The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 226: Akira Takeko

The first round of battle and the second round of battles in the Tianbang list is not a confrontation between the warriors. Because of this, it is even more dangerous. If there is no token, it is very likely to die. The token is equivalent to all the amulets who compete in the battle of the warriors and can save their lives at critical moments.

After they left the registration office, Levin and the swordsman talked about the first round of fighting and the second round of fighting. Every 100 years, I will hold a battle for the top of the list. The participating warriors are naturally many, and let them have a one-on-one decision. I don’t know how long it will take to decide the top ten of the top.

Just an ancient imperial palace, there are millions of disciples to sign up, plus the disciples of other forces, the total number must be more than seven figures. The first round of combat and the second round of combat were to eliminate most of the warriors. Only the warriors of the first two rounds of combat can enter the third round of combat. At that time, it was the confrontation between the warriors.

What's more, there are two places in the ancient times, such as the Taiyin Hall and the Deadly House. The three great emperors add up, and all the registered warriors may have tens of millions. Fortunately, it’s just the chaos of the ancient domain. If the three thousand territories are all registered, will they still have it?

Sword Demon and Levin Yuan have already signed up, and naturally they are free. Before the start of the battle, everyone can do their best to improve their own strength. Lei Wenyuan is already the peak of the sky, and certainly can't break through the realm. Otherwise, he will not be able to participate in the battle.

In contrast, Lingdao not only enhances the realm, but must also raise the realm. It’s just that time is waiting for people. Before the start of the battle, it will be a problem for him to break through to the early days of the day. It is a pity that he is not a beastless, and he can break through the realm without any scruples.

If it is because of the battle of the heavens, and the realm is unstable, it will definitely not be worth the candle. It is not to say that the realm of arbitrarily piled up, you can win the first place in the Tianzhi list, the genius disciples of the emperor's forces, there will be no realm of ignorance. Once there is a problem in the realm of the sword, it is inevitable that they will not be able to beat the outstanding figures among them.

"What is the first round of combat and the second round of fighting, can you tell Lei?"

The token, still being placed in the Qiang Kun ring by the sword, is constantly being watched by people, and he is certainly not used to it. After the start of the battle for the list, it is not too late to drop the token into the body. What happened in Tianjian domain has already made him understand that the exercises he has cultivated cannot be exposed.

The solitary family itself is the emperor's power, and still wants to capture his ancient heaven and earth. The Taiyin Hall, the Ancient Emperor's Palace and the Desperate House are also the forces of the Emperor. It is difficult to guarantee that they have the same idea. What's more, there are other forces in the ancient times, and they are more eager for the emperor.

Even if the swordsmen have their hearts hidden, it is difficult to be protected by the powerful forces of the major forces and see the exercises they have cultivated. In the event that the ancient emperor palace, the Taiyin temple or the life-stricken building recognizes the ancient heavenly holy lotus, the sword demon will certainly be in danger. The three great emperors want to take him down. He must be unable to fly.

"The ancient world has a large number of small worlds. The first round of combat and the second round of combat should be to go to a small world and carry out some kind of trial. If you can pass the trial, you can enter the next round. Otherwise, It will be eliminated. As a result, most of the warriors can be brushed off, leaving only awesome!"

Even the power of a lonely family can master the world of the sword god. It is not surprising that the ancient palace has more worlds. The founder of the Solitary family, the **** of ambition, is not small, but also masters the world, and is named after the family. We must know that many celestial forces in the heavens are in the name of the family. Unfortunately, the sword **** did not become an emperor, and the solitude family can only be a power.

The sword magic nodded, did not continue to ask, want to come to Lei Wenyuan to know the limited, and then ask no questions. He is not the first day to know Lei Wenyuan. He naturally knows what kind of character Lei Wenyuan is. If Lei Wenyuan knows more things, even if he does not ask, Lei Wenyuan will say it.

"Di Yuan Zhao is here!"

Suddenly, someone next to him exclaimed that Di Yuanzhao was the non-prestige disciple who was qualified to fight with him. Di Yuanzhao, Nangong Tianjiao and Xiahouxuan, even if they rushed to the ancient palace, will be the biggest reaction caused by Di Yuanzhao. Because Di Yuanzhao once played against the two of the nine kings of the ancient emperor, and they have not lost.

Di Yuanzhao wore a black robes, a cyan dragon-shaped gold enamel band tied around his waist, and a long black hair, tied into a ponytail behind his head. His eyes are very unique, and among the black pupils, it seems that there is a flame burning. There was always a hint of coldness in his mouth, a look that everyone looked down on, obviously a conceited person.

"Mei Jianying, Luo Tianhao, I don't know if you can fight with me today?"

Even if Di Yuanzhao’s voice is not loud, everyone else is clearly heard. The names of Mei Jianying and Luo Tianhao, the swordsmen have all been mentioned by Lei Wenyuan, because they are also the nine great angels of the ancient palace. It is a pity that Mei Jianying, Luo Tianhao and Yuan Huaxin are weak and weak, and the sword magic does not know.

When Di Yuanzhao just came to the ancient palace, he dared to provoke Mei Jianying and Luo Tianhao, which shows that he has absolute confidence in his own strength. He is only a disciple of power. He has been fighting against Luo Tianhao and Mei Jianying many years ago. Today's strength is bound to be unfathomable.

"Lei Wenyuan, are you dare to come to participate in the Tianbang list?"

Just as the swordsman looked at Di Yuanzhao, another voice caught his attention. A Tianbang warrior walked toward Lei Wenyuan, a arrogant appearance. Just from his tone, the sword can be judged, he must have a contradiction with Levin.

"It turned out to be a martial brother. I don't know what this is. Isn't I qualified for the Tiangang list?"

Lei Wenyuan said that he didn’t smile, and he didn’t expect to meet Wu Ziming here. As the richest product in the chaotic ancient domain, Tianling Pavilion must have a talented disciple, and Wu Ziming is one of them. It is rumored that Wu Ziming once played against Luo Tianhao and fought for three hundred rounds before losing to Luo Tianhao.

Even so, Wu Ziming is still proud of himself, because Luo Tianhao is one of the nine great angels of the ancient palace. Moreover, after all, it was a thing of the past. After the war, Wu Ziming was obviously more crazy than before. Today's Wu Ziming is certainly not comparable in the past, but I don't know how to be weaker than the nine great days.

"Of course you can participate in the battle of the list, but you don't know if you owe me the Lingshi of the Tianling Pavilion. When will it be returned?"

The grievances of Wu Ziming and Lei Wenyuan must also be said from the time when Lei Wenyuan used the name of Wu Ziming to borrow Lingshi. The two of them have played against each other, but unfortunately it is an invincible game. No one has ever negotiated cheap. However, Wu Ziming did not think that Lei Wenyuan had taken the lead and took his personal jade.

Later, Lei Wenyuan gambled in a Tianling Pavilion for three days and three nights and lost millions of pieces of spiritual stone. There is no way, he had to take out the affair of Wu Ziming's personal jade, Wu Ziming is a genius disciple of the Tianling Pavilion, and the Tianling Pavilion in all places has to give a face.

In fact, even if there is no close-fitting jade of Wu Ziming, Tianling Pavilion will still borrow Levin Yuan Lingshi. However, Wu Ziming felt that Lei Wenyuan had deliberately humiliated him and thus pursued Lei Wenyuan all the way. It is a pity that with the strength of Wu Ziming, it is impossible to kill Lei Wenyuan. What makes Wu Ziming angry is that Lei Wenyuan escaped from his eyelids.

Once again, seeing Lei Wenyuan, Wu Ziming certainly cannot suppress the anger in the chest. If there are other powerful people around, Wu Ziming may be on the spot. Of course, it is also related to the strength of Lei Wenyuan. Even if the strength of Wu Ziming is greatly improved, there is still no guarantee that he will take Lei Wenyuan without injury, let alone kill Lei Wenyuan.

"When I take the first place and sell the fruits, I will naturally return you to the Tianling Pavilion. What are you worried about?"

Lei Wenyuan said in a big way, don't say that Wu Ziming sneered, and others felt that Levin was far from being mad. Wu Ziming has a good understanding of the strength of Lei Wenyuan. Others do not know the power of Lei Wenyuan. He also thinks that he is a nameless **** and is dreaming of spring and autumn.

"I have never seen such a brazen man!"

Wu Ziming shook his head and satirized Lei Wenyuan. Unfortunately, Lei Wenyuan was not moved at all. It seems that Wu Ziming is not laughing at him at all. The thick skin of Lei Wenyuan is definitely not comparable to Wu Ziming, and even the swordsmen must sigh.

"I hope that you can survive the first two rounds of fighting. If you meet me in the back, you will definitely not be merciful!"

In fact, Wu Ziming knew clearly that as long as there was no accident, Lei Wenyuan passed the first two rounds of tests and certainly had no problems. When other people heard him, they mourned for Lei Wenyuan. A nameless **** was actually hated by the genius disciple of Tianlinge. It was really unfortunate.

"Boy, advise you, it is better to stay away from Levin, otherwise, you don't know how to die!"

Wu Ziming's eyes brightened, but he noticed the swordsman who walked away with Lei Wen. In order to avoid the attention of others, the sword magic deliberately exposes its own realm, and only he is the peak of the heavenly dynasty, naturally can not attract the attention of others. The battle for the Tianbang list is the stage for the martial arts champions, and has little to do with him.

"My business, why do you have to gossip?"

The sword magic returned coldly, it is no longer talking. Standing next to the sword demon, Lian Er was unhappy and took a look at Wu Ziming. Well, Lei Wenyuan had been able to compete with Wu Ziming. Even if Lei Wen was a bit far away, Wu Ziming could accept it.

However, now a celestial warrior who dares to disrespect him, really makes him feel shame. Wu Ziming's face sank, and others knew that the sword demon must be unlucky. In the world of weak meat and strong food, everything must be said with strength. The Heavenly Soldiers will be offended by the martial arts. What good can they end?

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