The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 169: Little master

Zhenlong stone carvings, phoenix stone carvings, stone carvings, stone carvings, enchanting stone carvings, exquisite stone carvings, sacred stone carvings, stone carvings, and stoneless carvings. The entire nine stone carvings are full of dazzling light, and there are nine beasts. The virtual shadow is vivid and vivid, just like the real existence.

Of course, other people can only see the ghosts of the eight beasts. Even if they have become the lunatics of Tianzun, they can’t see the incomparable beasts, let alone the emperors of Wan Fuzong and others. Even true dragons, phoenixes, and 鲲鹏 are much more numerous than no ones.

Ling Dao’s forbidden land is to get the recognition of the nine stone carvings. The elders and disciples of Wan Fuzong may have thought that the nine stone carvings only allowed them to comprehend more powerful symbols, but he knew that the nine stone carvings are also A weapon of mighty horror.


Mu Zongze was aware of the badness in the twinkling of an eye. All the elders in the interior were staring at him evilly. As long as he dared to say that he was dead, those elders might be desperate with him, even if he was imprisoned for a hundred years, or Just ten years, they will definitely not agree.

When the Sovereign for so many years, it was the first time that there was no prestige. However, he did not punish Lingdao. He was only recognized by two stone carvings, and he received his attention. Lingdao has been recognized by nine stone carvings. How can Mu Zongze punish Lingdao.

"Mengtangtang kills you, and the result is killed by you. It is purely self-sufficient. Whoever kills you according to the rules, I will kill him."

Lingdao, who was recognized by nine stone inscriptions, has already surpassed all the inner disciples in the heart of Mu Zongze. The other elders have turned their eyes. I did not expect that Mu Zongze changed his face so fast. It is worthy of being the lord, and his face is thicker than them.

"If the monk is still alive, you don't need to do it. I kill him personally. What kind of thing is not good to practice. I know that counting people all day long. It is simply a cancer, and it is sinful, damn, killing."

Even Wan Fuzong’s disciples can’t listen to it. Mu Zongze is simply unfair. They have never seen such a brazen person. They are blind and swearing, beyond their imagination, and the elders are self-proclaimed. It is no wonder that Mu Zongze can be a sovereign, they can only be elders.

"Before, I don't know who said that I want to imprison you for a hundred years. If he dares to say it now, I will not imprison him for a hundred years."

The elder who said that he wanted to imprison the Lingdao for a hundred years, shyly bowed his head, and did not dare to say a rebuttal. Before Lingdao did not get nine stone carvings, he had to deal with Lingdao. At most, there were opinions from the madman. Now, he wants to imprison Lingdao for a hundred years, and other elders will definitely speak out.

"The ten years of imprisonment is what I said. I blame that I didn't think about it at the time. The monk and the inner disciple of the monk's ancestors and the core disciples dared to imprison him. It is only right to punish him. You kill the monk, it is for Wan Fuzong. A big harm, not only will not be punished, but also should be rewarded."

Even the two elders of the elders were silent for a while. Mu Zongze was very valued to Meng Yutang. Now it is said that Meng Yutang is a great disaster. Fortunately, Meng Yutang is dead. Otherwise, I am afraid that Mu Zongze will be alive. dead.

Those disciples who followed the monk's hall were even paler. They also expected the elders and the lords to preside over justice. It seems that the elders and the lords have all stood on the side of Lingdao. Fortunately, they did not sin in the dead, otherwise they will The days are really gone.

As for the revenge, they don’t even think about it. They don’t say that the strength of Lingdao is stronger than them. If they are prepared to kill Lingdao, they will be known by the elders. I am afraid that the elders will not want to swallow them, even if they used to hate Lingdao. Elders have become supporters of Lingdao.

"Mengyutang is the core disciple of the inner sect. I killed him. Is it really okay?"

Lingdao deliberately ridiculed, after nine moments, Wan Fuzong, whether it is the lord or the elder, can not punish him because of the sacred monasticism, the eternal and elders of Wan Fuzong are indeed powerful, but they are also for Wan Fuzong. Think about it in the future.

The status of the core disciples is definitely more important than the foreign disciples. Not only Wan Fuzong, but other major forces can treat genius disciples and ordinary disciples. The more potential disciples, the more they can get attention, the same resources. Used to cultivate genius disciples and ordinary disciples, the effect is certainly not the same.

"You are a small lord, killing a core disciple who wants to kill you, of course it's okay."

Mu Zongze immediately said that Meng Yutang, Xue Lingyao, Fang Hanyu, and Liu Qingmei are all candidates for the lord, but now Mu Zongze directly appoints Lingdao as a lesser sect and can only be a higher disciple than the core disciple. It is a small lord.

Unlike the other forces, Wan Fuzong is not a hereditary. The next lord is chosen by his ability. The candidate of the lord and the ancestor are absolutely different. The former only becomes the next lord, while the latter It is bound to become the next sovereign.

Now Mu Zongze has chosen Lingdao as the chief sect. No matter whether it is the two elders or other elders, there will be no half-point opinions. If they are approved by nine stone carvings, they will not become the masters. When there are few sovereigns.

"I killed Meng Yutang, Suzaku Temple will definitely retaliate, you will not hand me over to Zhuque Hall when you arrive."

All the elders are crying and laughing. They used to punish Lingdao because of the things in the monk, but now they can do it well. It is clear that they will not punish Lingdao. It’s as if he’s killing Mengzitang is really right, but it’s a big deal.

“I’m going to get a good start, but I’m doing a good job.”

I can see the lord and other elders eating, the madman is of course happy, the smile on his face is very bright, and now only a madman can laugh out, Mu Zongze and other elders can't wait to beat the ridge, but they can only continue to lick Lingdao.

The second is the most emotional, the funeral mountain trip, he is aware of the extraordinary Lingdao, but unfortunately, Lingdao is only a foreign disciple, he did not think that Lingdao can get the recognition of nine stone carvings, Ling In the grievances of Wan Fuzong, he knows that he just can't take the lead.

"You are a small lord. Whoever dares to hand you over to the Suzaku Hall is regarded as a rebel sect.

I have to say that Mu Zongze is still very courageous. He has decided to let Lingdao be a lesser lord. Then he will not let other elders or disciples have the opportunity to hurt Lingdao. Before, he paid attention to Fang Hanyu and also paid attention to it. Tang, however, just cultivate them as juniors.

However, Ling Dao is different. Ling Dao is simply his little ancestor. He is a tribute to all. One hundred monks and priests have a thousand monks. In Mu Zongze’s heart, there is no important Ling Dao now. Now even Mu Zongze The descendants of the children and the Lingdao are in conflict, and Mu Zongze will be biased towards Lingdao.

"Since I am getting rid of the monks and deeds, what good to give me."

Lingdao's mood, unprecedented comfort, even the previous grievances against Wan Fuzong, there is no, Mu Zongze in front of everyone, bowed in front of him, and even admit his mistake, as his lord's identity, it is indeed rare.

"In the future, all the martial arts, martial arts, and martial arts of Wan Fuzong will be allowed to practice. Foreign disciples, inner cadres, external elders, and elders of the inner sect will be assigned to you. If I am, you are a lord. If I am not there, you are the sovereign."

Mu Zongze understands that now everything has to follow Lingdao. Like Lingdao, such a fascinating young disciple, Wan Fuzong can get it. It is purely a reward for the Tao. If Lingdao is dissatisfied, he can go to other forces and use his talent. Other forces cannot be impossible.

A group of disciples are full of faces, they finally understand how much the lord attaches importance to Lingdao. Fang Hanyu and Meng Yutang are only the core disciples of the inner sect. They have no right to arbitrarily dispatch foreign disciples and inner sects, let alone Ling Dao’s ancestors. Elders and elders can be dispatched.

"Where is his disciple, he is even older than the elders, and we have had such a young disciple when Wan Fuzong."

"Don't forget, have we ever had nine people who have been approved by the stone?"

The inner sect disciple who felt unsatisfied at the moment was silent and speechless. With a stone carving approval, he could become the core disciple of the inner sect. The status of the core cadre of the ancestor is already very high. Lingdao has been recognized by nine stone carvings. Is it a little privileged? Isn't it okay?

"Meng Yutang imprisoned Xue Lingyao and Nie Elder, can you release them now?"

Lingdao did not go to save Xueling Yao and Nie Elders for the first time, because he understood that Menglingtang imprisoned Xuelingyao and Mengyutang, which must be acquiesced by Mu Zongze. With his strength, they could not be rescued. Only by letting Mu Zongze personally release them is the best way.

"Meng Yutang is really not a son, even the inner elders and the inner core disciples are afraid to imprison, and I will save them."

Mu Zongze secretly wiped the sweat. Fortunately, he did not let Meng Yutang hurt Xue Lingyao and Nie Elder, Xue Lingyao and Ling Dao. He naturally knew that he used to think that Ling Dao was not worthy of Xue Ling Yao. Now he is It is believed that Xueling Yao is not worthy of Lingdao.

I have been recognized by two stone carvings in the past. It is already a great thing in Wan Fuzong. However, compared with the current Lingdao’s recognition of nine stone carvings, it is simply a pediatrics. Anyone can see it. Lingdao is in the future. Achievements on the road are not limited.

"My temper is not very good. If Xue Lingya hurts a hair, I will kill him."

Lingdao said coldly, Mengzitang and Tianzun from the Suzaku Hall are dead. However, the imprisonment of Xuelingyao and Nie elders must be guarded by other warriors. If Xuelingyao is hurt, he certainly will not care about anything. Kill all those who directly attacked.

"Reassured, Xueling Yao is the core disciple of my inner sect. Whoever dares to hurt him, I will never be light."

(PS: Yesterday, the network has problems, often disconnected from the Internet, updated things, I hope you understand,)

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