The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Blood sacrifice lotus

The patriarch of the Baili family sits on the seat of the Golden Knife, and stands below the strong ones of the Baili family. The things they want to discuss are the **** meeting of tomorrow. The blood of the patriarch has gone further. The speed at which blood-mosquito stone can absorb the power of blood is greatly increased, and blood can be used to strengthen others.

In the past, the patriarchs of the Baili family must use human blood and strengthen other warriors. But now, they are the dogs of the family, and they are in the small villages. Naturally, they dare not arrest the warriors. Even if the effect of animal blood is not good, They have no choice.

It’s not that there is no good animal blood, but the blood of the beast that they can reach is not terrible. If you can get true dragon blood, phoenix blood, and blood, you must be far more than the average person’s blood. However, the Baili family The power of one product does not dare to provoke, let alone deal with those powerful ethnic groups.

If a strong ethnic group such as Zhenlong, Fenghuang or Kunpeng is attracted, the Baili family has only one dead road. What Tianzun and what the holy king are in front of those ethnic groups are not enough to see. From the wilderness to the present, those ethnic groups are more human than the human race. All forces must be long-lasting.

"The patriarch, I have a proposal, I don't know if I don't talk properly."

Bai Lixi, the elder of the Baili family, even when the Baili family was devastated, he escaped intact. Now, the vast Baili family can suppress him, only the patriarch, If other other hundred-strong family members are strong, he will definitely not listen.

“It’s all from family, what can’t be said.”

The patriarch understands Bai Lixi, even though Bai Lixi has not yet put forward the proposal, he knows that it is definitely not a good idea. However, as long as he is beneficial to the Baili family, he can accept it. The status quo of the family makes them very dissatisfied and able to Proposals to enhance strength, whether they are rude or not, are good proposals.

"The blood of Lingdao is even stronger than the lotus. We can't kill the Tao, but we can sacrifice the lotus. Just relying on the blood of the beast, the benefits we get are not great. If we add a lotus, it will definitely be different. It is."

In the past, only the lotus blood was strong. They needed to use the blood of the lotus to cultivate. Naturally, they would not kill the lotus, and even protect the lotus. Now it is different. There is a **** person who is more versatile. The role of children is a lot smaller.

Tomorrow's **** blood conference, if the blood sacrifices the lotus, it will inevitably enable all the warriors of the Baili family to take their strengths to the next level. The proposal of Bai Lixi suddenly aroused the interest of the patriarchs. The other strong people of the Baili family also It is the spirit.

Looking for the whole hundred miles of the family, can not find people who are stronger than the blood of the lotus, then, the parents of the lotus, certainly someone is the Tao, even the Taoist, mixing her blood into all the blood of the animal, enough Let the effects of those blood increase several times or even tens of times.

"If there is no lotus, is it enough for us to cultivate the blood?"

Even though most of the strongest people in the Baili family agree with Bai Lixi, there are still a small number of elders who oppose it. They don't think that the blood sacrifice lotus, how cruel, and even less because of Lingdao's proposal against Bai Lixi.

They don't think about lotus, but they themselves. If they are for the sake of temporary interests, they will damage the future interests. They certainly feel that it is worthless. The blood and mosquitoes are absorbing the power of blood. They are not clear, only the patriarchs know. .

"Reassured, since the sword magic, the lotus is dispensable, I think, Bai Lixi's proposal is feasible."

The patriarch of the Baili family spoke, and the other elders naturally closed their mouths. The blood-mosquito was always in the hands of the patriarchs. Even the patriarchs said that the lotuses were dispensable. Of course they would not doubt anything, they must know that they The blood of the lotus has long been coveted, but the lotus is of great use. They have no choice but to blink.

In fact, there is still one thing left in the patriarch of the Baili family. That is the question of the realm of the lotus. The sword magic is surprised by the improvement of the lotus, and the Baili family is equally shocking. In a month, the lotus can Become a heavenly warrior, if it is two months, three months, or even one year.

The speed of the rise of Lian Er’s realm has exceeded the imagination of the patriarch of the Baili family. Yes, the higher the lotus field is, the stronger the force of qi and blood is. If the cultivation of the lotus is beyond the control of the patriarch of the Baili family, then Everything is no good.

As long as it is a normal warrior, the speed of breakthrough in the realm is definitely not as fast as that of the lotus. The patriarch of the Baili family speculates that there may be a big secret in the lotus. It is possible that the lotus is the reincarnation of the ancient strong. Now the memory is awakened. Changes in ordinary people.

Not only the patriarch of the Baili family thought so, but even the swordsmen had guessed this way. However, the swordsman felt that this was not the case, because the eyes of the lotus were always as clear as the stream, without impurities, if the strong reincarnation, her The eyes must have changed.

The eyes are the window of the soul. The eyes of the lotus are crystal clear, there is no impurity, only the innocent child has such a look, the sword can be sure that his judgment is correct, and the lotus realm is fast, it must be other reasons.

"Let's go, you are going to prepare for tomorrow's things, there is no loss."

The patriarchs of the Baili family, who have said that they have already said that they have been hiding, have not been discovered by the enemy for the time being. The **** meeting is certainly not small. They must of course be prepared for the perfection, or they will be discovered by the enemy. The Baili family is likely to become history.

"Yes, patriarch."

One strong man retreats, only Bai Lixi does not leave, others think that Bai Lixi has private affairs and patriarchs to discuss, even if the heart is curious, there is no reason to stay, in fact, Bai Lixi does have one thing, want Discuss with the patriarch.

"What else do you have."

The patriarch of the Baili family looked at Bai Lixi and did not understand what purpose Bai Lixi had. Bai Lixi smiled and then slowly walked over to the patriarch. I don’t know why, the patriarch of the Baili family I feel that Bai Lixi’s expression is very cumbersome.

"The patriarch, I think that Lian is very beautiful. I don't know if I can get her body before the blood sacrifice."

Even if the patriarch was prepared, he was shocked by Bai Lixi. He did not think that Bai Lixi was actually the body of the lotus, the lotus, just a little girl, did not develop at all, the hundred miles. Hee has such hobbies.

The patriarch of the Baili family felt that they should pay special attention to the little girl of the Baili family in the future. Who knows that Bai Lixi will not be mad at them, even the seven or eight-year-old Lilian, Bai Lixi are interested, simply The beast has reached the extreme.

"With you, don't delay the **** meeting."

Anyway, Lian Er is the person who will die. The patriarch of the Baili family does not care. If Bai Lixi wants to get the body of Lian Er, then let him go. I don’t know if Bai Lixi can succeed. After all, Lian It is too small.

"The patriarch has a hundred and twenty hearts, and I am the most qualified."

With the permission of the patriarch, Bai Lixi was very happy. Naturally, he was convinced by the chest. Today, the Baili family, Bai Lixi is afraid of the patriarch, not only because the patriarchs are strong, but also because of the qi and blood power they need to cultivate. It is from the patriarch.

No matter whether it is the patriarch of the Baili family or Bai Lixi, they don’t know their conversations. They are all heard by one person. He is not someone else. It’s Bai Lixi. It’s accurate to say that there is no animal, even if there is no phase. If the beast is not present, there is a way to hear their conversation.

"Scum, too scum."

There is no such thing as a beast, and Bai Lixi’s practice is even unacceptable to him. However, he will not marry Bai Lixi as a beast, nor will he be a beast, because he is a beast, like Bai Lixi. Such people are not qualified to be beasts.

It is true that the non-beast is not a good beast, but it will not make the kind of madness of Bai Lixi. In any case, he must tell the sword, not because he thinks that the sword is a friend, but because he thinks Lotus is very cute.

He can forcibly occupy other people's bodies. He can kill other warriors casually, but it does not mean that he has no good side in his heart. Even if he is a traitor, he may have a good side, let alone he is not. It’s a big evil.

"Before, the strong people of the Baili family conspired, I think it is necessary to tell you about what they are discussing."

The non-being of the beast uses the will to pass the sound, telling the swordsman of the dialogues of all the strong people of the Baili family, especially when it comes to Bai Lixi, it is even more gnashing. If it is not against Bai Lixi now, it is easy to expose himself. I am afraid that I have already shot, and even the beasts are angry, let alone the swords.

The swordsman who is cultivating, the fists clenched, the scorpion flashes with the cold and incomparable killing, the blood sacrifice lotus, is proposed by Bai Lixi, and he also wants to get the body of the lotus, it is simply not as good as the beast, the Baili family Others can live, and Bai Lixi must die.

"Big brother, what's the matter with you."

Lian Er felt the emotional change of the sword demon. He asked quickly and worriedly. The sword devil smiled at Lian Er and indicated that he was fine. Lian is still a child. I still don’t know the things, especially Bai Lixi. The heart of the mind can't let the lotus know.

"Someone is coming, it should be Bai Lixi."

Suddenly, the face of the sword is changed. Because the beast has already been voiced to remind him of the arrival of Bai Lixi, Bai Lixi did not deliberately hide his whereabouts. Therefore, after a while, the sword magic sensed Bai Lixi, can it be said that Li Xi intends to start with Lian Er tonight.

Bai Lixi is interested in **, not a day or two, especially the little girl who is so cute and beautiful, but she has long been coveted. Unfortunately, the lotus is the source of their cultivation, the patriarch He will not be allowed to move the lotus. Fortunately, this time he has a chance to make a blood sacrifice to the lotus, and he has the opportunity to get the lotus.

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