang will be poured on the body of Long Yuanjian.

"How can the soldiers of the solitary family be in my Tianwu domain?"

For the great emperor, the vast Tianwu domain is nothing at all. The emperor of the Wudi Palace was rushed to the scene. It only took a moment. He just saw that Long Yuanjian was cut off by the sin, Long Yuanjian’s The soul of the sword was tortured, but he did not intend to intervene.

No matter whether it is the Dawangshang or the second Taishang of the Taoist Temple, they are the emperors who did not see the Emperor Wudi. Only the swordsmen wrinkled their frowns. It seemed to have an extremely terrifying atmosphere. It came to the scene, just a flash. No.


The elders of the Taoist temple and the lord of the temple, the emperor of the Emperor Wudi’s palace did not even mean what they meant. Under the emperor, they were all ants. Originally, he just glanced at him casually. He did not expect to find the sword magic, the blood of the emperor. You can live in the Lord, but you can't beat the Emperor.

The reason why the sword demon can feel the breath of the Emperor Wudi Palace is that he relies on his blood. He was only in the early days of the Heavenly Soldiers, and he was worse than the elders of the Taoist Temple. The ability to detect the advent of the Great.

"Where is the emperor of the Taoist temple, can you say that the king's palace and which emperor's power have come together?"

The emperor of the Wudi Palace, named Wu Lieyang, is known as the Emperor of Liyang, and the Emperor Wudi flourished. It is because of the Emperor of the Lieyang, that there is a great emperor sitting in the town and the Emperor's power without the Emperor, naturally cannot be compared.

Just like the current solitary family, I dare not fall out with the Emperor Wudi. If the Emperor of Lieyang personally went out, the whole solitary family could not find a existence that could compete with him. The Lieyang Emperor was the real hegemon of Tianwu. Even if all the forces of one product add up, it is not enough for him to clean up with one hand.

"People who prove the way, die."

Until this time, Chen Yuxian Wang remembered the three dead masters, but the appearance of the three dead masters, so that Chen Yuxian Wang was shocked, he has not dealt with the three dead masters, how the three dead masters It has become so miserable.

"The Taoist."

The sword demon exclaimed, and he could not wait to rush to the front of the three dead masters. Unfortunately, the grandmother took him to death. The fairy thunder fell, and even the Taoist could not resist it. If the swordsman in the early days of the heavenly army passed, an instant It will turn into fly ash, and there is no bone.

"Chen Yuxian Wang, if he becomes an emperor, the first one will kill you Chen Yuxian Wang."

The words of Long Yuanjian sword soul and Chen Yuxian Wang, the sword magic also heard clearly, he knows that the imperial punishment is Chen Yuxian Wang, but he is far from the realm of Chen Yuxian Wang, I don’t know how much. Even if you want to take revenge, you have to wait until you become an emperor, and now he is too weak and too weak.

"Who am I alone, I don’t have one."

The solitary family has sent other Taoists to come and meet, but unfortunately, they came late, and all the strong people of the solitary family who had previously come to the Taoist Temple have already died in the hands of the three dead masters. They have passed through Tianjian. Come, even if you use the Star Gate, it will take a long time.

"Dead, they are all killed by three."

The four Taishang couldn’t help but say that they both yelled at the big Taishang and the second Taishang and glanced at him. The previous three deadly masters killed the Quartet, which really scared the four Taishang. Fortunately, the three dead masters did not Four too on the shot, otherwise the four Taishang must be dead and no place to die.

The three dead masters looked at the four cold eyes coldly, and suddenly let the four too on the hail, the four lived for so many years, never been so timid, four too is really worried about the three dead masters crazy Desperate to kill him on the spot.


The solitary family members who had just arrived came to look at the three dead masters in the distance. They didn’t know what to say. They wanted to avenge the solitary people, but they understood that now they should be the three masters. It is very possible to catch their own lives.

"Forget it, anyway, he will soon be killed by immortality, we don't have to do it."

The head of the solitary family said that the purpose of their coming is to look at the specific situation. If they can save people, they will definitely save. But now, solitary and so on have died, they want to save. Salvation, as for the Emperor Long Yuanjian, they avoided being like a snake, and they did not dare to have a little rescue.

Second, they came to Tianwu domain in order to bring back the swordsmen. They have already lost a group of Taojun and Taoist masters, and even put on a soldier. If they can’t get the inheritance of the demon emperor, the loss of their solitary family is big. .

"Under the juniors, but I want to fight with this fairy."

The Lieyang Emperor can live in the presence of all the Taoist and Daojun, but can't hold the Chen Yuxian Wang who stands on the fairyland overlooking the heavens. On the realm, Chen Yuxian is still above the Lieyang Emperor, if it is Liyang The emperor took the initiative to take the shot, Chen Yuxian Wang will never be soft-hearted.

Since Cheng Cheng, the mind of Chen Yuxian Wang has changed. When he was an emperor, he hated all the immortals, but after he became a fairy, he in turn hated all the great emperors of the heavens. If he could kill a great emperor, he must Will receive a reward.

"Not interested in."

It has been discovered by Chen Yuxian Wang that the Emperor of Lieyang naturally does not need to continue to hide his body shape. He did not show up before, and other people have not felt it. Now he appears in front of everyone, and immediately makes the Daowang Temple and the stronghouse of the Dugu family. I feel a lot of pressure.

Even the Taoist, in front of the Great, are trembled. If the Emperor of Lieyang converges on the pressure of the Emperor, I am afraid that no one can stand on the scene. The Taoist and the Emperor seem to be one step away, but it is a world of heaven. do not.

Only the sword demon felt that the blood in the body was boiling, as if actively resisting the pressure of the emperor, the sword magic could not help but look at the emperor of the dynasty, but he could only see a vague figure, hey, like the real sun.

Whether it is the past life or this life, the swordsmen have never seen the emperor with their own eyes. When the lower bounds were passed down by the demon emperor, the demon emperor he met was only a remnant will, not the demon emperor, but he did not expect to encounter it now. A great emperor.

"See the emperor of the dynasty."

The elders and the princes of the Taoist Temple are respectful salutes, even if they are the strongest of the solitary family, they do not want to offend the emperor of the dynasty, if they annoy the emperor, even the emperor Kill them, no one avenged them.

"What are you doing, and salute like us, that is the great emperor of the Wudi Palace, who can easily destroy the peerless power of one big world."

The voice of the great Tai Sang came to the ear of the sword demon, and the sword devil smashed, but he only arched his hand against the emperor of the dynasty. Anyway, the emperor of Liyang and his non-prostitute did not need to be so respectful. Yang Dijun, his movements, obviously caught the attention of the strong people of the Duo family.

"Mixed things, who let you go here."

The strong people of the solitary family speak the lesson of the swordsmen. They are really afraid of the wrath of the dynasty emperor, and they will need to get the swordsman’s inheritance. If the swordsmen are dead, they will be the bamboo baskets. An empty space.

However, they all smashed the chest of the Emperor Yang of the Lieyang. As a great emperor, he naturally would not care about a junior with the sword, let alone the Emperor of Liyang thought that the sword is the emperor, that is to say, the father of the sword and him. The same is the great emperor, naturally there is no need to respect the salute.

"Oh, junior, don't you dare?"

Chen Yuxian Wang continued to provoke, Lieyang Emperor in his eyes, is indeed a junior, the age of Lieyang Emperor, even his age is not a fraction, but the Lieyang Emperor breaks through the realm easier than him, now the Liyang Emperor Not his opponent, the future is not necessarily.

"Kill you a traitor, afraid of dirty Emperor's hands."

In the face of the Taoist temple and the strong and lonely family, the Emperor of the Liyang must not be able to recognize it. The higher the realm, the more attention is paid to the face. The Emperor of Liyang certainly does not want to be embarrassed in front of others, or else he will pose in the future. The shelf of the Great.

Anyway, Chen Yuxian Wang can't be lower bound, even if he calls for a fierce attack, as long as the Lieyang Emperor does not go to the fairy world and he fights, he has no sorcerer emperor, no sin can kill the Taoist, but want to kill the emperor, no Different from delusion.

"The coward, the emperor who had proved the way before, has the courage of the atmosphere. You are like him, it is like the difference between a snake and a dragon."

When Chen Yuxian Wang saw the Lieyang Emperor refused to be fooled, he had to pay attention to the body of the three dead masters. A large ruined fairy thunder rose from his palm and slammed into the three dead masters in the sky. Where the singularity of the world is gone, all the stars are turned into dust, and nothing can be stopped.

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