The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 246: Second round of combat

"Right, I forgot to say the last point, I can only move forward, I can't back."

The words of Huangfu Tianzun made many warriors a glimpse. Before he said that there were indeed warriors who planned to retreat, the rules in front of them still had loopholes. For example, he eliminated the warriors on the second island ten days later, but after fifteen days, some warriors You can return to the second island from the fourth island, and when it is almost twenty days, they will kill it later.

Originally still a joke sword, but also feel that Huangfu Tianzun seems to be special with the sword magic, if the sword magic retreats to the second island, it is certainly safer, but unfortunately the rules of the Emperor Tianzun, so that the sword magic has only two options, Either stay on the fifth island or go to the sixth island.

"Sword Demon, Sword Demon, originally wanted to kill you in the third round of combat. Now it seems that you are not qualified to participate in the third round of combat."

Di Yuanzhao is very proud, because the second round of fighting is the end of the sword, the talent and potential are big, the realm is too low, it is useless, those fierce beasts will not suppress the realm, and the sword demon will fight in the same realm It’s just the fifth island. The fierce beast has a peak in the sky. It’s a problem for the sword to survive on the fifth island, let alone go to the sixth island.

"It's a pity, the third round of fighting, nothing to do with you."

Gu Hong sighed. He originally planned that if the swordsman could enter the third round of combat, he would confront the swordsman in the same realm. Now it seems that the swordsmen will be eliminated in the second round of fighting. If you want to fight against the swordsman, you can only wait for the day to find the opportunity after the end of the battle.

"In any case, your first round of fighting has already gone out of the limelight. If you eliminate the second round of combat, you should eliminate it. Don't be reluctant."

Lei Wenyuan is worried that the swordsman is reluctant. Anyway, with the realm of the swordsman, even if it is eliminated, there will be nothing. In the early days, Tianyi wants to compete with a group of them in the sky. It is simply defeated, the fierceness of the fifth island. The beast is already the peak of the sky. If the sword demon encounters a beast with the strength of the king, if you do not use the token, you will die.

Lingdao has a life-saving grace for Levin, and he is willing to pay all the debts to Lei Wenyuan. If there is something out of the sword magic, Lei Wenyuan will definitely not see the Lingdao in the future. Lingdao has already traveled to Tianling, Lei. Wen Yuan has already asked the Sword Demon, and the Sword Devil said that the Emperor’s singer’s ritual has not yet begun, and it’s completely time to wait until the end of the day.

"Oops, the sword is on the fifth island, how can I kill him."

Luo Tiancheng frowned, the seventh man, only on the third island, Luo Tianhao has given him the porcelain bottle, but if you can't see the sword, Luo Tiancheng can't remove the sword, but fortunately Luo Tiancheng Two days ago, it broke through in the middle of the day.

In the realm of Luo Tiancheng, as long as luck is not too bad, there is no problem in killing the fifth island, others have time to waste, Luo Tiancheng does not, because he is worried that the sword devil is in danger, has not waited for him to reach the fifth island, sword The devil uses the token and leaves the ancient animal world.

The sword demon used to practice in the ancient source world. Luo Tiancheng and Luo Tianhao all took it for granted that the sword demon is a disciple of the ancient emperor. If you miss this opportunity and want to kill the sword, it is certainly not easy. Unfortunately, Luo Tianhao did not enter. Come, or else to use Luo Tianhao's ability, to remove the sword magic, certainly more than Luo Tiancheng.

"What's the use of the first round of combat, and it's not in the end."

Outside Luo Tianhao always pays attention to the second round of fighting. If the sword is dead, it will definitely cause a sensation. Huangfu Tianzun directly sent the sword to the fifth island. Luo Tianhao is both happy and worried. Happy, the sword is In the fifth island, there is a lot of danger. The worry is that Luo Tiancheng has no way to get rid of the sword.

Whether it is hostile to the sword magic, or optimistic about the sword magic, they feel that the second round of the sword magic battle is only eliminated, the vast ancient palace, only one person, always believe that the sword magic can pass the second round of fighting, she is Lian Er, other people even if they are Lei Wenyuan and Zhong Xingba, they all believe that the sword can not enter the third round of fighting.

"The fifth island, the beast of the peak of the sky, just give me the sword."

Fortunately, others don’t know the thoughts of the swordsman, or they must think that he is a madman. Only when he is in the early days, he wants to take the swords of the beasts of the peaks of the heavens. You must know that the beasts of the fifth island can also kill. Death of the sixth island, the seventh island on the beast of the beasts of life, the sword demon encounters only the beasts of the heavens and the peaks of the fierce beasts, if you encounter the beast with the king's fighting power, it will certainly not be better.

In the first round of fighting, in the dream of the ancient dream world, the sword demon used a month to grind his sword more purely. Now, the second round of battle, the real battle of life and death, can completely make him Sword method, once again upgrade a level.

Confidence is one thing, the sword magic can not be smashed, the fifth island is very big, the beasts are thousands, if he provokes a herd, even if he does it all, he can only use the token to leave the ancient beast. In the world, the fifth island is now alone, and everyone else is still in front of the island.

"After the end of the second round of fighting, the ten most outstanding young warriors will also be rewarded in the first round of combat."

The emperor Tianzun said that he has finished speaking. Next, he will look at the performances of the warriors in the ancient animal world. It is life and death. Emperor Huangzhao will not control. The ancient animal world is a real experience. If he has others, he will protect others. Life, how to get the effect of the experience.

He did not say that the top ten of the second round of combat is crucial because the rewards he prepared are very useful and better than the rewards of the first round of combat. Others guess that he and the swords are the right ones. In fact, this is not the case. On the first day, how can you use a dark means for a junior.

Moreover, Huangfu Tianzun and Jianmo are innocent and invincible. There is no reason to deal with the sword magic. The reward for the first round of combat is that he has already prepared. If Gu Hong is the first, he will still send the ancient flood. The fifth island, in his view, the first few islands, it is a waste of time, the more the island behind, the more tempered effect.

"I don't know, after a month, can anyone go to the ninth island."

The fierce beast of the ninth island is already the peak of the king. If Su Yuyu participates in the second round of battle, Huangfu Tianzun believes that Su Yuyu will definitely kill the ninth island. Unfortunately, Su Yuyu is the head of the Nine Heavens, and does not need to participate in the first In the second round of fighting, the remaining warriors, Huangfu Tianzun did not know who had the courage to go to the ninth island.

"Snow, if you enter the Beast Island, you will eventually go to which island."

The people who are concerned about the second round of combat are obviously much more than the first round. Ning Siyu and Mu Xue are coming together. Those who can pass the second round of fighting may be their opponents in the third round of fighting. You can know who your opponents are, and you are sure to be good for them.

It is a pity that Huangfu Tianzun did not project the situation of the Beast Island. Otherwise, they can look at what kind of means the warriors have. Now they want to see who can kill the ninth island or the eighth island. The warriors who went to the Seventh Island did not pose any threat to them.

"It is said that the swordsman is only in the early days of the sky. It seems that this day will be the battle for the list, and his road has come to an end."

Mu Xue did not answer the question of Ning Siyu, but raised the sword magic, who was able to beat the young genius of Gu Hong in the first round of fighting. She was very interested. She was so low in the realm of swords and she wanted to be in the third round. It’s obviously impossible to see the spirit of the swordsman in battle.

"There is nothing to regret, even if the swordsman is even more powerful, can you pass the Su brothers?"

Ning Siyu itself is the second and third person in the Nine Great Heavens. Only she can admire her. Su Shiyu has challenged Su Yuyu again and again. Unfortunately, she has not won more than once, and even has no possibility of leveling. Moreover, she also knows that Su Yuyu is able to perform with ease every time.

In other words, Ning Siyu did not even have the qualifications for Su Yuyu to go all out. If Su Yuyu was serious, Ning Siyu did not know that he could hold a few moves. Anyway, Su Yuyu’s strength far surpassed that of the other nine. Tianzhu, the most admired person of Ning Siyu, is Su Yuyu.

"Okay, your Supreme brother is the best. Go."

Mu Xue squinted at Ningsi Yu’s eyes, making Ningsi’s rain instantly redden her face. She did not deliberately temper Ningsiyu, but Su Yuyu was really powerful. Under Yuwang, Su Yuyu was absolutely looking for in the ancient palace. Less than the opponent, perhaps, only the saint of the Taiyin Temple and the person who killed the building, can compete with Su Yuyu.

The sacred woman of the Taiyin Temple is the daughter of the Taiyin Temple Emperor. It is similar to Gu Hong’s identity. As the biological daughter of the Emperor, the Emperor personally pointed out that it would be difficult to think of it. As for the person who killed the building, it is even more It’s terrible, because he crawled out of the dead. From the time he knew something, he kept killing. Until now, the warriors who died in his hands have countless.

"You said, who will be the first to kill the fifth island where the sword is located, is Di Yuanzhao, or Zongrenfu."

The sword demon is sent directly to the fifth island by Huangfu Tianzun. Of course, no one else wants to go to the fifth island. It can only kill the past. The three young warriors on the fourth island will definitely kill the fifth. The island, other warriors can not compete with them, and now there are three warriors on the fourth island, most of them are optimistic about Di Yuanzhao and Zongrenfu.

Di Yuanzhao has already become famous. He is able to compete with Luo Tianhao and Mei Jianying. The young genius of the nine great heavens, Zongrenfu has recently risen, but his talent is very high. Once he becomes a heavenly king, he must You can compete with the Nine Heavens.

"In the first round of fighting, I lost to the swordsman, the second round of fighting, I will not lose to anyone."

Gu Hong’s body exudes a terrible momentum. If someone is standing next to him, he will find that Gu Hong’s cultivation is much higher than they think. As a great family, he is born with auxiliary cultivation. The array, coupled with the inexhaustible resources of cultivation, is only fifteen years old, and he is already a late warrior.

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