The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 164: Killing you to achieve Tianzun

Before and after the two sentences, the paragraph madman is deliberately said, the first sentence is to let the Suzaku Temple's Tianzun relax and vigilance, the second sentence is to let the Suzaku Temple's Tianzun panic, Tianjun wants to use words to scare Tianzun, not at all Possibly, the madman really relies on his own strength.

The voice of the madman has just fallen, and the body is like an arrow from the string. At the speed that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, it rushes to the Tianzun of the Suzaku Temple. The ancient ruins are moving forward, the broken world is shining, the fiery Suzaku wings are still Did not smash the broken world.

A pair of big hands, like passing through the space, slammed on the shoulders of Suzaku Temple Tianzun, making his body tremble, almost fell down, even the Suzaku Temple Tianzun did not think, only the stage of the peak of the martial arts, the flesh The power is not weaker than him.

However, after all, Suzaku Temple’s Tianzun is a battle of the body, and the body is slightly swaying. It is the power to knock the madman on him. The body of Tianzun is absolutely not to be underestimated. Even if he does not deliberately temper the body, his physical strength is To surpass Tianjun.

"The Eight Halls rotate."

A loud noise, a vicious voice, and a madman’s eyes reflected a cold palace. In front of him, eight palaces emerged. Each palace exudes a chilly, black-painted I can't see what is inside the palace.

The eight palaces are like mountains, and they squat to the Tianzun of the Suzaku Hall. However, every palace is still spinning. The eight palaces are one another. It is just the power of rotation. It is enough for Tianjun to retreat, even if it is the Suzaku Temple. It is a big change.

Only when I really face the rotation of the Eight Halls, I know the horror of the Eight Temples. Even if the goddess of the Suzaku Temple is used to the Tianwu martial arts, I have never seen such a terrible school. He feels that he is no longer in the world, but he is falling. Into the hell.

"No, how can I have this idea."

The goddess of Suzaku Temple looked at the madman with a stunned look. I don’t know why, the ragged madman is like a scorpion king in the hell. The majesty is deep, and Tianjun fears that Tianzun is normal, but now he is born to the madman. A fearful heart.

In a critical moment, Tian Zun of the Suzaku Temple quickly displayed the strongest defense and the flamingo formed a wall, which was in front of him. The previous Suzaku had disappeared, leaving only 28 lines. The Suzaku's wings are once again smashed into the madman.

The eight palaces are spinning faster and faster. It is like a huge skywheel. The eight palaces are not the same size. Therefore, they are like jagged and sharp. Even the walls of the flamingo are crashing and breaking. Stayed in the attack of eight palaces.

At the same time, behind the madman, there are eight roads that emerge. It is all the rules he has mastered. With eight roads, the 28 avenues of Zhuque Temple Tianzun are still full of confidence. It is a disadvantage, and quality is definitely an advantage.

The Eight Ways condensed into a fist shadow, squatting on the Suzaku's wings, making the entire Fengyuntai vibrate. Even the land was flying several layers. The road was confrontational and the momentum was huge. Fortunately, the elders of Wan Fuzong were early. Let the disciples step back.

Tian Jun began to master the Taoist rules. The warriors below Tianjun did not understand the Tao. They all confronted each other. All the disciples present were focused on the madman and Suzaku Temple’s Tianzun, used by Tianjun and Tianzun. Martial arts, even if they only learn one and a half points, have benefited a lot.

"Suzaku has changed."

The monk's five changes in Mengzitang are what he taught. Of course, even if he is not a sword repairer, the Suzaku's five changes will not be known much more than the monks, and the 28th will be reproduced. The wall power of the flamingo is completely absorbed.

A fiery red Suzaku, like a resurrection of the fire, burst out of a more powerful momentum than before, with the Suzaku swooping down, like millions of swords falling, even if it is a madman, it is not allowed. Not waiting for it.

The eight roads belonging to the paragraph madman are respectively integrated into a palace. They can make Tianzun retreat from the eight palaces of Sanshe. At this time, the Tianzun of the Suzaku Temple feels a great threat. The Suzaku humming, the flame rises, the Fengyuntai It turned into a sea of ​​fire.


The eight palaces were rotating, and they hit the Suzaku. The countless Mars splashed. The Suzaku seemed to be sorrowful. It couldn’t stop the eight palaces. From the stage of the madman’s display of the eight halls, it means that the victory and defeat have been divided. .

The face of the Suzaku Temple’s Tianzun changed, and the Suzaku changed. They were all broken by the Eight Temples. Before he showed other martial arts, the eight palaces were squatting on him. Tian Zun’s cultivation is to feel a whirlwind and stare at Venus.

If you change to other Heavenly Kings, you may have been smashed into a muddy mud by eight palaces. However, the attack of the Eight Temples has not only ended, but has just begun. The eight palaces are like raindrops. The Tianzun Temple’s Tianzun is fundamental. Can't stop such a crazy offensive.


The face of Suzaku Temple’s Tianzun was red, and a large mouth of blood spurted out. The whole person’s momentum was wilting. Unfortunately, the eight palaces did not control his reaction at all. They still squatted again and again, even if he kept going backwards. It is impossible to avoid the attack.

"Your will is not weaker than me."

Originally, Tian Zun of Suzaku Temple felt that with his king's will, he might still be defeated. When he was ready to use the projection of the will world, he felt a stronger willpower than him, and his will world. The projections were suppressed and could not be manifested.

Duan madman did not answer, but strode forward, came to the side of Zhuque Temple Tianzun, punched and punched out, and the eight halls of rotation, has made the Suzaku Temple’s heavenly sufferings unspeakable, now the madman shot again, but also hit Tian Zun of the Suzaku Temple has no power to fight back.

Lying on the ground, Mengzitang, I also expected Tianzun to avenge him. Who knows that Tianzun was beaten like him. He couldn’t beat Lingdao. Tianzun couldn’t beat a madman. Even Tianzun lost to a madman. He can still count on it. Who.

Previously, even if it was arrogant, it was not afraid, because he believed that as long as there is a god, he has no life danger, but now it is different, Tianzun is already a mud bodhisattva crossing the river itself is difficult to protect, if Lingdao wants to kill him What should he do?

"Right, my mother is the deputy lord of the Suzaku Hall. If you kill me, I will definitely face revenge from the Suzaku Temple in the future. Little Wan Fuzong, what to take to resist the Suzaku Hall, you just don’t want wan Fu Zong was razed to the ground, and now he has smashed the road for me."

Meng Yutang's face was swollen, his teeth fell, and he spoke, and all kinds of accents. If he didn't listen carefully, he didn't know what he was talking about. However, the elders of Wan Fuzong understood the meaning of Meng Yutang. The deputy lord of the Suzaku Hall is certainly not a small one of them that Wan Fuzong can deal with.

Zhuque Hall, how to say is the three powers, even if it is not comparable to the ancient Lei Hall and the worship hall, it is still not comparable to Wan Fuzong, Wan Fuzong's elders must be afraid of the revenge of the Suzaku Temple, because they can not afford.

"The sovereign, do you want to take the Lingdao."

An inner elder went to the front of Wan Fuzong and asked in a low voice. The second one gave him a glance, but he didn't know how to speak. Lingdao talent is high, and maybe even seven bodies, but Can they offend the Suzaku Temple for Lingdao?

"You think that we are going to deal with Lingdao now, and the madman will not care."

Mu Zongze indulged for a moment, pointing to the madman who was beating Tian Zun, helplessly said, yes, offended the Suzaku Hall, they did not have good fruit to eat, but now take Lingdao, they will not have any good end.

Even Tianzun is not the opponent of the madman. They are even more unlikely to be the opponents of the madman. They will be replaced by other elders. They may take care of the overall situation and will not treat them. The madman is never reasonable. Even Tianzun dares to offend, they are naturally nothing.

"You have a lot of nonsense. It seems that you were too friendly to you before."

Lingdao’s face is filled with a big smile, like a big boy next door, but it falls in the eyes of Mengzitang. It’s just a smile of the devil. Before that, the Lingdao is open. On the face of the temple, the heads of Meng Yutang were stepped into the mud.

The Wan Fuzong disciples standing in the distance are all cold in the heart. Even the core disciples who are high above are the same as the dead dogs. They naturally dare not go to Lingdao’s suffocation. As for Wan Fuzong’s The elders, just watching silently, did not mean to intervene.

Mu Zongze said that he was right. He looked at Lingdao and tortured Mengzitang. Perhaps they would attract revenge from Zhuque Temple in the future, but now they can help Mengluotang to deal with Lingdao, and they will immediately retaliate against the madman. Being able to settle for a day is a day, and it is not good in the future. It is always better than it is now.

"You are so strong, why did you want to be a turtle?"

Suzaku’s Tianzun said indignantly, if he knew that the strength of the madman was so tyrannical, he would definitely find a helper. However, the madman has been honestly staying at Duanfu, and he thought that he was afraid of him and he did not dare to offend him. Not to mention the battle with him.

"Because, I want to kill you today."

The voice of the madman was spread throughout the Wan Fuzong. Even the elders of the elders and the lords of Wan Fuzong were shocked. Did they say that they had to give birth to a god, if there was a god, Doesn't it mean that they can become a three-product force?

Mu Zongze looks complicated. Duan madman is a disciple with him. He was recognized by the stone carvings and became a core disciple. He was a high-ranking disciple. He was only a foreign disciple. He couldn’t compare with him in his position. Later, he was willing to pay for it. The Shangzong, the madman is only an elder of the foreign sect, but now, the madman has to become Tianzun.

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