The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 175: Qi Yuan Tian Zun, Feng Tai Tian Zun

The two gods have known the monks and priests. They know that before the death of Meng Yutang, they were already in the late Qing Dynasty. The other sons of the deputy master of Taohua were extremely talented. Even if they were almost blind, they wanted to cross a small realm to kill the enemy. Difficult.

Lingdao, a Tianbing warrior, actually said that he was the murderer who killed Mengzitang. It was simply insulting the intelligence of the two Tianzuns. How did the monks and gods get the guidance of Tianzun and practiced the martial arts of Zhuque Temple? Not much difference.

"Well, that is not what I killed, but you are looking for someone else."

Lingdao shrugged, and did not care to retreat to the two elders behind the elders, voluntarily admit that he is a murderer, but the two Tianzun are also smart to think that it is not the murder of the monks, not to blame the two gods of the Suzaku Temple, it is They can't think of it, and the four powers will be so enchanting.

"Two, he is really the murderer who killed the monk."

The double-sword gatekeeper quickly went to the two heavenly ancestors and whispered that it had been many days before he could know that Lingdao had killed Mengzitang. It was not surprising that only the faces of the two gods were stiff. I just said that Lingdao is not a murderer, and then I was beaten.

"Miscellaneous things, why don't you say that soon?"

The two sacred sacred temples of Suzaku Temple are Kaiyuan Tianzun and Feng Taitianzun. Qiyuan Tianzun is okay, but his face is not good-looking. Feng Taitianzun directly opened up. If they are now a front, they may not be Fengtai Tianzun. Already a slap in the face of the double sword door.


The double-sword gate advocated opening the mouth. In the end, there was no explanation. When he didn’t come, even if he told Feng Taitian Zun that the murderer who killed Mengzitang was Lingdao, Feng Taitian did not know, let alone Feng Taitian’s roots. I have never asked, he naturally did not say, in the past, Feng Taitian Zun and Qiyuan Tianzun were self-righteous and did not give him a chance to interject.

Fortunately, Feng Taitian Zun and Qiyuan Tianzun quickly put their attention on Lingdao's body. Wan Fuzong can kill anyone. Lingdao must kill. If they say, they are all with Mengzitang. The mother had had that kind of relationship and helped the monks and deeds to avenge their hatred.

"You killed Mengzitang, I don't know if you can have a dead consciousness."

Feng Taitian respected his right hand and grabbed it toward Lingdao. Since he determined that Lingdao was the murderer, he would naturally not hesitate. His right hand seemed to be turned into an eagle claw. He could tear the mountains and rivers, take the stars, and deal with a heavenly regime. Juniors, certainly no problem.

The owner of the Double Sword Gate can know that Ling Dao has killed Meng Yu Tang, and he also knows that Wan Fuzong was born Tian Zun. Therefore, he did not rush to shoot, let Feng Taitian respect to deal with Ling Dao, Wan Fuzong’s Tian Zun will surely Take the initiative to stand up.

Wan Fuzong offended the Suzaku Hall, and the Shuangjianmen Gate Lord was very fortunate. Otherwise, Wan Fuzong, who has Tianzun’s seat, is not the double sword gate. Even with the Silver Gun League, there is not much chance of winning. Now wait for Feng. Tai Tianzun removed the Tianzun of Wan Fuzong, and then they razed Wan Fuzong to the ground.

"Don't be a sneak peek at a celestial temper, but also shameless."

Such a big battle, the madman has long since rushed back, he has been hidden in the dark, in order to observe the strength of the enemy, but in the Suzaku Hall only came two mid-term Tianzun, no later Tianzun and Feng Tianzun, he completely Can handle easily.

Duan madman's right fist, violently banged in the right hand of Feng Taitianzun, Feng Taitianzun was too careless, did not think of Wan Fuzong's Tianzun, the attack speed is so amazing, however, Feng Taitian Zun has the experience of fighting with Tianzun after all. The palm of the hand whirls, the five fingers pick up, and grabs the fist of the madman.

"In the early days of the birth of the four-product forces, I dared to scream in front of me, I don't know how to live and die."

Feng Taitian said with disdain, the palm of the hand appeared in 30 lines, like a chain of chains, to lock the right fist of the madman, and then crush the fist of the madman, the two heavenly sects seem to be calm, In fact, it contains a lot of danger, and if it is not careful, it will be defeated.

Fortunately, the reaction of the madman is also dissatisfied. The sixteen roads are turned into sixteen-handed knives, and they are chopped on the thirty chains. It sounds like a thunderous sound. Mars is like a storm, and it is clearly a fist. The palms intersect, but it is like a collision of gods.

"Give me broken."

The madman screamed loudly, and the 16 avenues not only smashed the chain, but also penetrated the palm of Feng Taitian's hand. His fist slammed in his fist, and Feng Taitian's right hand blasted open and the blood splattered. The flesh was flying all over the sky, and the **** roots of the forest fell to the ground.

Feng Taitian respected and screamed again and again. It was only a moment of confrontation. It was for him to lose his right hand. The strength of the madman’s explosive moment at a critical moment made him feel terrified. He knew that the madman was so tyrannical. I dare not have a little bit of care.

"Injury the gods of Suzaku Temple, find death."

The authorities are fascinated, the bystanders are clear, and the process of Qi Yuan Tian Zun’s fight between Feng Taitian Zun and the madman is all in his eyes. He is now working with the madman, and naturally he will not take it lightly. The lion is still using his full strength, not to mention the strength of the madman. Not weak.

"Suzaku is empty."

Qiyuan Tianzun holds a long gun and a sharp gun tip. It seems to be able to easily penetrate the body of Tianzun. His advantage lies not only in the realm, but also in weapons. His rifle is a weapon of the heavens, and a madman is a four-product elder. There is no heavenly weapon.

In fact, the madman does not need Tianpin weapons at all. He has cultivated the magical power of Vientiane. He has already tempered his body to an incredible point. Even if he has a weapon, he will not use it. He will deal with the medium-term Tianzun, and his own combat power is enough.

The Tianpin rifle carries a blazing flame and stabs toward the madman. Qiyuan Tianzun keeps advancing, and the strength of his hand is getting bigger and bigger. Even if a mountain is in front of him, he will be broken by his long gun. He will Do not believe in the use of Tianpin weapons and Tianpin guns, but also can not deal with the Tianzun born of a four-product force.

Now Wan Fuzong can be said to be a three-product force. However, after all, the madman is born in the influence of four products. Qiyuan Tianzun and Feng Taitian respect have a sense of superiority. It is a normal thing, but they choose the wrong object, one can It is absolutely impossible to make a fuss by relying on the magical power of Vientiane to become the warrior of Tianzun.

In the face of the celestial rifle from Qiyuan Tianzun, the madman not only did not retreat, but like a cheetah, he rushed forward at the fastest speed. The madman’s feet slammed in the void, and the faces of a pair of fists seemed to have thunder. Wrap with fire, the sixteen roads are like gloves, attached to the surface of his hands.


The double fists smashed on the long guns of the Tianpin, and the powerful force broke out completely. Even the Suzaku virtual shadows were broken in an instant, and the Qiyuan Tianzun, holding a long-handed gun, flashed a glimpse of the eyes. I did not expect that the strength of the paragraph madman is so strong.

The madman is not forgiving. He holds the long gun in his left hand and the neck of Qiyuan Tianzun in his right hand. Qiyuan Tianzun holds the gun in his right hand. The left hand wants to attack the madman. With his palm, so close, If you hit the body of the former Tian Zun, you will definitely be able to hurt the previous Tian Zun.

However, during this period, the madman’s eyes slammed into the ground, and the king’s will was like a flood that opened the gate. The bombardment was in the world of the will of the Qiyuan Tianzun, and the monks who cultivated the magic of the Vientiane were not only physically strong but also strong. metamorphosis.

The thunder and lightning are staggered, and the sea of ​​fire comes. The world of the will of Qiyuan Tianzun seems to have encountered the end of the day. The original Qiyuan Tianzun, who was originally prepared to attack the madman, looks sad, even if only the blink of an eye is enough for the madman.


The Tianzun of the Suzaku Hall was actually hand-carried by a madman and twisted his neck. The vitality of Tianzun was tenacious. However, the power of the madman had penetrated into the body of Qiyuan Tianzun, shattering his heart. .

At the same time, the world of the will of Qiyuan Tianzun broke down successively. The madman quickly ran up the Vientiane magical power and began to devour the will, origin and Tao of Qiyuan Tianzun. Today, Wan Fuzong is like a stormy one. The lonely boat is at risk of being destroyed at any time.

The madman has to take risks. Only by madly devouring the will, the source and the Tao of others can he improve the realm faster. However, the will, the origin and the Tao of others are ultimately others. If blindly swallowed, it is likely to lead to itself. Big problem.

"That god, will not die."

The double-sword doorkeeper swallowed a spit, looked at the eyes of the madman, full of fear, able to kill the warrior in the mid-term Tianzun, and the strength should be strong, how can Wan Fuzong be so terrible.

The silver gun allies are equally frightened. If Qi Yuantian is dead in the hands of a madman, Feng Taitian Zun was previously smashed by a madman. Then, perhaps they have to rely on them to deal with the madman. They are not crazy. Can kill Tianzun at the peak of Tianjun.

The army standing behind them lost their war. The two gods are not the opponents of the madman. They don’t think that they can deal with the madman, the world of the warrior, the difference between the world and the number of people. , nothing works.

On the other hand, Wan Fuzong’s martial artists are intrigued. The two warriors, the Tianzun and the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen, have come to the fore. They are still a little scared, but now, the madman kills a Tianzun and hurts. A goddess, let them be confident.

"They dare to kill me at the door of Wan Fuzong, absolutely no forgiveness, what are you waiting for, killing the Lord."

Mu Zongze naturally will not miss such a great opportunity. When even the big voice screams out and takes the lead out, of course, he will not be stupid and alone with the silver gun ally and the double sword gate, because he is fundamentally Not an opponent.


Whether it is the elders of Wan Fuzong or the disciples of Wan Fuzong, they are all rushing to the silver gun alliance and the double sword gate army. The silver gun alliance and the double sword gate teamed up to attack Wan Fuzong, and they have been extremely angry. How can you not kill a good now?

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