The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 211: Force the Lord

The blood-mosquito stone carving is the same as the nine stone carvings. Don't look at the blood-mosquito stone carvings that can rush out tens of thousands of black-winged black mosquitoes. In fact, it is only a powerful part of the blood-winged black mosquitoes. Blood can also be thousands of people.

The higher the realm of blood-winged black mosquitoes, the more avatars they have, the more each one has one thousandth of the body or even one thousandth of the power. Don’t underestimate his avatar, just like one Tianzun, even if it is one thousandth of his combat power, may be stronger than Tianjun.

That is to say, a Tianzun-level blood-winged black mosquito is likely to have thousands of tens of thousands of Tianjun-level avatars. A blood-winged black mosquito can become a force, and the number of avatars is many, which is his advantage.

However, the nine stone carvings are also not bad. True dragons, phoenixes, 鲲鹏, idols, and holy shrines are the hegemons of the wilderness. They all have their own advantages. Naturally, they will not be afraid of blood-winged black mosquitoes, but only blood-mosquito carvings. The birth of Fu Ling, nine stone carvings are not.

The true dragon stone carving and the 鲲鹏石刻 have already killed Tianzun, and it has not been used against other Tianzun, but it has been mobilized to suppress the blood-mosquito stone carving. There is no problem. Even if the blood-mosquito stone carving has Fuling, it is impossible to compete with the nine stone carvings. .

"Remember the Lord."

Nine stone carvings have long been recognized as the main road. His understanding of stone carvings is far from being comparable to others. The patriarch of the Baili family is even a holy king. He does not know how to make the blood-mosquito stone recognize the Lord, even he does not know the blood mosquito. Stone carvings can recognize the Lord.

Lingdao's operation is quite ridiculous, and the right hand is pressed on the blood-mosquito stone. The blood-mosquito stone carving has already been born, and naturally he does not want to recognize him as the main. However, the nine stone carvings combined with the suppression, the blood-mosquito stone can't resist, Lingdao forced The will of oneself, integrated into the blood-mosquito stone carving, is naturally exposed to the spirit of the blood-mosquito stone carving.

"Kid, I advise you not to hit my idea, otherwise you don't know how to die, believe it or not, I will **** your blood now."

The spirit of the blood-mosquito stone was finally unable to resist revealing itself, in order to intimidate Ling Dao and scare away Ling Dao. The patriarch of the Baili family was much higher than Ling Dao, but the blood-mosquito was not afraid of it because The patriarch of the Baili family took him without hesitation, and he still relied on him to cultivate.

Lingdao is not the same. The low level is not false, but he has nine stone carvings. He has the possibility to let the blood-mosquito stone recognize the Lord. The blood-mosquito-like stone spirit is afraid, and will communicate with Lingdao, otherwise he will fundamentally Will not take care of the Lingdao.

"You are... Spiritual."

Stone carving in the end is considered a weapon, or Fu Xi, Ling Dao said it is unclear, anyway, regardless of the blood-mosquito, Fu Ling said, he will not let go of the blood-mosquito stone, as long as the blood-mosquito stone recognizes the Lord, then, defeat the Baili family The possibility is greatly increased.

Nine stone carvings broke out completely, and the dragons, phoenixes, gods, sacred priests, 鲲peng, 饕餮, 仙玲珑, 无相兽, and nine-tailed foxes were presented one by one. The number of black-winged black mosquitoes was high, but blood-winged black The mosquitoes are completely incomparable with the nine beasts.

Normally, the body of the blood-winged black mosquito is similar to one of the fierce beasts. However, the blood-mosquito stone carving always absorbs the blood and strengthens itself. It is more powerful than the other nine stone carvings. Therefore, the blood-winged black mosquito can be carved. Fighted four or five stone carvings.

Fortunately, Lingdao will bring all the nine stone carvings on the body. Otherwise, it is not necessarily able to suppress the blood-mosquito stone carvings. The nine beasts will attack at the same time, crushing the ones of the blood-winged black mosquitoes, followed by the blood-winged blacks. The body of the mosquitoes surrendered.

Lingdao did not hesitate to force the blood-mosquito stone to recognize the Lord. No matter what the spirit of the blood-mosquito stone carved, he ignored it. After completing the recognition, he took a deep breath and mastered the blood-mosquito stone carving. Let the comprehensive strength of the Baili family fall by half.


The blood-mosquito carved spirit is angry and doesn't know what to say. Now Lingdao has become his master. Of course he dare not deal with Lingdao. If Lingdao is worried, he can completely destroy him. On the contrary, he still needs to Help Lingdao and let Lingdao know his importance.

"Tell me how to deal with the warriors of the Baili family."

Previously, the blood-mosquito stone carving was very pleasant to Lingdao. If possible, the blood-mosquito stone carving will completely absorb the blood of the Lingdao. Now, even if the blood-mosquito stone carving has already recognized the Lord, Lingdao has no politeness on the blood-mosquito stone carving. Said directly in the tone of the order.

"They are practicing the blood, and I can take the initiative to absorb their blood and reduce their strength."

After the silence of the blood-mosquito stone, the spirit was silenced for a while. It was said that the truth was fixed. In a short period of time, it could not resist. From the tone of Lingdao, he could judge that Lingdao His impression is very bad.

You must first obtain the trust of Lingdao, and then slowly figure it out. As long as you find the opportunity, he will definitely **** the blood of Lingdao, and the weapon will counter the owner's things, and it is not without it. The spirit of the blood-mosquito stone is firmly convinced that he will be able to fight back later. Lingdao.

"Okay, then you will absorb their blood now."

The spirit of the blood-mosquito stone immediately agreed, and after confirming that Lingdao was the main one, he could not continue to stay in the Baili family. He used to think of the capricorn of the Baili family and slowly swallowed their anger. Blood, now the plan is to ruin.

Lingdao's operation is quite ridiculous, and the blood-mosquito is engraved, which makes the blood-mosquito stone bloom out of the blood of the sky. The blood-mosquito stone carving has no yin and yang, because it is good for him to **** the blood of the hundred-year-old family warrior. There is no need to violate the order of the ridge.

"not good."

The patriarch of the Baili family who had mastered the blood-mosquito stone carvings had the deepest feeling. He was most closely connected with the blood-mosquito stone carvings. Now the blood-mosquito stone carvings began to absorb their blood. He was the most affected, only a moment, the Baili family. The patriarch is feeling that the power of qi and blood has dropped by 30%.

Other Baili family warriors, who have cultivated the blood passages and used the blood and blood provided by the blood-mosquito stone carvings, did not know that the blood-mosquito was engraved in the blood and they had already stamped themselves and entered them. in vivo.

Now they have absorbed all the blood and blood, not only all of them have given blood and stone carvings, but also with their own blood, they have become weak at the **** meeting, the fighting power is not as good as the heyday, now the blood loss, the fighting force again decline.


The changes of all the warriors of the Baili family naturally did not escape the eyes of the incomparable beast. I did not expect that the brother of the sword demon could really let the blood-mosquito stone recognize the Lord, and also manipulate the blood-mosquito stone to deal with the warriors of the Baili family.

"The patriarch, what to do."

Bai Lixi stood next to the patriarch and asked with concern. He could feel that he had lost 20% of his blood. Together with the influence of the **** meeting, his strength is now less than half of the heyday. Other elders I am afraid that it is better than him.

"I didn't expect that we were actually counted by three juniors, hateful."

Sword Demon, Ling Dao and Bai Li Xing are all juniors in the eyes of the Baili family patriarchs, because Ling Dao and Jian Mo are heavenly martial arts, Bai Li Xing is Tian Jun, and the patriarch of the Baili family is the Holy King, if He knows the true origin of the incomparable beast, I am afraid that he will not dare to regard the incomparable beast as a junior.

If there is no phase in the heyday, if you pull a hair casually, you can crush the patriarch of the Baili family. Unfortunately, the non-beast does not mean to bicker with the Baili family patriarch. The patriarch of the Baili family regards him as a junior. It is a good thing for him.

"All the hundred-family people listened to the orders and joined forces to kill them."

The patriarch of the Baili family has been hit hard, but it is still calm, not flustered. All the previous things are just because they are caught off guard. Now he has reacted, as long as all the warriors of the Baili family join forces to kill Lingdao, Jianmo and Barry Star is definitely a breeze.

"Yes, patriarch."

The patriarchs are their main bones. They are not fools. They naturally understand the truth of many people. Moreover, the swordsmen, Lingdao and Bailixing have not even one Tianzun. Even if Lingdao has mastered the blood-mosquito, so what.

"You deal with the hundred miles, and I deal with them both."

Bai Lixi sneered, and walked toward Lingdao and Jianmo. The other warriors of the Baili family were all unwilling to be arrogant. Baidaoxi was shameless. Lingdao and Jianmo are just Tianshi martial arts. It is easy to send a king. Solve them.

What is really difficult to deal with is the incomparable beast. In the past, there was no such thing as a broken soul. It was really stunned by the warriors of the Baili family. Fortunately, they were many people, and a mid-term Tianzun could not deal with the incompetent beast, the two three It is even the late Tianzun and the peak of Tianzun.

Bai Lixi did not go fast, because he wanted to know if Bai Lixi would turn to help Lin Dao and Jian Mo, but his fears were superfluous, and Bai Lixi did not mean to help Ling Dao and Jian Mo. It is naturally a piece of cake to deal with the two Heavenly Soldiers.

"Kid, I was going to let you live for a while. Since you are not looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

In fact, Bai Lixi wants to deal with Lingdao and Jianmo, not only because they are low in both realms, but also because the blood of the sword is strong, if he can completely absorb the blood of the sword, he may be able to go further. Become a holy king in one fell swoop.

How strong is the blood of Ling Dao, Bai Lixi does not know, anyway, he can certainly not be weak, at least stronger than himself. Now the patriarch has been hit hard, no one can stop him, the patriarch’s meaning is definitely to take the sword. Devil, continue to use the blood of the sword magic to practice, but Bai Lixi wants to enjoy the blood of the sword magic alone.

"I have to look at it, how do you deal with Tianzun."

No phase beast does not help Lingdao and Jianmo. First, because he and Lingdao and Jianmo are not single-minded, and second, because the sword magic previously said that Lingdao can deal with Tianzun, he also wants to know, to repair the Lingdao Tianbing Why, in the end, how to counter the Bai Lixi,

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