The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 160: Summon summon

Wan Fuzong, the main hall of the Sovereign.

Mu Zongze sat high above, and the warrior who had previously taken the Lingdao had already retired. @主主大殿, there are only two people left, Mu Zongze and Ling Dao. Even if it was the elders of Wan Fuzong, Mu Zongze did not come over.

Things about the Tao, the people who know, the less the better. Gu Leidian and Baiyue Temple want to get the Taoist, but there is no clue. The current advantage of Mu Zongze is that he will soon have clues. If Wan Fuzong has a Tao, is it still necessary to fear the Gulei Hall and the Moon Hall?

The origin of the girl, Mu Zongze is not clear, he only knows a little, that is, just a group of juniors to the mountains of the soul. No matter who gets the Taoist device, with Mu Zongze's strength, he is sure to grab it. Then he is a Tianjun.

The Gulei Hall and the Baiyue Temple attached great importance to the Taoist Temple. The elders of the two major forces searched for a long time in the Valley of the Desolation. Unfortunately, they found nothing, and the girl and Lingdao had already left.

Fortunately, the late return of Lingdao, Gu Leidian and Baiyue Temple personally investigated the Silver Gun League, Shuangjianmen and Wan Fuzong. It was not until the disciples of the Three Great Four Forces who went to the Desolation Mountains that they were completely annihilated with their two major forces, and they were not willing to leave the Yunyun State.

"If it weren't for the main lining, Xue Lingyao and the elders are probably not just as imprisoned as they are. In any case, I have helped you. Now I want to ask you something, you will not refuse." ?"

As a sovereign, Mu Zongze's strength is indeed not comparable to many elders, but his eyesight is absolutely not bad. Lingdao is soft and does not eat hard, so he did not threaten Lingdao, nor did he have a hard time, but explained that he helped Xue Lingyao and the elders.

"Xuelingyao is the core disciple of Wan Fuzong's inner sect. The elders of the section are the emperors of Wan Fuzong. They have nothing wrong with them. Now they are imprisoned. Do you still feel that they helped them?"

Ling Dao snorted, as the lord of Wan Fuzong, imprisoned elders and disciples for no reason, this is not right. Even if it is a sinister hand, if there is no indulgence of Mu Zongze, it is not so easy to succeed. Mu Zongze also wants to invite merits, it is ridiculous.

"You should know now that there is a Tianzun around Mengzitang. Do you think that I am a Heavenly King, can I fight Tianzun?"

If Ling Dao was so violent in the past, it would definitely make Mu Zongze angry. But now, Mu Zongze is not angry, but smiles bitterly. Since Tianzun’s arrival in Wan Fuzong, Mu Zongze has felt a huge threat.

Mu Zongze is the patriarch of Wan Fuzong, but the Tianzun is from the three forces. It is just a predecessor, he will only be jealous, not afraid. The forces of the three products are different, and it is not at all comparable to Wan Fuzong.

"I promise you, if you die in the hands of Mengzitang, I still try to save you the life of Xueling Yao and the elders!"

Even if Mengzitang and Lingdao collide alone, Mu Zongze feels that Lingdao has no chance of winning. What's more, there is now a Tianzun around Mengyutang, even if Lingdao talent is no matter how good it is, it is impossible to fight Tianzun.

"What do you want to know?"

Although Ling Dao does not think that Meng Yutang can kill him, but there is a heavenly honor, it is inevitable that there will be an accident. As long as the sword is still alive, Lingdao can still be resurrected. However, the life of Xueling Yao and Duan elders is only once. If there is a patriarch of Wan Fuzong to protect them, it is naturally a good thing.

Lingdao Songkou, Mu Zongze finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Ling Dao really eats soft and does not eat hard, fortunately he has not threatened Ling Dao. Mu Zongze feels that today's Lingdao looks pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately Lingdao has already died shortly.

"It is said that you found the Taoist, are you?"

Even if Mu Zongze tried to suppress it, his voice was still shaking, and his eyes flashed a hunger. The Taoist, for Tianjun, is simply something that is legendary. If Wan Fuzong had a chance to sit in the town, where would he still need to look at Tian Zun’s face?

Lingdao nodded and admitted what Mu Zongze said. The snowy things, I think the Gulei Hall and the elders of the Moon Hall already know that even the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate are likely to know. Mu Zongze only heard the story, because Fang Hanyu did not send a message to him, other disciples could not contact him.

Mu Zongze clenched his fists for a long time, excited mood, and calmed down for a long time. Since Lingdao knows the things of the Tao, I want to come to have certain clues. As long as he gets the road early, even if the Gulei Hall and the Moon Palace want to grab it, it will not work. Because there is a Taoist ancestor, he is not afraid of the Gulei Hall and the Moon Hall.

"Who got the Taoist? Where are the others now? And, are other people really dead?"

Mu Zongze could not wait to ask, the Tao is enough to change his destiny and change the status of Wan Fuzong. The last question is because he wants to know if there is anyone else in Wan Fuzong who is lucky enough to live, such as his apprentice Fang Hanyu.

"Besides me, only the people who got the Taoist are alive, and the other disciples who went to the Mountain Range are already dead in the Mountain Range!"

The enchanting is the holy woman of the fox sacred place, and has nothing to do with the silver gun alliance, Wan Fuzong, Shuangjianmen, Gulei Hall and Baiyue Temple. Mu Zongze asked the disciples of the five forces. In addition to Ling Dao, they either died in a small world or were scribbled by the girl.

"As for the Taoist, the woman who is naturally veiled, but she has left the Ara Yun, you want to grab the Tao, I hope that hope is not big."

Lingdao did not say the name of the wonderful child. First, his relationship with Mu Zongze was not very good. Secondly, even if he said the name of the girl, Mu Zongze would have no idea. Mu Zongze is only the sovereign of the four powers, but the girl is a disciple of the Holy Land.

"Leaving the Abandoned Clouds?"

Just a smoke cloud state, Mu Zongze has a way to control, if it is the entire waste cloud house, Mu Zongze wants to find a wonderful girl, that is, a needle in a haystack. Not to mention, the girl has left the Aoyun House. Lingdao said that the hope is not big. It is already comforting Mu Zongze. In fact, there is no hope at all.

I think about it, Gu Lei Temple and Baiyue Temple are already aware of the Taoist things. After the girl gets the Tao, the girl will definitely leave the Yunyun House in the first time. The Gulei Hall and the Baiyue Hall are just three powerful forces in the Ara Yunu House. Out of the Aryun House, the Gulei Hall and the Baiyue Temple are better than Wan Fuzong. They are both black and white.

"Okay, I know, the things that promised you before are still counting, go on!"

The bigger the hope, the greater the disappointment. Mu Zongze thought that he was the first to get the clues of the Taoist, and it was possible to get the Tao. But now it seems that he and the Taoist have no chance, and the wasteland house for him is already incredibly big, not to mention the world outside the cloud house.

Mu Zongtang and Ling Dao’s things, Mu Zongze will not intervene, and it is not easy to intervene. Even if Lingdao has a good martial arts talent, Mu Zongze pays more attention to Mengyutang, which has been recognized by two stone carvings. Just like a sword repair, your martial arts talent is no better, he will not value you, only the Kendo talent is good.

"Tell you a good news, Lingdao really did not die, and has returned to Wan Fuzong, I have seen him before!"

Meng Yutang once again came to the side of Xue Lingyao and Nie Elder. For a long time, Xue Lingyao completely ignored him. Only when Lingdao came back, Xue Lingyao’s emotions fluctuated. He is coming over now, purely to stimulate Xue Lingyao.

"I will tell you a bad news. I will fight with Lingdao tomorrow. You said, how many strokes can Lingdao be under my sword? Three strokes or ten strokes?"

While talking, Meng Yutang always stared at Xue Ling Yao. He wanted to see the fear from Xue Lingyao's eyes, see panic and see anxious. Unfortunately, Meng Yu Tang did not wish, because Xue Lingyao's eyes, in addition to the beginning of a flash, and then always calm as water.

If Wan Fuzong has the most confidence in Lingdao, it is undoubtedly Xueling Yao. At the beginning, Lingdao was able to take her to Wan Fuzong only when she was in the early days of the heavens. Lingdao is a man who can make a miracle. Even if it looks on the surface, Mengyutang has an absolute advantage. Xueling Yao believes that the final winner will be Lingdao.

What really makes Xue Ling Yao worry is the Tianzun around Mengyutang. Even if there are thousands of means in Lingdao, there is no way to solve Tianzun. As for Nie Elder, it is not optimistic about Lingdao. She even thinks that Lingdao can’t even fight.

"If you die, wait for me to report a big hatred for the Xue family, then go with you!"

Xue Lingyao said silently in his heart, and then continued to portray the symbol, as if he did not hear the words of Meng Yutang. The young disciple behind the monk hall wanted to give a speech to Xue Lingyao, but it was unfortunately stopped by Mengyutang.

"You don't say anything now, it doesn't matter, anyway, tomorrow I will drag the dead dog-like ridge to you. At that time, I will torture him in front of you, see if you can still keep it as always. Calm!"

Meng Yutang slammed his sleeves and left in an angry way. Although he had absolute certainty to defeat Lingdao, he still had to adjust his state to the peak. Tomorrow, it is a day when he is shameful, and he must take it seriously.

"Little guy, you are finally back!"

In Duan Fu, the madman who always closed his eyes and practiced, finally slowly opened his eyes. Wan Fuzong’s disciples and elders thought that he was afraid of Tianzun and never came forward. Actually, he is just waiting for Lingdao. Only when Lingdao returns, will he take the shot.

"The elders?"

I am trying to deal with the sacred road of Tianzun, and suddenly heard the will of the elders, and the spirit is coming. The elders of the paragraph can use the will to pass on to him, which shows the situation of the elders of the section, absolutely not as bad as he imagined.

"Yes, it is me, tomorrow's battle with Meng Yutang, what do you want to do, how to do it. As for the Tianzun, give it to me!"

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