The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 198: Xiao Ding renewed

The blond man sealed the realm of the peach blossom deputy, sealed the Taoist deputy, and sealed the body of the peach blossom deputy, but missed the original star. Going a step further.

The source, for Tianzun, the role is no longer big, just like Lingdao is not using the true gas now, to the realm of the blond man, the role of the source is smaller, so he missed the source of the stars .

The peach blossoms are coming, and the weak origin seems to have been concealed to the essence. Even if the realm of the peach blossom deputy master has been suppressed to the late Tiancheng, she still has the power of six dragons. In her heyday, she used the peach blossoms and the broken world of madmen. Can break open.

Lingdao's 鲲鹏拳, naturally can't stop the peach blossom, a pair of golden wings, instantly broken, but fortunately he has been prepared, after all, I have seen the peach blossoms, and after the smashing of the two wings, he jumped up. The nine-turn dragon dragon was used to display the idol legs.

It seems that the real idol is coming out of the air and stepping on the peach blossom. Lingdao does not use the weak source, but uses the real Yuanyuan origin. The power of his full force is not weaker than the peach blossom deputy. The previous Wu Peng boxing, although crushed by the peach blossom, has finally weakened the peach blossom.

Therefore, the eruption of the idol's legs caused a crack in the peach blossoms. Lingshan's legs were forced to force, as if they were to break the earth, causing more and more cracks on the peach blossoms. Eventually, a burst of sound, peach blossoms were broken and turned. Flying for the peach blossoms.

Every peach blossom is a weapon, and it is sharper than the general weapons. Fortunately, Lingdao is prepared, swinging his fists, and smashing a peach blossom. However, the deputy of the peach blossoms does not smash the peach print. Care, because the source of the stars is her killer.

Lingdao can smash the peach blossoms, just to make the peach flower deputy master feel surprised. Anyway, the peach blossom deputy master has already won the ticket, and Tianzun’s original star is suppressed. Don’t say that Lingdao’s small Tianbing territory can’t resist it, even if it’s It is Tianwang and Tianjun, and they all have headaches.

The origin of the peach blossom deputy master is getting bigger and bigger, and finally it seems to have turned into a majestic mountain, which is suppressed by Lingdao. The huge source of stars, in terms of weight alone, has exceeded the limit of Lingdao, not to mention the limit. Also with great pressure.

Her ninth will, completely locked in Lingdao, even if Lingdao wants to avoid, it is impossible, not to mention, her original star is big enough, let alone a wind and cloud platform, even if it is ten Fengyuntai, There is no place for Lingdao to avoid the source of the stars.

"If he dies, but whoever has a relationship with you, he will die."

The lord of the peach blossoms who is dealing with Lingdao, the body trembled fiercely. After all, Lingdao killed her son. She almost couldn’t control her emotions and was ready to obliterate the Lingdao. However, the blond man’s will, let her calm down. The sweat has soaked her clothes.

There are other sons in the peach blossom deputy, and the talent is much higher than that of the monk. However, they have not grown up after all. If the blond man wants to kill them, it is not a difficult thing. She can only let go. Hatred, at most, a lesson for Lingdao.

"Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding."

At the crucial moment, Lingdao did not hesitate to sacrifice Yuanyuan Yuanyuan. Fortunately, he did not consolidate the original star in the world of Jianshen, or it would definitely be affected, even if it is a star confined in the world of Jianshen, it is not necessarily better than Get the satellite that the heavens consolidate.

Fortunately, his origins are the source of the wild, and the power of the wild world is absorbed. Now, in order to resist the origin of the peach blossom deputy, he can only run the wild, and he is pleasantly surprised by such a strong oppression. It is for him to once again connect with the wild.

The constant flow of power, from the wild world, makes the power of Yuanshiyuanyuan more and more powerful. After all, Lingdao only has the late days of Tianbing. First of all, relying on Yuanshiyuanyuan to engulf the origin of the peach blossom deputy, it is not Most likely.

However, now there is the support of the power of the wild world, everything will be different. There is no more energy in the body of Tianzun. It is impossible to compare with a big world, let alone a wild world, even the world of swords and gods. Compared with the wild world, there are clouds and muds.

Yuan Shiben Yuan Ding will rise in the wind, just blinking, it is bigger than the original star of the peach flower deputy. The Yuan Shi Yuan Ding is from the bottom up, it seems to be a fierce beast with a huge mouth, one bit will be above The origin of the stars swallowed.

"What is that, is it a very powerful weapon?"

"It's a Ding, it shouldn't be a stone, how many cards are there in Lingdao."

A big tripod, swallowing the original source of the peach blossom deputy, naturally makes other people extremely shocked, they do not know what happened, can it be said that the main deputy of the peach blossoms to worship the origin of the stars, but also can not clean up Lingdao.

The Ming Dynasty, the Fengfeng Tianzun, the Zhongda Tianzun and the Gongyang Tianzun, as well as some elders of Wan Fuzong, even sneaked a sneak peek at the blond man. Obviously, they thought it was a blond man who secretly helped, but the blond man’s face The doubtful color on them makes them even more confused.

There is no need for a blond man to deceive them. Only if he really doesn't know what is going on, he will be confused. Since he is not helping him, there is only one explanation. That is the big trip used by Lingdao. It is probably a piece. The sacred device, even the ceremonial device.

"Could it be that……"

There was an elder of Wan Fuzong who immediately thought of the destruction of the mountain range. The disciples of the Moon Hall, the Gulei Hall, the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen went to the Supreme Mountain Range. The whole army was annihilated, even if it was Wan Fuzong, only Ling The road came back alive.

Ling Dao said that the veiled woman got the Taoist device and then left the Yunyun House. However, no one had seen the veiled woman. Now they have every reason to suspect that the Lingyuan used by Lingdao is That piece of the device, otherwise how can it play such power.

It is a pity that there are blond men supporting them. They can't **** the things of Lingdao. Moreover, even if the blond men are not present, they have nine stone carvings. They can easily kill them, **** the things of Lingdao, and find no death. What is the difference.

"How do I feel the breath of the wild world."

The blond man frowned and carefully sensed the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding. Only he knew that Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding was not a weapon at all, and it was even more impossible. Of course, he did not know that he would not go to the Taoist Suspicion.

"Unfortunately, there are provisions on it. We can't go too close with the younger brother. Even if it is to help him, it is actually a violation of the regulations. Fortunately, the lord is not in charge."

He has been to the wild world, in order to distinguish the atmosphere of the wild world, but unfortunately, he does not know much about the wild sage, and he does not know what the Lingyuan Yuanyuan source is all about. After all, he has not cultivated a wild sage. I haven’t seen it quite wild.

It’s just because they have a vein, a practice of cultivation, and a great relationship with the wild, and they can feel who has cultivated the wild and sacred spirits. The above rules are given, even if Lingdao is their younger brother, many They can't do anything.


Suddenly, the deputy of the Peach Blossoms body shook and painfully screamed. Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding has begun to refine her original star. For Tian Zun, the importance of the origin is definitely not as good as the Tao. However, the original star is already like Their body organs, now Lingdao refining the source of the stars, the peach flower deputy master is of course very painful.


The deputy of the Peach Blossoms did not know what was going on. He could only quickly attack the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding. Her palm, shot again and again on the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding, issued a sound like Hong Zhong Da Lu, but unfortunately, Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding Without being affected by half, there is no damage.

Then, she applied Suzaku and Peach Blossom, and Yuan Shiyuan Yuan Ding was swayed by her, and collapsed the halls of Wan Fuzong. The elders of Wan Fuzong were crying, their The residences were devastated.

However, they can only watch, whether it is Lingdao or the deputy of the peach blossoms, they are not guilty of their existence, the residence is gone, they can be covered again, and the life is gone, everything will be empty.

"Useless, your origin star, will be refining by me, who will let you sacrifice the origin of the stars, and now even regret, it is useless."

Ling Dao's face is red, the power of the wild world is constantly instilled. His realm is too low. Even if he is a strong source, he will still be able to support him. Now he is like a gunpowder barrel. It may explode.

"I can't deal with this big trip, but I can deal with you. As long as you solve it, everything will not be a problem."

The deputy of the Peach Blossoms has already given up on the Yuanyuan source, because she can't break the Yuanyuan source. After all, her current realm has been sealed in the late days of Tiancheng. She has to rush to Lingdao.

Her behavior is in the middle of the road, and Ling Dao's body is full of strength, and there is no place to use it. Since she wants to fight with Lingdao, then Lingdao will not evade, but will take the initiative to attack her. .

Zhuque's seal came across the sky, and Wu Peng boxed immediately. Lingdao did not need to worry about the lack of strength. Anyway, there was a wild world support. Even if it was a hundred years of war, his power would not be exhausted. Continue to fight, and the ultimate defeat will be Lingdao.

The main deputy of the Peach Blossoms believes that the priming of the Yuanyuan source is definitely very expensive. It only takes her and Lingdao to fight for a period of time. Lingdao will be physically weak. When she defeats Lingdao, Yuanshiyuanyuan also loses its strength. Thus, the ability to refine the origin of the stars, she can save her own source of stars.

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